Therefore, Donglai city is no longer called he.

It is said that the new city Lord had been at odds with He Fei. Now He Fei is dead and he takes over Donglai city. As soon as he arrives in Donglai City, he directly uses the secret method to find He Fei's treasure house, but only gets an empty treasure house. Therefore, it is determined that the people of the he family empty the treasure house before he arrives, and tries his best to let the he family talk about it.

However, He Fei's treasure house was hidden in a strict way. Let alone the he family, he fei'er, his favorite, didn't necessarily know. How could the new city Lord ask?

In a word, the he family suffered a lot from the new city Lord.

Feng Zhi stroked her chin with one hand. She didn't know what he fei'er, who had been favored by he fei'er before, was now what she looked like.

Of course, Fengzhi thinks so.

In fact, she didn't care about her.

Until after dinner, Fengzhi didn't get any other useful information. He only knew that Jiang Zhen personally led people to Fengyun Zong's Mountain Gate and surrounded it tightly. He was only allowed to enter and not to go out. Fengyun Zong's people had not been out of Zong's gate for many days.

The reason why Jiang Zhen surrounded Fengyun Zong was that he wanted to force the four Yunxia people to throw themselves into the net and then take Fengzhi down. Therefore, in addition to surrounding, he did not do anything to Fengyun Zong.


Such a situation should also be temporary.

Jiang Zhen is not a patient person. He has been waiting outside the Fengyun sect for so long, and has been discussed behind the world's practitioners for so long. If he can't wait for Fengzhi and Yunxia four people, it's hard to say whether he will hurt the killer.

Fengyun sect is such a small clan. Even the patriarch only has the cultivation of Yuanying period. If Jiang Zhen really wants to hurt the killer, he can easily destroy the Fengyun sect.

Just when Feng Zhi several people finished their meal and wanted to leave, several people came into the door.

After they came in, they found an empty table and sat down. One of them said, "it seems that the leader Jiang of donglaizong doesn't want to wait any longer. These days, the leader of Fengyun sect has forced him to use a method to cheat those disciples back. Now he has no patience. Just now, it is reported that Lord Jiang has given an ultimatum. If they are Fengyun Zong, they will not wait any longer If I don't come back on my own initiative, I will kill a disciple of the Fengyun sect one day from tomorrow, from the one with the lowest cultivation to the one who kills the leader of the Fengyun sect... "

It was a bearded man who spoke in such a loud voice that no one in the restaurant could not hear.

Such a strong news, directly let the lobby for a quiet, after a while later caused a burst of uproar.

"Lord Jiang has been waiting for such a long time. No wonder he is impatient." There is humanity.

Then another person retorted: "donglaizong is living more and more back. First, he lost a Yuanying elder. Later, he did not even find the elder in the middle of the out of the body. After such a loss, he didn't want to find the right owner to find the court. Instead, he surrounded Fengyun Zong. Fortunately, donglaizong's people still care about that face..."

Now someone agrees.

has the final say that the big fist has the final say, and the enemy from the East comes to Feng, and he can eat one after another. He is a strong man who is worthy of their respect in the eyes of many people.

I have to say, when Feng didn't know, she already had a group of loyal fans.

Then there was a discussion about Fengzhi.

"It is said that the man who let donglaizong suffer such a great loss is a little girl who is only in her twenties, but has more than her own accomplishments?"

"Although it's all spread like this, I don't know if it's true..."

"Why is it not true? Don't you know who your enemy is? "

"That's right. I heard that the little girl, no, it was the young elder who appeared for the first time in our Donglai city. According to the insiders, it seems that he fei'er robbed the elder's little pet, which made him hate..."

"He fei'er has been so lawless by he Feichong these years. She can really do such a thing..."

There was another round of discussion.

Feng Zhi's fingers gently tapped on the table top, and secretly controlled the four Yunxia people who heard donglaizong ready to kill and almost jumped up.

"Don't worry, the bald people are very efficient. Let alone tomorrow, maybe we can spread the news today. The people of donglaizong will not have a chance to kill." Feng Zhi transmitted the sound directly to the four people with his divine sense.

Feng to such a comfort, Yunxia four people are finally quiet down.

After that, Feng Zhi confirms that she can't hear any useful news here, so she leads the four Yunxia people who have calmed down their emotions to go out.

Just out of the door, I saw a man coming face to face.

The man originally lowered his head and noticed that when Feng Zhi and his party came, he raised his head and looked at Feng Zhi's several people subconsciously, which immediately froze.He held out his hand and pointed to Feng and several people. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Feng Zhi stops.

The visitor is a young practitioner. His strength is in the middle of foundation construction. His appearance looks familiar

Feng Zhi's memory is very strong, only slightly forward a search, immediately remembered who this man is.

When she and Yunxia four first came to Donglai City, she just met hefei'er. In return for a Peiying pill, the monks in Donglai City wanted to send some spiritual food and fruit to her "little pet".

At that time, Feng had a premonition that he fei'er's pet was Long Yan, and this would have entered the city Lord's mansion with the four Yunxia people.

At that time

And this man entered with them.

If Feng Zhi remembers correctly, his name is

"Zhang Yue." Feng to light called out the man's name.

Hearing this call, the man immediately took a look around him with great vigilance, until he was sure that no one had noticed them. Then he gave a big sigh of relief, and then made a gesture to several people to lead them to other places.

Feng to also did not hesitate, led Yunxia four people to follow behind Zhang Yue to go.

Yunyan was worried, "Fengzhi, this man was watching you fight with He Fei. In case he took us to donglaizong people..."

The people of donglaizong can't find Fengzhi. If they see Fengzhi, they may cause some troubles.

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