This event was settled in the bargain between Feng Zhi and bald head.

After discussing with the bald head and others, what kind of measures they should take to make Jiang Zhen and donglaizong's people intolerable, Fengzhi led Yunxia four people and Xu Da Xu Er to leave.

Out of the alley, Xu Da grimaced, "Auntie ah, you are my own aunt. Our brothers have such skills. We dare not touch on such a big event. You have brought us in. When the time comes, the people of donglaizong will know, and we will have to skin our brothers."

Feng to raise eyebrows, "it's not that I want to pull you here. It's you who have to watch the excitement. What's the matter? Now I regret it? Do you understand that curiosity can kill a cat? "

Xu Da and Xu Er are very sad.

"Our brother is a man, not a cat..." Xu Er murmured.

Feng Zhi then kicked Xu er. "OK, you don't have to pretend to be such a kind of virtue. If you are really timid, you will not dare to cooperate with those evil cults. These days, you are so brave and starved to death. You want to earn spirit stone and don't want to contribute. How can it be so easy?"

Xu Da and Xu Er immediately returned to their usual playful faces.

"Auntie, although our brothers have no skills, they have got on the boat. You and the bald ones have to give our brothers a drink of soup?"

These two brothers are really not timid masters.

If you are really timid, how can you, with the strength of the golden elixir period, deal with those evil cults who have always been ruthless and ruthless, and earn spirit stones from them?

The reason for acting in front of Fengzhi is to seize this opportunity and earn a fortune.

Feng Zhi took a look at the two brothers. "You can get on the boat if you want. Anyway, it's necessary for people to spread some news in this matter. Your brothers will take this job and will not treat you badly."

He nodded again and again.

They also know that they are contented. They are just monks in the golden elixir period. They can't do either the face of luodonglaizong or the theft of treasures in donglaizong's clan. It's very good for them to accept and spread news, and this is their strong point.

The two people then thank each other for leaving, and then they will contact with bald people.

When Xu Da and Xu Er left, Yunxia four again looked at Feng Zhi with great worry.

"Fengzhi, you have nothing to do with Fengyun Zong. You should not be in charge of this matter. You should just leave by yourself and leave alone what will happen to Fengyun Zong, OK?" Yunxia advised.

She didn't call herself that she could watch Feng Zhi face danger because of the danger of Fengyun Zong.

Yunchuan three people also repeatedly nodded.

Feng to hear some want to laugh, "that can't do, I this front foot just talked with those evil Xius, if the back heel, I'll repent, those evil Xiu can't hate to tear me, don't look at the bald people don't lose their temper, they think they're good at talking, if they move real, this Dongyang City will be turned over by them."

The four of Yunxia couldn't figure out what to do, so they could only look at Feng Zhi with a sad face.

Fengzhi was really amused by them this time, and said with a smile: "come on, please don't worry about it. There's no danger in this matter. The main force of donglaizong is restrained by them. Of course, the protective force left behind in the clan will not be strong. It's just a few yuan babies in the early stage of leaving the body. I don't need to deal with them What is the danger of a frontal engagement? "

Although Yunxia four people were not comforted, but Fengzhi's words all said here, they can only choose to believe Fengzhi.

After that, Feng Zhi took four people out of Dongyang City.

The two young friars, who were guarding the gate of the city to collect the city fees, still remember that it was not long before Feng Zhi and his party entered the city. Seeing them, they came out again. They not only looked up a little more, but also whispered to themselves, "come in so soon and leave the city. There are more spirit stones to burn hands?"

While the two young monks murmured, Feng Zhi and his party had already walked out of the city gate.

He also called out the jade sword, and took the four people of Yunxia with them. Fengzhi didn't stay any longer, and went straight to the east city.

This time, Feng didn't stop in the middle of the city. She just gave Yunxia four some dry food to eat on the jade sword without any delay.

In such a hurry, Fengzhi several people only used half a day to get to Donglai city.

Donglai city and the last time Fengzhi left, there was no difference in looking, still as prosperous as before.

Feng Zhifei didn't stay for such a long time. Even though she didn't feel tired physically, she was also a little tired spiritually. In addition, the preparation work of the bald head and others would take some time. She didn't rush to Fengyun Zong, but took Yunxia four people to the most lively restaurant in donglaizong.

Although many practitioners can build the valley, there are many people in the restaurant at this time.Feng to several find a table to sit down, and ordered a few signature dishes, and then Feng to observe the situation around.

The restaurant is very busy, and 80% of the tables in the lobby are full. So many diners don't seem to come to eat, but they seem to be chatting. They gather together in groups and whisper. Sometimes, words such as "Fengyun Zong" and "donglaizong" can be heard from time to time. It is obvious that they are discussing recent events.

Feng to think about it, God consciousness directly out, listen to the people around the chat.

Her divine sense is far more powerful than her cultivation, so the people sitting in the restaurant are not aware of any difference.

“…… Donglaizong was probably angry this time. He not only broke a He Fei, but also didn't know whether he was dead or alive. It's said that Mo Di also took a group of elite disciples of donglaizong to go out, and now he has gone missing... "

“…… Speaking of this matter, He Fei's precious daughter was also blamed. She was very angry with such a god of killing. Is this the strength pit father? "

"It's said that Mobi was defeated by a little girl in her twenties in Dongyang City. Has she been captured?"

"You really believe this nonsense. Do you think it's possible for a girl in her twenties to have the strength to defeat the enemy?"

“…… Who knows. "

It's basically this conversation.

From these conversations, Feng Zhi learned that after He Fei died, donglaizong sent a Yuanying elder to be the city leader.

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