Feng raised her eyebrows.

Then, without saying a word, she slapped Yunchuan on the head.

"Let's just tell you the truth. How can people get rusty when they go out?" Feng to no good gas tunnel.

Yunchuan is one of the most lively of the four. If Feng Zhi slaps him like this, he will jump out to discuss with Feng Zhi. But at this time, he does not want to talk about it, but he still lets Fengzhi fight.

Feng Zhi frowned.

This is a little bit abnormal.

After that, Fengzhi also asked questions several times, but it was strange to say that the four people of Yunxia had already turned into Fengzhi's brain powder. If it had been changed, they would obey Fengzhi's words, but at this time, no matter what Fengzhi asked, the four people did not say a word.

If forced to be anxious by Feng Zhi, he lowers his head and refuses to see Feng Zhi's eyes.

As for Feng, she took her hand and gently rubbed her clean chin.

It seems that

Is this a business or a big event.

Knowing that there was nothing to ask from Yunxia four people, Feng Zhi didn't have to ask for an answer. She just waved to them, "you go back to your room first."

The four of them were relieved, and then they left Fengzhi's room one by one for fear that Fengzhi would ask them what they were doing.


Feng to look at the four people, it seems that there are some beasts in the back of the same chase, but some smile in the eyes.

Is she a person who gives up easily?

Of course not.

Therefore, it doesn't mean that Fengzhi gives up further questioning if she can't ask from the four people.

It was only after they came back from the market that the four people of Yunxia had such abnormal behavior, and they were not hurt. Therefore, according to Fengzhi's conjecture, it is likely that they heard some bad news in the market.

It's not difficult to ask for information.

Feng to so Shi Shi ran went to the hotel hall.

At this time, although it was still some time before the meal was served, some diners were already sitting in the lobby of the inn. Seeing Feng Zhi coming out, some of the male Xiu who were eating were full of amazement.

It is true that there are almost no ugly women in the virtual spirit realm, but there are few such beautiful women as Fengzhi.

On earth, it's hard to say that some bullies will have to play tricks on the beautiful girls of good families. But this is the virtual spirit state. Although the male monks feel amazing, none of them dare to do anything disrespectful.

It's not that the men's character is so good, but they don't dare to make any bad ideas at all.

In the virtual spirit realm, if a young woman with such a beautiful appearance dares to walk alone, she will certainly rely on her. These male monks are also afraid that if they dare to do something rude, they will not only not be able to bring back the beauty, but also have to take themselves in.

I don't know how many people have encountered such a thing before.

Those male monks only dare to see and dare not make anything. Feng Zhi naturally settled down easily and found a table by the window at random.

After a while, a smart waiter took the menu and came to Feng Zhi.

"What would you like to eat, fairy? The specialty dishes of our shop are... "

Feng Zhi reached out and gently pressed down, and successfully let the waiter stop. "I don't want to eat now."

Listening to Fengzhi saying that he didn't eat, the waiter didn't change his face. On the contrary, he still kept his smile on his face. He slightly bent over and asked Fengzhi, "what else can I do for you, fairy?"

Phoenix to raise eyebrows.

The little boy's attitude is not bad.

She then raised her hand and threw several spirit stones at the second.

Xiao er's eyes brightened, and then he quickly grasped the rewards of Fengzhi one by one, and then put them into the bag of heaven and earth. After that, the smile on his face was more attentive.

Feng Zhi said again: "if you are not busy, I would like to ask you about something. You are the best."

There's nothing wrong with being a sophomore.

He simply stood to the Phoenix to the side, "I don't know what the fairy wants to know?"

Feng Zhi thought about it and didn't know where to start. She just said, "well, I just arrived in Dongyao city today. Just tell me what's new in Dongyao city recently."

Although the waiter didn't understand why Fengzhi took the spirit stone to listen to him talk about these new things, but such good things can not be easily met, so it is not vague. He opened his mouth and said all kinds of new things in Dongyao city as if he were telling a story.

Feng to listen to the smile on the face has not broken.

She was thinking that the sophomore could definitely live on the earth just by telling stories.


Until the second mate stopped talking, Feng Zhi still didn't hear anything about the four Yunxia people.

"Any more?" She asked.As soon as he heard this, he knew that what he said was not what Feng Zhi wanted to know, so he thought about it carefully. This thought really made him think of a new thing he had just forgotten to say.

"Fairy, there is one more thing, which has been widely spread in our Dongyao city recently." "About half a month ago, some disciples of donglaizong suddenly had a conflict with others. They fought with the people's Congress and injured several people. I heard that the people who had conflicts with the disciples of donglaizong were all from a small sect called Fengyun sect. I don't know whether it was related to this matter. Not two days later, the leader of Donglai sect, Jiang Xu, personally led his disciples to the Fengyun sect Something happened... "

Fengyun Zong?

Feng to eyebrow tip slightly shake a shake.

If she remembers correctly, the four of Yunxia are from Fengyun sect.

Fengzong and Fengyun Zong are not far away from the east of Fengyun city.

After all, the four Yunxia people only built their foundation period at that time. Even if they want to earn spiritual stones, they can't leave the ancestral gate too far.

Thinking of these, Feng Zhi had a premonition in her heart. The former abnormality of Yunxia four must have something to do with the news she has heard now.

Feng then looked at the second, "is there anything else?"

Xiao ER was happy and knew that he had talked about what Feng Zhi wanted to hear, so he racked his brains to think over all the things related to this matter carefully, and then said: "it is said that the leader of Donglai sect, Jiang Zhen, not only led his disciples to force Fengyun Zong, but also forced Fengyun Zong to hand over the four disciples of Fengyun sect, saying that the four Fengyun sect disciples were involved in Donglai Don't be afraid of the disappearance of the elder Zongda and the death of the elder He Fei. "

At this point, there was a little more ridicule and disdain in the face of the second. Obviously, he didn't agree with donglaizong's statement.

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