The Phoenix was attracted by the heavy voice of the people.

"If you have any doubts, you can come and test it yourself to see if his accomplishments are still there."

Immediately, a female repairman came to inspect the goods.

Fengzhi is not afraid of their test.

Mo Di's physical injuries have been cured by Fengzhi with pills. It is the same result for anyone to test.

Sure enough, the woman who examined the goods carefully nodded to the people behind her.

Fengzhi is not a procrastinator. Since no one has raised any objection, she said directly: "since you have no other questions, let's start the bidding..."

Fengzhi incarnates as an auctioneer and points to Mo Di at his feet. "He auctions a great elder of donglaizong. His accomplishments in the middle period of leaving the body are auctioned. The starting price is 100000 spirit stone, and the price increase is no less than 10000 spirit stone. Now please make an offer..."

I don't know if Mo Di is sober and knows that Fengzhi's starting price for him is only 100000 spirit stones. Will he be angry.

After Feng Zhi finished this opening speech, the room was quiet for a moment, and then the atmosphere suddenly became warm and even crazy.

"200000 spirit stone!" A nun who couldn't help it called out first.


"Four hundred thousand spirit stones..."



The price goes up all the way, but in a moment it has exceeded 500000 spirit stone.

All the offers were made by the nuns, who had intended to join in, but when they saw such fanatical appearances, they naturally gave up.

Of course, half a million spirit stones will not be the end.

In fact, it was not until the price reached one million spirit stones that the madness of many nuns' bidding subsided a little.

A million spirit stones are a large number for any monk. Even if the monks of evil cults are generally better off, it is almost their limit to take out so many spirit stones for these nuns who are still in their infancy.

But since they are willing to pay such a high price, it means that Mo is more valuable than the million spirit stones.

As long as Mo Di is collected and replenished, their strength will naturally advance by leaps and bounds. It is not impossible to directly cross the threshold of entrance and exit period. Such a good thing is that they can not meet once for thousands of years. Now they are finally met. As long as there are so many spirit stones, how can these nuns give up?

After bidding for a million spirit stones, the number of nuns still bidding dropped to only two.

As for others, they didn't want to be invincible, but they didn't have so many spiritual stones in their hands. Naturally, they only had a sigh of regret.

Although the two nuns who are still bidding are still unwilling to give up, they are obviously approaching the limit. Even if the price is increased, they are only the increase of ten thousand spirit stones and ten thousand spirit stones, and there is no more heroism.

"1.07 million..."

"1.08 million..."

"1.12 million..."

After one of the nuns called out 1.12 million, the other gave up.

Seeing that no one else had raised the price, Feng simply said, "1.12 million spirit stones. Congratulations on this girl who has photographed a great elder who came to the East. Hand in the spirit stone and hand in the person. As long as the spirit stone is available, Mo Di is your girl."

That female repair made such a high price, then listen to Feng to say so, pour also followed with a sigh of relief.

Then, she directly put a bag of heaven and earth containing a spirit stone to Feng to throw there.

Feng Zhi's divine consciousness entered the heaven and earth bag. In a moment, she found out the number of spirit stones in it. Indeed, there were a lot of them. Then she put the Qiankun bag away, and then she kicked Mo Di under her feet to the nun.

The nun finally caught such a precious pimple. When Fengzhi kicked her, she was so distressed that her face was pumping. Until she was sure that Mo Di was not hurt by Feng Zhi, she was relieved.

Although these evil cults acted unscrupulously, they did not want to rob people since they couldn't spell the spirit stone.

Seeing that the nun took Mody away like a treasure, the others sighed and were ready to leave.

All of a sudden, all of a sudden, there was a good thing

What else?

The eyes of the nuns who had not been photographed before were bright again.

Fengzhi took out the transparent ball which sealed the soul of Mo Di and showed it to everyone. "The soul of the elder donglaizong is a good thing. If anyone is good at refining pills with soul, it will be of great use. Or as I said before, it is also an excellent choice to hold it in your hand and torture it out every day."All the people then looked at Feng Zhi with a dull face.

Profiteer, absolute profiteer!

This is the label that people attach to Feng Zhi in their hearts.

Obviously, he was a man. When he got to Fengzhi's hand, he was sold as two things. He first sold his body, but now he even sold his soul!

It's true that some people eat it.

Like the men who are sorry.

Of course, it is useless for them to get Mobi. There are really few people who are addicted to breaking their sleeves. But if they are the soul of Mody, it will be different.

Is it more interesting to say that a soul can hate than a living dead person?

So, before Feng could speak, the male monks began to offer prices.

At last, Mo Di's soul was photographed by the skinhead who came to see the excitement and spent half a million spirit stones.

Feng Zhi, smiling, exchanged spirit stone and soul with bald head, and then sighed, "you see, this world is so shallow that one's soul is not as expensive as his body..."

A look of heartache.

So they all went to Phoenix to have a white look.

Now they can see clearly that the girl named Fengzhi is a ghost girl far more evil than they do.

Where is she distressed, this is simply not satisfied with Mo Di's soul, actually only photographed 500000 spirit stone.

Thinking of the two in and two out of Fengzhi, there are more than 1.6 million spirit stones in his hand. The sight of many evil practitioners is very hot when they look at Feng Zhi.

Even, some people have already begun to figure out that if they start at Fengzhi, they may snatch Lingshi from Fengzhi.

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