When it recovered some more, Feng to a pair of Danfeng eyes toward the four sides gently swept.

"Why, are you here to have a friendly exchange with me?" Feng to the present mood is not very good, so the tone of voice can not be better.

The word "friendly" is clearly said in her mouth, but listening to her meaning, where is the meaning of friendship?

Because of Feng Zhi's words, those who had been standing on the spot had seen the lively practitioners, so they were suddenly shocked, and then scattered as birds and beasts, and did not dare to stay here.

If Fengzhi really wants to have a "friendly" competition with them, then they may be even more miserable than the fate of Mobi, don't know how many times?

However, in such a short period of time, Dongyang city sounded a lot of whistling, which is the wind that these practitioners try their best to stay away from here.

Feng did not relax.

Although the aura in her body has not been restored, her divine consciousness has not been damaged. Although she is just standing in the same place, her divine consciousness is always sending out to explore all possible potential threats around her.

Fortunately, those practitioners walk very clean.

After confirming that there was no one around, Fengzhi waited for a while, until the aura in her body recovered to half of its appearance, and then she began to move again.

This time, the pressure is

It's a bit too much, and I almost put myself in.

Feng to in the heart to the previous move Danfeng Chaoyang a conclusion.

After a few steps in the yard, she made sure that she was not in a big way. Then she went to the corner and came to Mo Di, who was already unconscious.

Fengzhi originally wanted to slip Mody up, but seeing that Mo Di couldn't bear to take a look at it now, she couldn't make up her mind to carry Mody by herself, so she thought of another way to condense the little aura that she had just recovered into several ropes, and tied up Mody firmly. She just needed to hold one end of the rope gently PULL.

The next moment, Mo Di's body floats in the air, and is floated up a distance by Feng to Yila.

Well, that's good.

Feng Zhi thinks so.

After that, Feng Zhi took Mo Di back to his school's cave.

This inn has been destroyed. It is not only unsafe, but also there is no place for Phoenix to rest. In the space, Long Yan is making a breakthrough, so he can't go there.

You can only come to the master's cave.

When Fengzhi appeared, Yunxia four people, who had been worried for a long time in the cave, were surprised. After seeing that Fengzhi came in, they were relieved.

"Fengzhi, here you are

The four people greet Feng Zhi.

Then, the four pairs of eyes fell on Feng Zhi's body, while he looked at him and asked, "Fengzhi, are you ok? How is Mody now? Did you get hurt? "

Just listening to the questions they asked, we can see that the four of Yunxia didn't think Fengzhi could get a bargain from Mody at all.

After all, Mody has been famous for hundreds of years, and she is also a big elder of donglaizong. Even if she has the strength of being out of the body, her strength is a little lower than that of Mody, an old strong man. In addition, Fengzhi's age

If they think Fengzhi can win the invincible, that's strange.

Feng Zhi was not angry at their idea.

Even she herself, in fact, was not sure whether she could get out of Mo's hands before the fight started. If not, she would not have arranged Yunxia four early.

Hearing the four people's questions, Feng Zhi pulled the rope formed by the condensation of aura in her hand, and floated behind her in the air. Even if she was in a coma, she was spitting blood out of her body, so she slipped forward and appeared in the sight of the four Yunxia.

Previously, they only worried about the situation of Fengzhi, but the four of Yunxia didn't notice that Fengzhi still held such a person in his hand.

At this time, his eyes fell on Mo Di, and then

All four were quiet.

"This is..." Yunxia looks very careful.

Yun Zhou, who usually talks the least, also opens his mouth at this time. It's very difficult to answer Can you beat me

Yunyan and Yunchuan looked longingly at Feng Zhi, waiting to see her reaction.

Feng Zhi nodded without hesitation, "yes, this is what you want."

four people make complaints about it in the heart.

They don't want to be invincible at all, OK?


Even now the fact has been put in front of them, but the four of Yunxia still think that this is just like a Arabian Night, so they can't believe it.


Fengzhi not only defeated Mody, but also directly captured him with exaggeration?

As long as they think about it, the four of Yunxia are excited. Even if they didn't make it by themselves, in their heart, Fengzhi is the people on their side, and they will naturally be proud of it.As a matter of fact, now they are all in a faint regret.

If they had known that Fengzhi could do such a feat, they would have asked Fengzhi to put them outside, and they would have a good look at how Fengzhi did it.

After being shocked, Yunzhou thought of another question, "Fengzhi, modi was caught by you. What about the disciples of donglaizong?"

In Yunzhou's opinion, the worst disciples of donglaizong are Jindan period, and there are two yuanyingqi disciples. This is also a great battle force. If they are allowed to escape, they may be provoked by some demon moths.

Hearing Yunzhou raise this question, Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows and said in a very light way: "Oh, you said those people, just now, when they were fighting against Mo, one of them accidentally exerted too much force, which not only made Mo Di look half dead, but also evaporated the disciples of donglaizong directly..."

The four looked at Feng as if they were looking at something strange.


What's the answer? They all think their brains are not enough.

The cloud smoke trembles the voice way: "Feng Zhi, what is called steaming Evaporated? "

For this question, Feng Zhi only thought about it for a moment, and then replied with great certainty: "evaporation, this is a natural phenomenon. You probably have seen it at ordinary times. If you put a drop of water on the burning flame, the drop will disappear soundlessly, which is evaporation."

All four were a little bit crazy.

What they want to ask is how Fengzhi evaporates so many elite disciples of donglaizong. They don't want her to explain what evaporation is, OK?

Fengzhi then said: "in fact, it's not a big deal. It's just that I made a sun, and they evaporated under the high temperature."

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