Even in the practice world, there is a difference between the rich and the poor.

For example, in Dongyang City, those who do not lack spiritual stones live in the south of the city, while those who want to break a piece of spirit stone into two halves live in the north of the city.

And Feng to several people now arrive at this alley, that is even more a slum in the slum.

It's a shabby house, a stone slab full of moss, and sewage with various flavors accumulated on the stone slab


Feng Zhilian shakes her head.

If she didn't know clearly that this was a virtual spiritual realm and a place for all the people to practice, she would have thought that this was the slum on earth.

How could those evil monks live in such a place?

Feng Zhi didn't believe it.

Because they all pursue to go to extremes and even use some extremely vicious methods to improve their own strength, the cultivation progress in the early stage is extremely fast, generally much more powerful than the same level of orthodox monks.

How can we say that the strength of these evil cults will not be low. How would they prefer to live in such a place and live like some mice in the sewer?

Just when Feng Zhi thought about it like this, two heads came out of the alley. They were the brothers who asked Feng Zhi to come here.

Seeing Feng to several people, the brothers were relieved.

They have been worried these days, for fear that Fengzhi will let them off. In that case, they don't know whether they will be directly torn by those angry evil nuns.

The furnace cauldron in the middle of being out of the body has not any resistance ability. Anyone who has got it can directly collect and replenish it. This is a good thing. These three days, those evil nuns are as excited as if they had beaten chicken blood, OK?

If you tell them at this time, it's just a joke


Can they just accept that?

I want to know what the result will be.

Therefore, seeing Feng Zhi at this time, the two brothers seemed to have seen a savior.

They quickly waved to Feng Zhi, "Auntie, here, here..."

As for Feng, she was walking towards them.

However, the two brothers found that although Fengzhi seemed to have stepped on the ground firmly, in fact, her feet did not touch the ground at all, but floated in the air less than half an inch from the ground.

If you take a closer look, even the long skirt from Phoenix to the ground is the same, and it is not even dragged to the ground, which is polluted by the sewage.

Then they looked at each other and said nothing else.

When the people are together, they take Feng to the deep alley.

The more you go inside, the more surprised the Phoenix will be.

On the surface, this alley looks dirty and broken, but when you really go inside, you will find that the broken and dirty are only on the surface. The real situation is that this lane is not only not dirty but also makes Fengzhi feel a bit of low-key luxury.

Sure enough

In the end, it is also a place where evil cults with high accomplishments live. If they really like to live in dirty and broken places, it will be really strange.

At the end of the alley, there is a brick wall.

The two brothers didn't mean to stop. They went straight to the wall.

The next moment, the two men disappeared into the wall.


Feng Zhi made a final conclusion in her heart.

She then set up a border around herself and the four Yunxia people, which could resist at least three attacks of the original infant nuns. Then she led the four people into the wall.

Sure enough, the wall is a cover up. The world behind the wall is so different from the alley outside. There is no luxury or delicacy in the distance, no matter whether it is a plant, a brick or a tile.

Right, this is in line with the appearance of Fengzhi's evil cultivation settlement.

Feng Zhi's five people were fresh faces, so they came here. All the evil monks who had been doing their own business all looked over.

As evil monks, they can live in Dongyang City with swagger. They don't worry about being surrounded and exterminated by righteous monks who have a strong sense of justice. Naturally, these people's strength is tolerable.

Feng Zhi shook her eyes and saw that there were more than a dozen evil practitioners in the sight range, both men and women. Their faces were full of evil spirits. The timid ones were afraid that they would seep into others.

The four of Yunxia were a little timid. They took a look at these people, and they looked back at them and quickly took them back.

After that, these evil practices began to discuss in front of Feng Zhi's five people.

"Oh, Xu Da Xu Er, how many chicks have you brought in today for us to enjoy?"

"There are still three little girls who look more and more upright. Is this to make our brothers have a good time?"……


Don't be too arrogant.

The skin of Yunxia and Yunyan faces is thin, and they have a terrible impression on the evil cultivation that can not be erased. Therefore, after hearing these people say this, they can only lean close to Fengzhi and wish to hide behind Fengzhi directly.

Yunchuan and Yunzhou, seeing the reaction of Yunxia and Yunyan, immediately widened their eyes and tried to make their eyes full of killing intention.

Of course, they are so fierce and insidious that they do not know how many lives and deaths they have seen. On the contrary, they make people laugh again and again.

Fortunately, these people just moved their mouths. I don't know if they had any agreement with the two brothers named Xu Da and Xu Er, but no one started.

As for Feng, she patted Yunxia and Yunyan on the shoulder. "Don't worry, these people are just talking about it. If you really want to ask them to do it, they dare not..."

The ending of Fengzhi is very long.

Those evil monks who had been laughing wantonly were quiet when they heard this.

One of them is a strong man with a bald head that can almost shine. His face is full of flesh and blood. He squints his eyes and looks at Feng. "You little girl, it's interesting It's said that a young woman in her twenties in Dongyang City had a big fight with Mody of donglaizong a few days ago. She not only defeated Mody, but also abducted him. I think you are the little girl? "

Feng Zhi smiles.

Although she didn't respond to anything, anyone could see that she was acquiescence.

The bald head then reached out and touched his shining head. "Little girl, it's really interesting and courageous. It's said that the nuns here are so excited these days that they'd like to have a fight at any time, because there's a monk who is in the middle of out of the body who can help them..."

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