Feng Zhi didn't plan to spare he fei'er.

She was not a good-natured person. She was rushed to her by people like helfei'er, just like an annoying fly, and she could be killed easily.

Had it not been for the appearance of the middle-aged man, he fei'er would have been a corpse by now.

She is still in the golden elixir period, but there is no Yuanying who can be reborn. She can only wait to see if she can cast a good fetus in her next life.

At this time, the middle-aged man thought carefully, but suddenly said: "Miss Fengzhi, I know that my strength is not as good as you, but I really want to leave he fei'er's life, so How about taking something to exchange with Miss Fengzhi? He fei'er is just a golden cauldron. Miss Fengzhi doesn't have to care about her life, does she? "

He fei'er was still struggling. When she heard the middle-aged man's words, the light of hope in his eyes was dim.

Feng Zhi, however, laughed and looked at the middle-aged man up and down. He said, "I can't see that some of you who live by collecting and tonifying others are so affectionate and righteous. They are moved to their own furnace cauldron, ha ha..."

She did not really have any chance to kill her.

Feng Zhi also thought of Long Yan and himself.

If she was in the situation of hefei'er, Long Yan, he would take all the things to exchange himself back.

Thinking of these, Feng Zhi's hand was slightly loose, and he fei'er coughed several times, and then began to gasp in a greedy manner.

Feng didn't manage he fei'er, so she threw him into the middle-aged man's hand.

"Your cauldron is not a good one. If you protect her, you should be careful that you are bitten to death by this poisonous snake." Feng Zhi finished all her words. She also knew that since the middle-aged man had already moved his heart, she would not give up hefei'er because of her words, so she continued, "since you want to exchange things, you may as well talk about it first. If the things you take out are not comparable to her small life, then don't blame me for my ruthlessness..."

The middle-aged man carefully checked the situation of he fei'er, and determined that she was just coughing because she couldn't breathe, and she didn't get any other injuries. This was a relief.

He then looked at Fengzhi and said, "Miss Fengzhi, I've heard about your deeds before. I'm a bald friend."

Bald friends?

Feng Zhi's eyes moved slightly.


Middle aged man, do you know what she wants to do with her bald head?

Feng Zhi nodded, "and then?"

The middle-aged man did not speak next, but chose to use the divine sense to transmit the sound to Fengzhi.

"Miss Fengzhi, this is a very important thing. I dare not let others hear about it. I once got a map of donglaizong sect under the chance meeting. This map should be able to play a role in Miss Fengzhi. The most important thing is that donglaizong's mountain protection array is extremely powerful. It is said that even if it is the great power of the Mahayana period, it can be blocked for a period of time, No Once upon a time, there was a small loophole in the mountain protection array... "

The middle-aged man then said the loophole, and then from the storage ring took out a look at the ordinary jade slips, to the Phoenix there to play in the past.

Then, without waiting for Feng to speak again, he hurried away with hefei'er, who had not yet returned to her breath.

Feng Zhi clenched the jade slips in her hand.

I didn't expect that someone would deliver the pillow immediately when the drowsiness came.

She had thought that she would go into the treasure house of donglaizong, and she should spend a lot of time on membership fees. But I didn't expect that she just ran into he fei'er and got such a news.

It seems that

God wants her to be rich?

Feng to some complacent think.

Yunxia several also did not ask Feng to the middle-aged man and she said what.

Since the middle-aged men choose to use divine sense to communicate, it shows that these things are not suitable for them to hear. In this case, they will not ask more.

Sometimes, people die early because they know too much.

Yunxia four people have been with Feng for a long time. Naturally, they also know this truth. As for Zhang Yue, how can he grow up from a few years old to now without any protection?

Feng to read the contents of the jade slips, is very happy to put the jade slips into the space, and then waved to Yunxia several people, "walk, let's go to see a good play today."

Since even the middle-aged man has already known what will happen, it can be imagined that the people of donglaizong will not be unable to get the news in time.

Cloud cloud four people then slightly in the heart a tight, "Phoenix to, we really want to go to Fengyun Zong?"

Feng Zhi nodded affirmatively, "that's of course. Don't you always want to go back to Fengyun Zong to have a look? Now the opportunity comes, or do you care nothing about the situation of zongmen?"

Then they shook their heads.Of course not.

They're just a little nervous.

Feng didn't say anything more. She still took the four people of Yunxia and Zhang Yue to the gate of Fengyun Zong with his sword.

Fengyun Zong's Mountain Gate is not far from Donglai city. It is on the Lingxiu peak 300 miles away from Donglai city.

When they choose the mountain gate, they will choose the blessed land with abundant aura. Cultivating in such a place can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

However, there are not many such caves. Of course, the best ones are picked away by the largest ones, while the rest of the small ones can only be picked up on the hills that the main gate can't see.

Lingxiu peak is such a place.

The aura of Lingxiu peak is about 50% or 60% more than that of ordinary places. Compared with those caves where the aura is several times that of the outside, it is of course nothing.

However, more than 50% or 60% is better than not much.

When the founder of Fengyun sect opened the mountain gate to establish the Fengyun sect, he was also a practitioner in the later period of Yuanying. Although such strength can be used to establish Fengyun sect, its strength is still somewhat weak.

This is still the case with the founder of kaipai. Most of the masters of Fengyun Zong from generation to generation are in the period of Yuanying. However, there was once a master in the period of leaving the body, but there was only one.

After Yunchuan said the situation of Fengyun Zong again, Fengzhi had stopped on a hill about 50 li away from Lingxiu peak.

Yunxia several people then have some doubts.

Fifty Li, of course, is nothing to the practitioners who fly with swords. They will arrive soon.


They don't have a thousand li eyes. How can they see any excitement when they are 50 miles away?

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