Feng to raise eyebrows, and did not lower the voice, "because he saw with his own eyes, he will not make such a stupid thing."

Zhang Yue, who was in front of him, stopped for a moment, but then walked on again.

Just as Fengzhi said, Zhang Yue's awe of Fengzhi made him dare not to do anything harmful to Fengzhi because he saw with his own eyes how he made a breakthrough in the face of danger, and how he directly beat He Fei to the ground to pay compensation.

Zhang Yue doesn't know who will win the contest between Fengzhi and donglaizong.

All he knew was that if he dared to do something under Feng Zhi's nose, he would die if he just stretched out his hand.

Under the age of Yuanying, all the practitioners have only one life. Zhang Yue takes his life seriously.

Therefore, Zhang Yue honestly took Feng to his house.

It was a small yard looking a bit shabby.

It's no exaggeration to say that it's dilapidated, not to mention that the yard is full of rags and weeds. Even the boards on the gate of the courtyard are also looking at the falling, as if they would fall down at the touch.

Of course, although the gate looked shaky, it was actually very firm. Although Zhang Yue pushed it open, it made a "creaky" sound, but somehow it didn't fall down.

Zhang Yue was a little embarrassed. After entering the courtyard, he looked back at Feng Zhi and others I'm a native of Donglai city. My father and mother left this yard at the beginning, but my parents lost track of them when they explored the ancient cave many years ago... "

Feng Zhi nods.

I can see that Zhang Yue's life is not very good.

Even the practitioners in the Qi refining period can not be stopped by ordinary brick and tile doors. Therefore, in these cities of virtual spirit state, the yards where the practitioners live are built with some special materials. The gate is equivalent to a small border or array, which has the effect of resisting foreign enemies.

But this little yard of Zhang Yue's family

Almost no protection.

If there is a thief, I'm afraid it doesn't take much effort to get into the yard and steal everything.

Maybe it's because Zhang Yue is so poor that he doesn't even care about thieves here.

Feng to into the yard, hand cloth will cover the whole yard in which the border.

Zhang Yue was relieved.

He did not speak in a hurry. He led Feng to several people into the room, and then asked them to sit down.

When a guest arrives, the host will always take something to entertain him. However, Zhang Yue has nothing else to hold except a few spirit stones which can maintain his hard cultivation. Therefore, he can only stand by and blush.

Feng did not laugh at him.

As soon as he raised his hand, he took out several white jade cups, took out Lingshui Lingcha, made a pot of tea, and took out a dish of melon seeds and several kinds of spiritual fruits on the table.

Beckoning toward Zhang Yue, Feng Zhi said, "you are the host here. You don't need the greeting from me, do you?"

Zhang Yue's embarrassment also subsided.

After tasting Lingfeng's tea, he felt that even after drinking a few lingguo tea, he was not satisfied.

As a practitioner, if you don't grasp this opportunity, do you want to give up the opportunity to enhance your strength because of your ridiculous self-esteem?

Zhang Yue lost his parents when he was young, and his cultivation was not high. If he had such self-esteem, he would have starved to death.

After drinking another cup of tea, Zhang Yuecai whispered, "how dare you come back? Donglaizong is crazy looking for you now. If the people of donglaizong know about it, you will be miserable! "

Zhang Yue obviously didn't think that Fengzhi and Yunxia could compete with donglaizong.

After a pause, he followed: "donglaizong will take Fengyun Zong to attack you, so that you can be hooked. Fengyun Zong has backbone. No one contacts you several back with the secret method of Zong. How can you fall into a trap yourself?"

As a matter of fact, Zhang Yue was also affected because he entered the city Lord's residence with Fengzhi.

After He Fei's accident, the he family didn't know at the beginning. Because He Fei's soul card was broken, he sent people to Donglai city to investigate, which made the he family know that their biggest backing was gone.

The biggest reaction was undoubtedly helfe.

At ordinary times, relying on He Fei's favor, he family threw a lot of cultivation resources on he fei'er, so that she could be trained to the golden elixir at the age of 70. Now that He Fei is dead, who can protect her?

Helfield was mad with anger.

At that time, the new city Lord had not arrived, and he fei'er was still the third young lady of the city Lord's house. Her words could also bluff a lot of people. She directly asked people to arrest the other people who had entered the city Lord's house with Feng Zhi's five people that day. They had to ask about the origin of Fengzhi.Among them, there is Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue didn't know Feng Zhi several people before. How could he say anything even if he asked?

But even so, they also suffered a lot in the hands of helfield.

Or later, when the new City owner arrived, he fei'er couldn't pretend to be a tiger, so he released Zhang Yue several people.

Zhang Yue didn't talk about it. He just urged Feng with some anxieties. "It's too dangerous for you here. I'm not the only one who saw you that day. If those people see you, it's hard to guarantee whether they will sell you out for the reward of donglaizong. You'd better leave donglaicheng as soon as possible, as to whether donglaizong will be destroyed because of this Yunzong, if they want to have a little face, they will not do such a thing. Now they must be using methods to force you to obey! "

He said more and more quickly, just about to stand up and chase Phoenix to a few people left.

Feng Zhi was still sitting on the chair, where he meant to go, "don't worry, since I'm here, I'm not afraid that donglaizong's people will find out. Moreover, after tonight, donglaizong's people will have no leisure time to worry about such things with Fengyun Zong and us..."

Of course, Zhang Yue didn't believe it.

However, he also knew that he had no way to take Feng, so he could only do it in a hurry.

Feng Zhi didn't explain. She just said, "originally I wanted to find an inn. Since you have a place here, we don't have to look for an inn. We'll stay at your house."

Zhang Yue was helpless.

He watched the Fengzhi ferry break through to the disembodied stage. Of course, he didn't dare to open his mouth to catch up with Fengzhi, so he had to deal with it like this.

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