Jiang Zhen's appearance is very ordinary, belonging to the kind of people who can't be found when they are thrown into a pile of people.

Of course, the practitioners of virtual spirit state are not ugly. It's true that Jiang Zhen's appearance should be thrown into the crowd. I'm afraid it's quite conspicuous.

It's not good-looking, but relatively ugly.

Fengzhi has met Jiang Xu. Jiang Xu's appearance is excellent. If not, he will judge people by his appearance like a dragon. Even if no one wants him, he will not accept him.


Fengzhi has reason to believe that Jiang Xu has a very beautiful mother.

Of course, it's a bit off topic.

Jiang Zhen was very impatient at this time.

Generally speaking, a man of practice like him has been able to collapse Mount Tai on the top of the mountain without changing his color, because he has experienced too many things. However, Jiang Zhen has surrounded this small Fengyun sect for such a long time, but he has not got the results he wants. He is also criticized every day that donglaizong bullies others. How can he be patient?

He looked coldly at Feng Zhenren, who was as stable as Mount Tai, and the Fengyun sect disciples who did not have any fear on their faces. "It seems that you are all toasting and not eating and drinking. I will say one last time. Let your four disciples come back, and I will spare you, otherwise..."

"There are so many disciples of Fengyun sect, they will be buried with them!"

Jiang Zhen said in the end, the voice is a bit gloomy.

However, this did not frighten the people of Fengyun Zong.

The Taoist lingxu standing behind the immortal Feng, who is also the master of the four Yunxia, took a cold look at Jiang Zhen. He was not in awe of Jiang Zhen because he was the leader of the Donglai sect and the Venerable Master of the exorcism period.

"Although our Fengyun sect is small, it is not possible that everyone can step on it. Since my four disciples have already traveled around, we elders will not pull their hind legs, and there is no way to contact them." Lingxu Taoist priest sneered again, "isn't donglaizong a big part of our Xuling realm? This east continent is your world. It's just looking for a few people. It's hard to get master Jiang for such a trivial matter?"

The irony should not be too obvious. Maybe the deaf can hear it.

After lingxu Taoist said that, Fengyun Zong's people were all enthusiastic.

Feng to see here, but some surprise, "can't see, ah, you such a small Zong door, in the face of East to Zong unexpectedly can be so tough, pour also really not easy."

Hearing this, Yunxia several people knew that Feng Zhi didn't know anything about Fengyun Zong in advance.

Zhang Yue then explained: "although Fengyun sect is a small sect, it is also well-known in the virtual spirit realm. It is because the people of Fengyun sect are always like this kind of donkey temper, which coax them not to walk and fight back. If they want to use force to intimidate them, no one has ever succeeded."

Feng to a listen, it is more interested.

There was a flash of light in her mind, but in such a moment, the faint thought did not know where to go.

Feng to also not anxious, since can remember once, certainly also can remember the second time.

She then set her eyes again on the water curtain.

Jiang Zhen's face is a little ugly.

As the leader of a sect, he was held back by the young friars of Fengyun Zong who had a donkey temper. It was strange that his face could look good.

In fact, Jiang Zhen has long regretted that he should not have acted so rashly.

He Fei is not a very important person to donglaizong, and since he arrived in donglaicheng, he has almost regarded donglaicheng as his private plot. He usually only drags in his pocket what good things are handed over to Zong clan, which are selected by him.

The senior officials of donglaizong also know some of them.

However, although He Fei's cultivation can only stop at Yuanying, his business skills are really extraordinary. After arriving at Donglai City, he has made Donglai city more prosperous, and there are more and more spirit stones handed over to donglaizong. Therefore, the senior officials of donglaizong just don't know. As long as he doesn't make too much trouble, others will be left to him.

But now, Donglai city has been extremely prosperous. To be honest, He Fei's role is really not big.

In fact, the senior officials of donglaizong have been thinking about when He Fei will be transferred back from Donglai city.

But I didn't expect that donglaizong had not had time to make any moves. He Fei died directly, and even Yuanying did not escape back.

He Fei is not important, but the dignity of donglaizong is very important.

Donglaizong wanted to find out one thing. Naturally, Fengzhi and the four younger generations of Fengyun Zong fell into the sight of donglaizong in this way.

At that time, donglaizong's senior officials were not sure whether he Fei's accident had anything to do with Fengzhi.

After all, Feng Zhi's tender face is the most natural protective color. Who could have thought that she, a little girl in her twenties, could easily kill He Fei?But because this matter related to donglaizong's majesty, Jiang Zhen, out of prudence, also sent the elder Mo Di to come forward.

However, I didn't expect that He Fei was broken first, and then even Mo Di lost his life or death. If it was not for Mo Di's soul card, it was still intact. I'm afraid that the senior officials of donglaizong would think that Mody was dead.

At this time, donglaizong and Jiangzhen were already in trouble.

He Fei, Mo Di, and a group of elite disciples brought out by Mo Di can not be ignored by Donglai Zong.

What's more, during that time, Jiang Xu had to catch up with long Xianxian, and he had to send him to the door when he was betrayed. Jiang was so angry that he also wanted to find a way to vent his heart. Therefore, he decided to take people around Fengyun Zong.

He thought that Fengyun Zong's human bones were no matter how hard they were. With the strength of these people he brought out, they could also crush the bones of Fengyun Zong people directly.

But I didn't expect

After a long standoff, Fengyun Zong didn't mean to be soft.

Slightly squinting, coldly looking at the Fengyun Zong person headed by Feng Zhenren, Jiang Xu said in a cold voice: "it's all. I wanted to leave some face for you Fengyun Zong. Since you all refuse to appreciate it, don't blame our donglaizong's merciless..."

Jiang Zhen is ready to fight hard.

Although we didn't catch the culprit who let Dong Laiguo fall into such a dilemma, we can also vent some fire if we can extinguish Fengyun Zong.

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