Made a sun?

Yunxia four people are a little sad.

They don't know whether Fengzhi is bragging or telling the truth, but according to their understanding of Fengzhi, Fengzhi should not disdain to tell such a lie.

So, Feng Zhi really made a sun?

All of a sudden, they felt that Feng Zhi should not stand on the ground at all. She should fly to the sky, and then shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

It's not right. Fengzhi can make a sun directly in the evening. It's not enough to describe her side by side with the sun

The four people in Yunxia are all moving around.

They didn't ask any more questions.

Since Fengzhi has already captured Mody, it is natural that he has won a complete victory. As for whether he will become enmity with donglaizong, hehe, they have long been enemies with donglaizong, OK?

Otherwise, how could Mo Di take such people and try to draw Feng Zhi out of the four of them?

Mo Di's plan was successful. Feng Zhi did come out to save the four of them. However, Mo Di himself got in.

These must have been unexpected by Mo Di and those elite disciples of Donglai sect.

Yunxia pointed to Mo Di who was still floating in the air and asked, "then, Feng Zhi, how do you want to deal with him?"

That's a real problem.

Feng Zhi thought for a moment, "didn't he tell me that he would give you to Xie Xiu as a furnace cauldron? Of course, we should let him have a good experience of this kind of thing..."

Listen to Feng to say "furnace Ding" two words, Yunxia four faces are a burst of ugly.

If Fengzhi hadn't come back in time, they would have been doomed to die after making a cauldron.

It is also because of this, now looking at the half dead Mody, Yunxia four people's eyes with some deep hatred.

Fengzhi was thinking again: "if you want him to be a furnace cauldron, you can't let him die, so this wound still needs to be treated. However, Mo Di's strength is in the middle of his body's body. If his injury is completely cured, don't say whether he can escape from my hand, that is, he didn't escape. He really handed him over to the nun in the evil cultivation, and then several people could take him up Is it? "

Feng to think about, after a long time to come up with a way.

She looked down at her upper body, which was almost stained with blood, and then directly raised a hand and stretched out towards the heavenly cover.

The four of Yunxia thought that Fengzhi was going to smash Mobi's heavenly cover directly, but in fact, Fengzhi didn't mean to kill him at all. She just dropped her five fingers about an inch across Mody's head, and then the divine sense invaded the sea of knowledge.

Mo Di was in a coma of vomiting blood, and his aura was almost broken. Of course, his sea of knowledge would not be very peaceful.

Modi is a practitioner in the period of leaving the body. Although his knowledge of the sea is far less than that of Fengzhi, it is also very broad. However, after modi's coma, his sea of knowledge is like experiencing a sudden snowstorm, which is almost completely frozen up.

This means that Mobi's knowledge of the sea has also been greatly damaged.

Feng Zhi whistled.

Look at this. Don't say that she won't cure Mody's wounds. It's just that she has cured Mody's wounds. Mo Di is afraid that she can't escape from her hands.

Of course, in case of emergency, Fengzhi's divine consciousness did not relax or stop in the mindI's sea of knowledge, and went directly to the deepest place of modi's sea of knowledge.

There, is the soul of Mody.

See Mo Di that extremely dispirited, almost no light soul, Feng Zhi's eyes a light.

Then, the hand that she put on the top of the magic cover of the invincible also unconsciously grasped into a claw shape.

Feng Zhi's hand is obviously empty, but she seems to be holding something heavy in her hand. She is very careful to pull out her hand a little bit, as if she is pulling something out of her mind.

This is

The four people of Yunxia were confused.

Feng Zhi did not explain to them.

Until she completely pulled out the soul of Mo Di, Mo Di's body convulsed for a while, and she spat out a mouthful of blood without money.

After that, the Phoenix to that originally empty palm heart, there is a group of light to come.

as like as two peas in a transparent ball, if you look carefully, you can see that the figure of the figure is exactly the same as the mob that they have seen before.

Yunxia four people immediately understand.

This is the soul of Mody!

Mo Di's soul didn't know whether it was panic or fear at this time. In short, the expression on his face had changed. He kept picking at the edge of the transparent ball, and kept opening his mouth and yelling at Fengzhi and Yunxia.

However, because the cover is sound proof, what is Mo Di calling after all, but no one heard it."Now you don't have to worry about him running away when he's healed." Feng Zhi holds the ball with Mo Di's soul in his hand and plays in his heart. He doesn't care about Mo Di's soul in it.

The four of Yunxia suddenly realized.

It turns out that the reason why Fengzhi pulled out Mo Di's soul was to prevent her from running after she cured him.

They all have to admit that Feng Zhi's method is really brilliant.

Without soul, Mo Di is now a walking corpse, even if his body has not died out, and even has breathing, but he can only be regarded as a living dead person.

Even if Mo Di's soul can't return to the body in a certain period of time, his body can't exist for long.

Feng Zhi collected Mo Di's soul, then put out her finger and hooked it. Mo Di's mouth opened slightly.

From the space to take out a variety of healing pills, Fengzhi also no matter what is wrong, the same pour two directly into the mouth of Mo Di.

In any case, even if Mo Di had no soul, he also had the body of a practitioner in the out of body period. He only took a few pills of pills. How could he cause any serious consequences?

What's more, Fengzhi just wants to leave an invincible breath. As long as a person doesn't die, it doesn't matter. As for the multiple injuries he will suffer, it has nothing to do with Fengzhi.

However, after taking the pills given by Fengzhi, Mo Di's wound is really getting better at a very fast speed. The most obvious reaction is that his slightly shriveled body due to dehydration begins to become more elastic. However, he has not vomited blood again since he was about to vomit out two mouthfuls of fresh blood after a while.

Then, Yunxia and Yunyan took a look at Mody, and then they suddenly exclaimed.

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