Feng to smell speech white cloud boat one eye.

Yunxia four people are much older than Fengzhi, but they have grown up in Fengyun Zong since they were young. Usually, at most, they complete some tasks issued by the clan. In addition, they practice in the zongmen. To speak of their experience, they really don't have any holes. I don't know how many people's Fengzhi comes from the old way.

Therefore, the idea of the four is actually naive.

After patting on the cloud boat head, Feng Zhi shook her head and said, "Sao Nian, you are still very tender!"

Yunzhou's face turned red immediately.

Feng Zhi then said, "it's not a lie to say that you are young. These big families usually pretend to be true to their faces. But if you think they will be worried about their so-called face, it's wrong. To put it bluntly, xulingjing is a place where those who have strong fists can say what they say. The only rule is that the weak eat the weak. Donglaizong is forced to Fengyun sect this time They live outside the gate. What kind of face do you think they want? If we really don't show up, donglaizong will be able to destroy Fengyun Zong in a rage. Is it hard to say that they can be pigeoned for nothing

The four of Yunxia were stunned.

They all know that what Feng Zhi said is very possible.

If donglaizong can't see the people he wants to meet, they will attack Fengyun Zong directly, then they

Thinking of this, the four people could not help but shiver.

They grew up in the Fengyun sect since childhood. The Fengyun sect is only a small sect, and even the patriarch only has the cultivation of Yuanying period. There are not many disciples in the sect. Therefore, even if there are some disputes and frictions between the disciples, they are not severely punished.


With the strength and temperament of Yunxia four people, I'm afraid they've been eaten away for a long time.

As a result, the four people had a deep feeling for Fengyun sect. They even thought about it. When they were no longer needed in Fenglai, they would go back to the sect. In the future, they would be able to serve for the sect with their own accomplishments.

But I didn't expect that this led to the east to force Fengyun Zong.

Moreover, it has something to do with them.

The four people were both self reproach and worried.

But in any case, they did not want to let Feng Zhi pay for it.

Yunxia finally took a deep breath, then looked at Fengzhi, and said with great determination: "Fengzhi, no matter what, you can't show up this time. Fengyun sect is our sect. We are also worried about the situation of Zong clan. But this matter has nothing to do with you. As you said, the only rule of virtual spirit state is that the weak eat the strong. Since the Fengyun sect is not powerful, then Even if it is really destroyed by Donglai Zong, there will be no complaints. "

In the end, Yunxia's eyebrows are filled with firmness.

Not only Yunxia, but also the other three.

Feng to see the heart pour also some warmth.

During this period of time, the four people of Yunxia have been following her. In Fengzhi's heart, they can not be regarded as their own, but they can also be regarded as half of their own. Therefore, Fengzhi is not unhappy to see that all four of them do not have the idea of exchanging themselves for the safety of their family.

Fengzhi is not the kind of person who will sacrifice himself for others.

She also has long Yan and so many people in the Xuanwu continent. In any case, she can't let herself risk for others. If donglaizong really threatens her own safety, even if the four Yunxia people ask her to go, she will never go.

But this matter, in Feng Zhi's view, is obviously not so dangerous.

She doesn't have to confront donglaizong people at all, does she?

I don't know what I thought of. Feng Zhi said with a smile, "don't worry, this time it's not so serious. Since all the people from donglaizong have already come to our door, we can't help but accept the move. We'll leave for fengyunzong early tomorrow morning."

At ordinary times, Yunxia four people would not have any objection to Fengzhi's decision, but this time they all strongly opposed, "Fengzhi, this is absolutely not possible!"

Feng Zhi stretched out her hand and pressed down slightly. She succeeded in pressing back the next words of the four people. "OK, you can rest assured that I am not a person who will sacrifice myself to fulfill others. I will never let myself be in danger. Just put your heart into your stomach."

Hearing this, Yunxia four people hesitated and quieted down.

They think carefully, Feng to really is not a person who will sacrifice himself.


Is Fengzhi really able to deal with donglaizong this time?

Yunxia's four people are worried and expectant.

In this way, one night passed quickly.

The next morning, Feng Zhi finished her practice and opened her eyes.

Sitting cross legged all night did not block the blood in her legs, but made her feel more refreshed.

The four of Yunxia, in the past, had also made great efforts to practice, but last night they were worried that they had not closed their eyes all night, and they could not calm down to practice. All four of them stayed up until dawn, but they had already cleaned up.Feng Zhi smiles.

Just looking at their present appearance, we can see what kind of determination they made yesterday when they decided not to return to Fengyun Zong.

Knowing that Yunxia's four people are anxious now, Feng Zhi doesn't tease them. She coagulates a water ball and cleans up her body. She opens the door and goes out.

"You don't want to have breakfast, so let's go now." Feng Zhi Dao.

Yunxia four people all nodded repeatedly.

It's a long way to go from Dongyao city to Donglai City, where yunzong is located. Now that the situation is urgent, we can't procrastinate as they did when they came. Fengzhi decided to fly back with his sword.

The fastest route is to return the way they came.

This is exactly a plan of Feng Zhi's heart.

However, although Yunxia has broken through to the golden elixir period, her strength is not strong after all. If she really wants to fly, Feng Zhi can throw her shadow out of sight in a blink of an eye.

Therefore, Fengzhi simply took off with Yunxia four people.

With her strength, flying with four people is no different from that without people.

Five people went out of the gate of the inn together, and Fengzhi directly summoned the jade sword out.

The original small jade sword rose from the wind and soon rose to the size of five people standing down. The translucent body of the sword looks very transparent in the sun. People can see that the jade sword is a treasure.

First of all, if you want to fly back to me, you'll have to take the sword with you

Yunxia four people then all face helpless.

"Pretend to force" this word, they also know the meaning from Feng to here.

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