"Donglaizong is becoming more and more arrogant now. Fengyun sect is just a small sect, and the patriarch only has the strength of yuanyingqi. How could the four disciples of donglaizong have something to do with donglaizong's Mobi and He Fei's accident?"

The second one couldn't stop saying, "it seems that donglaizong didn't just trouble the four disciples in the foundation period, but forced Fengyun Zong to hand over a young woman who was with the four disciples..."

"Is it possible that the patriarch of Donglai sect is also interested in this time. Seeing that the girls are beautiful, they want to rob them?"

At the end of the day, he guessed.

Feng Zhi takes a look at Xiao er.

She probably understood why the four Yunxia people looked like that, and why they didn't talk to her.

Donglai Zong forced Fengyun Zong to do something to celebrate the wrong.

He Fei died in Fengzhi's hands, but Fengzhi was with Yunxia four people. Many people had seen this at that time. Those people didn't know who Fengzhi was. But Yunxia four people used to walk in Donglai city before, and it's not surprising that they would be recognized.

To think of it, donglaizong couldn't find Feng all over the time, so he was also a little impatient. He also made Mobi such a heavyweight person disappear directly, and then he came up with such a method to force the four Yunxia people or to force Feng to show up voluntarily.

It's a good move.

Yunxia four people should also see the way, if they and Fengzhi really rush back to Fengyun Zong, what is waiting for them must be donglaizong's ambush.

They have great confidence in Fengzhi, but donglaizong has not known how many people have come this time, and there are also masters like Jiang Zhen. How can Fengzhi be able to cope with it?

Therefore, Yunxia four people will not tell this matter.

Judging from the previous reaction of the four Yunxia people, they are still very worried about Fengyun Zong, but in order not to ask Fengzhi to be caught by the people of donglaizong, they prefer to hide the matter and suffer alone

The forefinger tapped gently on the table top, and then Feng dropped a bag of Lingshi to the waiter, "give me some of the famous dishes in your shop."

The waiter took the bag of spirit stone, gently weighed it, and then his face was about to smile out of flowers, not to mention how attentive.

When the first dish is on the table, Feng Zhi sends a voice to the four Yunxia people who went back to the room before, and asks them to come to the lobby for dinner.

Yunxia four people didn't ask Feng to wait at most. After a while, they had already sat on the table.

Feng Zhi took a look at the four.

They may also know that their previous appearance will make Feng Zhi suspicious, so in such a short time, they have almost converged their emotions, and even can squeeze out some smiles.

Feng Zhi was amused.

She didn't say anything in a hurry. She just told the four to have dinner.

The signature dishes of this hotel are really good. They are not only delicious, but also full of aura. If you take a bite, you will feel like you are enjoying it.

Although it can't compare with the spirit food of Cyclamen, it can also be called "good".

If it was normal, Yunxia four people would make a pile of them. But this time, because of something hidden in their hearts, they not only did not fight for it, but also became elegant one by one.

Feng to also did not say anything more, after having dinner, led four people to the courtyard where they lived.

Close the door of the courtyard with a small border with a certain defense function. Feng even didn't wait to enter the room. She held her hands in front of her chest and looked back at the four Yunxia people who were still in low spirits.

"I said, do you think I really don't know what happened if you don't say it?" Feng Zhi Dao.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, Yunxia four people are all surprised.

"Fengzhi, how do you know that?" Yunchuan blurted out.

Feng Zhi turned her eyes. "If you go to the market, you can hear the news. You think I won't hear the news. You can find a waiter in the Inn and ask if you are stupid or stupid?"

The four men then all looked embarrassed and bowed their heads.

After a while, Yunxia raised her head again. Looking at Fengzhi, she said very seriously: "Fengzhi, this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't fall into the trap of donglaizong. Jiang Zhen, the leader of donglaizong, has come out in person. If you really show up because of us, you will not be able to make a good deal of it. We know you are very good, but there are many experts in Donglai Zong, They have already used such shameless methods to force you to show up. At that time, a group of people will surely besiege you one by one... "

The other three nodded.

Today, they did go to the market to sell Qiankun bags, because they had a lot of Qiankun bags in their hands. In addition, there were spirit stones in their pockets, so they didn't really appreciate the income from selling Qiankun bags. Therefore, the price was not high, and they sold more than ten Qiankun bags soon.

Just when the four were happy and ready to come back, they overheard two people chatting in the stall next to them.From this chat, the four heard the news that donglaizong had forced Fengyun Zong.

These days, the four people have been following Feng to the side, only a moment to come up with the intention of donglaizong's move.

They grew up in Fengyun Zong when they were young. To say that they had no feelings for Fengyun Zong, it must be false. Therefore, after hearing the news, the four people just didn't get excited, so they rushed back to Fengyun Zong to fight against foreign enemies together with zongmen.

However, they also know that donglaizong forced Fengyun Zong, which seems to be making a mess of Fengyun sect, but it is actually Xiang Zhuang's sword dance intended to Peigong, and he is aiming at Feng.

If Fengzhi is calculated by the people of donglaizong because of them

None of the four Yunxia can allow such a thing to happen.

They follow Feng to have already taken advantage of, how can let Feng Zhi again because of them and accident?

As a result, the four people also agreed that it was absolutely impossible to call Feng Zhi to know about it.

But in the end, I still remember the situation of the clan, so even if I have made up my mind to keep it secret, I still let Feng Zhi see the wrong place when I come back.

Yunzhou also looked at Fengzhi, "Fengzhi, you can't come forward with this matter. A large gate like donglaizong bullies a small sect like Fengyun Zong. There are always the eyes of all the people in the virtual spirit realm staring at them. I don't believe they dare to do anything too much!"

It was said with indignation.

However, the majority of the door, are to face, they do not believe that donglaizong can really pull down the face to Fengyun Zong such a small clan dead hand.

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