Is it possible that

Mo Di's brain hole is wide open for a moment.

Is it possible that Feng Zhi is not a little girl in her twenties, but who is able to win her house and be reborn?

However, Mo Di immediately denied this conjecture.

Even if the body is destroyed, as long as the original infant is still alive, he can find a body that matches his own as soon as possible, which is really able to snatch away and be reborn.

Therefore, the body of the body does not fit in with the body.

Naturally, people with lower strength can't see this. However, for a master like Mo Di, it only needs one glance to see whether a cultivator's young baby and his body are in perfect agreement, and from this we can judge whether the cultivator is reborn or not.

And Fengzhi

Mo Di how to see, did not see her body has the trace of seizing the house.

If Feng Zhi knew what Mo Di was thinking at this time, he would turn a big white eye.

Of course, there will not be any traces of rebirth, but she is a child wear, and there is no relationship between her and her rebirth!

Mo Di did not think deeply.

In the battle, where does he have so much time to explore these?

Because he was not well prepared for Feng Zhi's divine sense, Mo Di's word "kill" just flickered twice in the air and then disappeared.

Mo Di didn't stop at all and turned the book again. However, there was no word flying out of the book this time. Instead, a word was written on the book directly by the judge's pen.

His action is very fast. At the moment of his last stroke, the book suddenly lights up. Several crisscross golden lights are ejected from the book. In a blink of an eye, they interweave into a cage composed of golden lights. Once the cage is formed, it pours towards the Phoenix.

Feng to no carelessness.

The cage did not look any special, but the breath from it made Feng's heart beat faster. Her intuition told her that if it was really covered by this cage, it would be very dangerous.

Now that he knows the danger, Feng Zhi will not let himself fall into danger.

Her feet gently move, the whole person will be like a gust of wind general floating up, after maintaining a high-speed movement, so that the cage can not be close to her.

However, the cage seems to recognize Fengzhi. Although it can't catch up with Fengzhi, it has been following Fengzhi all the time. There is a kind of meaning that he will not stop after Feng Zhi.

Feng to ignore the cage.

No matter how dangerous things, as long as they can't touch her, there will be no danger.

When she kept moving at a high speed, her movements did not stop. When the sword of killing immortals was waved forward again, a pale flame was waved out. After it was turned into fire phoenix, every nine of them were combined into one. Then she sent out a series of Phoenix chants and rushed towards the enemy.

Mo Di suffered some losses in Huofeng's hand before, so he didn't dare to be careless. The deep aura in his body was constantly extracted from the young and poured into the judge's pen in his hand. He told that the pen tip of the judge's pen was more brilliant, even with some powerful power that can be called "extinction", and then the tip of the pen moved towards the fire phoenix It's in.

If the judge's pen is really hit like this, the fire phoenix designation is not good.

Looking at the nib of the pen, one of the fire phoenixes is still moving at a high speed. In the yard, there is a phoenix with unknown shadow. However, the sword of killing immortals points to those Phoenix in a distance, "array knot!"

At the same time, the position of the fire phoenix changed suddenly. It seemed that it formed an array directly.


Don't be surprised.

That is to say, in such a moment, the fire phoenix has formed two circles in accordance with a certain direction. After that, the fire phoenix in these two circles did not attack the enemy any more, but moved along the track of these two circles.

Therefore, the speed of the fire phoenix can only be seen in the eyes of the two flaming Phoenix.

The two circles are rotating in opposite directions and look like one

High speed gear, or saw with powerful cutting ability!

Feng to see more than a smile on the lip, she spit out a word, "go!"

The two gears or saws formed by the fire phoenix turned toward the place where the enemy was, with the sound of howling.

Mo Di's face changed in succession.

He can feel how powerful these two circles are rotating in the opposite direction. Even if he is a strong man in the middle stage of out of the body, if he doesn't deal with it well, he is afraid that he will suffer from Fengzhi's move.

These thoughts only flashed in Mo Di's heart. Now what he should do most is to deal with Feng Zhi.

The book in the hand is like being blown by the wind, constantly turning pages, and one after another with golden words, it flies out of the book.These words floated in the air, and before people could see their contents clearly, they fused directly together. Finally, a mountain like barrier was formed in front of Mo Di, which directly blocked the sawtooth formed by Mo Di and the fire phoenix.

This barrier will be formed, and the flame Phoenix saw tooth has already been killed.

The sharp beaks of the flaming Phoenix turn towards the outside, forming sharp white serrations flashing one by one. After this high-speed rotation, it has a very strong tearing force. Even the air around the serrations has been cut into a faint tendency to burst.

Such a momentum is indeed appalling.

And the barrier in front of modi is now condensed into the shape of a mountain. With its massiness and firmness, it meets the sawtooth formed by the fire phoenix.

At the moment of the transition, all the practitioners in the yard, even those far away from the inn, could only hear such a sharp voice as "Yi La", which almost pierced the gap between them.

The sound seemed to be heard directly in the sea of knowledge. Even if they had covered their ears because they could not bear it, the situation did not change.

In such a short time, Fengzhi and modi didn't see any big problem. However, the disciples of donglaizong and the unrelated practitioners around the inn suffered a lot. Some people with lower accomplishments were even paralyzed and could only fall to the ground without any strength.

What's going on here!

Many people have such doubts at the same time.

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