It's interesting and interesting to say that Feng is bald. That's true.

In the virtual spirit realm, those righteous monks who heard the word "evil cultivation" were disgusted one by one, as if they were something that pollutes the world. What's more, they would like to take up the sword and fight against the evil cultivation.

What about Fengzhi?

Looking at their young appearance, regardless of their strength, seeing so many evil cults, they not only have no fear, no disgust and no hatred, but also can talk with them.

Isn't that interesting?

However, for other evil cults, their focus is not here.

What they noticed was that they talked about Mo Di's battle with a young girl and his defeat some days ago, as well as the fact that Feng Zhi had a monk in his hands who could be used as a tonic in the middle of his life.

Everyone is quiet again.

All the people present know about it.

Baldheads say this now because

Many evil monks narrowed their eyes.

Is it difficult to do so? The one who is allowed to collect and mend in the middle of the out of body period is the enemy of donglaizong?

And this seemingly harmless little girl in front of her is the Fengzhi who defeated and captured Mody?

Most of them gasped.

In fact, the cultivation of these evil practices is also uneven. Most of them are concentrated in the golden elixir period, a small part of them are in the Yuanying period, and a few are in the out of body stage.

For example, he is out of the body period.

It is also because of his strength that when he spoke earlier, other people would be quiet.

This is an invisible awe.

Since most of the people's strength is not in the out of body period, how can these people not be shocked to see a little girl like Feng Zhi who is actually an out of body master who can defeat Mo Di?

Although I've heard about it for a long time, it's quite different between hearing and seeing, OK?

They would not have believed such a strange thing had it not been for the bareheaded.

In such a quiet, Feng Zhiyang lip a smile, looks more beautiful and harmless than the appearance, "everyone, I'm Fengzhi."

I'm Fengzhi.

It's just four words, but the confidence contained in it is something that everyone can feel.

"This bald uncle," Feng Zhi looked at his bald head, "I'm just making use of the war power waste in my hand, and I can bring benefits to the nuns who can use it. Shouldn't you support this mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial thing?"

It is clear that he is facing all the vicious cults in the legend, but Fengzhi has no fear.

The world of evil cults is much more cruel than that of orthodox monks. Because of this, what all evil practitioners learn on their first day is how to distinguish who can be provoked and who can't.

The strength is higher than their own, of course, can not be provoked.

Therefore, after Feng Zhi's voice dropped, most of the evil cults only kept quiet and did not dare to show any disrespect.

Evil cultivation, they more fanatically believe in the principle of respecting the strong.

When Feng Zhi said this, she laughed twice, "you little girl is really interesting. In a word, I think your style of behavior is more evil than those of us."

Feng to blink, "bald uncle, you don't want to throw sewage on my head, but I can't be more positive, where can be called what evil is not evil."

So they secretly "ha ha" in their hearts.

What does Fengzhi have to do with the word "Zheng" when he can take down the great elder of the orthodox sect like donglaizong, and even make a decision to bring Mody to the evil female Xiucai mending?

Bareheaded and waved, "OK, I don't want to take care of these things. I'll call those girls happy."

Bald head is the highest cultivation among all the evil cults here. He has already spoken. Other people have neither the strength nor the courage to give any objection.

Therefore, the matter of Fengzhi was settled in this way.

Xu Da and Xu Er are relieved to see the situation. They nod to their bald heads, and then they are about to lead Feng to the party. However, Feng Zhi doesn't lift her feet at all.

She looked at the bald head and said sincerely, "Uncle bald, in fact, you male monks can also participate in this matter."

The complexion of bald head is a little strange.

At the next moment, the crowd heard Feng Zhi say: "although the male practitioners can't recruit and mend Mody, how can modi represent the face of donglaizong? If you take modi in your hand, you can easily make donglaizong lose a big face. Usually, you can take the elder of donglaizong to vent his anger at will. Isn't it good to have a good mood every day?"

The crowd was stunned.

Then, like being brainwashed by Fengzhi, they really feel that what Fengzhi saidIt seems like a good idea.

Then the bald man laughed wildly.

Obviously, he also found Fengzhi's proposal very interesting.

While shaking his head, bald side way: "little girl, your appetite is really not small."

Feng Zhi was very serious and said, "Uncle bald, I just do some small business, and I'm still a one hammer business. Of course, I want to maximize the interests, not to mention anything else. As far as I know, there are many male practitioners who are addicted to breaking their sleeves. Mo Di has such an identity. Eh, isn't it very exciting?"

Many evil monks opened their mouths and looked at Feng Zhi.

The little girl looks at the fairy spirit. How can she say such things with such a mouth that they may not be able to say?

But it has to be said that some people are really attracted to Feng Zhi.

Think about it is also really with a sense of ah, the east to grasp the elder in the hand, no matter what you do, the heart also has a natural pleasure ah.

As a result, a lot of male monks immediately followed suit.

Xu Da and Xu Er are both sluggish.

It took them a long time to get the approval of these evil cults. They could walk around here and help them to do business once in a while.

But now, compared with Feng, they really feel that they are too inferior.

And Feng Zhi, looking at the different facial expressions of many male Xiu, her plain and delicate face is slightly with a smile, and looks particularly beautiful.

Of course, what she said was not so good.

"If you have this interest, you may as well join us, but there is only one Mody, so I may hold a small auction of only one auction later, and follow the principle of the one with the highest price. If you want to hold Mody in your hand and have a good mood every day, don't forget to come to participate in the auction..."

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