As for he Dan, how can he not lose his power so quickly?


What happened?

Several people have begun to make up for how he fei'er was bullied by others after he fei'er was defeated in he's family, and then the evil Xiu seized him and used it as a furnace cauldron.

Even they couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Feng Zhi understood the shock of the crowd and said with a half smile, "don't open your brain hole too big. This miss he San is not a little pitiful person who has been bullied. She is willing to make a cauldron for others."

"How could that be possible?"

All five couldn't help but blurt out.

It's not that they don't believe Feng Zhi's words, but that the fact is too incredible.

You know, to make a furnace cauldron for people is an absolute unbearable humiliation for most of the practitioners. Not only will their body be desecrated, but also the aura that they have worked so hard to cultivate will be absorbed by others. They will not only not get any benefits, but also hurt the spirit again and again Root.

In this way, it is more possible to break the road.

How many people can tolerate such a thing?

But Feng Zhi said that he fei'er was voluntary.

Feng to skim the mouth, "is she willing to ask her, you think it is the most humiliating thing, said that no one is willing to it?"

Several people then all brush to see to He Fei Er.

They thought that helfe would retort, after all, such a thing would not be accepted by normal people.

However, to their surprise, he fei'er not only did not refute, but also seemed to have been discovered the biggest secret. She threw her head away in great confusion, but did not dare to look at the eyes of several people in Yunxia.


How can people not understand? In this way, Feng Zhi said nothing wrong. He fei'er took the initiative to make a furnace cauldron for people to collect and mend.

Yunxia several people's eyes will be more incredible.

Maybe their eyes stimulated hefei'er. She suddenly got out of control and pointed to Feng Zhi and said in a sharp voice: "Feng Zhi, Feng Zhi!"

The voice seemed to contain endless resentment. Hearing Yunxia several people couldn't help shivering.

"If it wasn't for you, how could we have become like this, how could I have done such a dirty thing?" He fei'er roars at Feng Zhi, as if this can bring harm to Feng Zhi and make her feel better.

Feng looked at he fei'er coldly, "it should be said that your father should hate giving birth to such a daughter as you, otherwise, I will not have any relationship with your he family."

He Fei Er is another one.

In fact, she knew that if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have invited Feng Zhi. If she hadn't treated Long Yan like this and wanted to poison Feng Zhi, Fengzhi would not have been annoyed by her.

But then, he fei'er pressed all these remorse in the bottom of her heart and looked at Feng Zhi with hatred, "it's all you, it's you! Since I've run into it, I'll give you to donglaizong this time. I'll see what kind of good end you can have

Feng Zhi sneered.

"Say you're stupid, you don't admit it."

She didn't want to talk nonsense with he fei'er any more. She raised her hand and gently grasped the place where he fei'er was, and she caught all the people in her hand.

Well, Feng to have to admit that she is now more like to grab people's neck hobby.


Anyway, it's the enemy who suffers. What's the matter?

Being pinched by Feng Zhi, he fei'er can't breathe for a moment. She is still in the golden elixir period now. She has damaged some accomplishments because she has been collected and mended in recent months. She will turn her eyes in such a short time.

She now understood why Feng Zhi said she was stupid.

He fei'er had seen with her own eyes how Fengzhi broke through to the out of body period. Based on her accomplishments, she saw that Feng Zhi, who had a grudge against her, didn't turn around and run away. Instead, he talked with Fengzhi for such a long time, giving Fengzhi a chance to win her.

It's not stupid. What is it?

But now it's too late to regret. He fei'er's face turned red and then pale, and her eyes gradually began to lose luster.

Feng to this time did not want to let He Fei Er live.

Such a fool, or a fool who had a grudge against her, how could she allow her to appear in front of her like this next time?

But at this time, Feng to hand did not relax, but suddenly looked up to a certain direction in the past.

Yunxia several people see Feng to the expression is different, and quickly also followed to see the past.

But no matter how they look at it, they don't see what's wrong.

Feng to gently raised his lips, "since it has come, why hide your head and tail, don't you You're willing to die in my hands with such a good stoveListen to the meaning of Fengzhi

Is this the male monk who uses her as a cauldron?

Yunxia several people stare big eyes.

Then, there was a blank place, the air suddenly twisted, and a figure appeared gradually.

The visitor is a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties. He is tall and slender, with a small beard on his chin, which looks quite fairyland.

But the so-called person can't judge his appearance. If Feng Zhi didn't point out that this man actually took he fei'er as a furnace cauldron, how could Yunxia see his essence?

The middle-aged man saw that Feng Zhi had found xingzang, and he had a bitter smile on his face. "Miss Fengzhi, right? I wonder if Miss Fengzhi can see her face and spare her life?"

Feng to a little bit ironically looked at the middle-aged man.

"I can't see that you can care so much about a cauldron, but it's just a cauldron. If you die, you can find another one. As she would make a cauldron for a so-called good day, there won't be only one." Feng Zhi Dao.

The middle-aged man was smothered.

He knew his own strength, but it was in the early days of Yuanying, and it was only recently that he broke through to the stage of Yuanying by collecting and supplementing hefei'er. Compared with Fengzhi, it was a world-wide difference. How dare he fight against Fengzhi?

And he fei'er, probably from the middle-aged man here to see the hope of escape, originally was about to die, but at this time she did not know where to fight more strength, and even tried to struggle in the hands of Feng Zhi.

Of course, her struggle didn't make any difference.

The middle-aged man pauses for a while, knowing that if he doesn't take something out, Fengzhi will never spare hefei'er's life.

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