With these words, Fengzhi followed Xu Da and Xu er with satisfaction.

She can guarantee that there will be a lot of male monks involved.


The more people are involved, the more intense the competition will be. It is said that the price that cannot be concluded can still rise a little.

Thinking of how many spirit stones will be recorded later, Feng Zhi's heart is not to mention how happy, a pair of Danfeng eyes all smile into two crescent moon teeth.

Yunxia four people are a little shameless.


Think of those described by Feng Zhi, the four people have to admit that they really hate each other.

Just when several people had different thoughts, Xu Da and Xu Er had led them to a very spacious room, which should be used for party.

After entering the house, Feng Zhi found that there were no less than 30 nuns sitting in the room.

Although these nuns are all different in appearance and figure, there is no exception. Each of them has some subtle charm on the tip of their eyebrows and corners of their eyes. Even if their looks are not so beautiful, only one look at them can make some inexperienced male monks out of control on the spot.

Like Yunchuan and Yunzhou.

Their accomplishments were not high, and they had never experienced such a thing before. Therefore, after being seen by so many female monks, their faces were flushed, and their original clear and bright eyes gradually began to have some confusion.

Obviously, these two people are following the path of these nuns.

Feng Zhizhi was a nun who made Xu Da and Xu contact each other and liked to pick and mend others. Now that she is in this room, any one of them is good at it. Yunchuan and Yunzhou are caught off guard, so it's not hard to understand the trick.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

She led people to come is not to let people tease and calculation.

Feng Zhi coughed gently.

The voice is not big, even can be regarded as very small, but listen to have some confused eyes in Yunchuan and Yunzhou's ears, Fengzhi's voice is no different from the top of the general, let them instantly from the previous confusion to wake up.

The two looked at each other and saw shock and fear in each other's eyes.

If there was no Feng Zhi here, if they met these nuns alone, they would have fallen into the way of others with a look.

Think about how miserable those monks were after they were collected and mended

Yunchuan and Yunzhou shudder.

Feng Zhi confirmed that Yunchuan and Yunzhou were back to normal, and then she looked back at the nuns who were rather regretful. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here today to make a deal with you, but I'm not going to give my people to you to make fun of. If you have to find something uncomfortable, I don't mind having a good discussion with you. However, you have no eyes If there are more marks on your face that can't be erased, don't blame me... "

This is a direct threat.

Many evil nuns looked at each other when they heard the words, but they were all restrained.

They can also know that the little girl in front of her has a Xiuzhen in her mid-term out of the body. Only by this can we see what strength this little girl is.

None of them has the strength of the out of body period. Therefore, those who should be softened have to be soft indeed.

After a moment's silence, one of the nuns, who was very bright and beautiful, covered her lips and chuckled: "don't be angry, my sisters are playing with those two..."

The others then all smile and nod.

For a moment, the soft voice in the room made people's bones crisp.

Fengzhi is certainly not affected by these people.

She glanced at a lot of evil women practitioners. "Since you have arrived here, you must know what I am going to do today. I have a practitioner in my hand who is in the middle of out of the body. His accomplishments are all there, and his spirit is gone. Who of you can get it is a ready-made great tonic..."

Many nuns couldn't help but take a breath.

Most of their accomplishments were in the golden elixir period, while a few were in the Yuanying period. Based on their accomplishments, even if they used to improve their strength by collecting and supplementing, the objects of their cultivation were all those who were lower than their own. How could they ever adopt the mending to those who were higher than their accomplishments?

Not to mention the practitioners in the middle of out of body.

Thinking of how much benefit they could get from this practice, the evil women could no longer control their breath, and a heavy gasp broke out in the room.

Feng to wait for them to digest almost, this then continued: "no, there is only one person, you want to get the hand, it is only bidding, who bid high, I will be the hands of the people."

There was silence in the room.

After a long time, the woman who first spoke just bit the white shell teeth and said: "bidding on the bidding!"

In my heart, I have been calculating how many spirit stones I can use in my hand.

The same is true of everyone else.The atmosphere in the room suddenly became dignified.

Before these nuns had finished calculating their family, a group of people came in from outside.

These people are all men.

Many of the nuns in the room saw these men, and one by one, they were angry, "what are you doing here?"

These male xiudun burst into laughter, and some of them had a relationship with the nuns in the room. "Sanniang, we can also participate in the auction. That's the elder of donglaizong. Even if we can't make up for such a person, we can take it out every day. Maybe we can make Dong laizong a big fall in our hands Isn't it too clever to collect and mend people

So many nuns began to scold angrily.

The house was full of excitement, as if in a fair.

Feng Zhi was listening to the noise of these evil monks. After a while, she reached out and made a downward movement when they had enough noise.

So many evil monks became quiet.

"Now that you are here, it means that you are interested in participating in the auction. The auction is more than who has more spirit stones in his hand. Of course, there is no need for us to quarrel. Then it will be enough to speak with spirit stones." Feng said, "now, we'd better check the goods first..."

Hearing the word "inspection", people's eyes are bright.

No matter what, they always want to see the enemy who has been captured by Fengzhi.

Feng to also not nonsense, the right hand slightly a lift, the next moment, has become the living dead Mo Di appeared at her feet.

Pointing to Mo Di on the ground, Feng Zhi said: "look, this is the elder Mo Di of Donglai sect. He doesn't have any resistance ability now. Even a three-year-old boy who has not begun to practice, he can not resist at all. With your abilities, as long as you get people, you can do whatever you want..."

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