Jiang Zhen raised one hand gently.

Seeing his actions, the people of Fengyun Zong on the opposite side are naturally on guard against the enemy. Even if they know clearly that they are not the opponents of donglaizong, they will not wait to die.

And the people of donglaizong, seeing Jiang Zhen like this, also followed one by one with solemn expressions.

As long as Jiang Zhen orders, these masters of donglaizong will be able to rush to Fengyun Zong's people.

At this critical moment, Yunxia four people almost didn't stare out.

They all stood up and said with great determination: "Fengzhi, we must rush back. No matter what, we must fight against foreign enemies together with zongmen."

Even if they die.

This sentence, however, was hidden in my heart and didn't say it.

Feng to only raised his hand, the four felt that the knee came to a force that they could not resist at all, and the whole person could not help but sit down again.

"What's your hurry, I say?" Feng was not in a hurry. She even took out a whole set of tea sets, made a whole pot of her precious spirit tea, and poured herself a cup. "Don't worry, they will be OK. When the people from donglaizong return, we can go to Fengyun Zong in a big way."

Yunxia four people are as anxious as anything.

But they are far from hydrolyzing the near fire, can only believe what Feng Zhi said.

The four took a deep breath and looked at Feng. They left five empty cups. They didn't think about it any more. They took the teapot and made a cup of spirit tea for themselves. They also made tea from Zhang Yue's cup.

Then, raise the cup and drink it.

The spirit tea in Feng Zhi's hand can be called the best. After drinking such a cup of tea, the original eagerness of the four people in Yunxia's heart was also unconsciously calmed down.

Seeing this, Zhang Yue quickly drank the spirit tea in the cup. He even poured a cup for himself.

He was able to save his life at such a young age, and there was a little effect in his cultivation. What he relied on was that he would never let go as long as it was beneficial to him?

Feng to this time pointed to the water curtain, "don't talk, concentrate on watching."

The five then looked again at the water curtain.

Jiang Zhen raised his hand.

His hand is very important now. As long as his hand is gently waved down, the people of Fengyun clan on the opposite side can only become history.

Even, because Fengyun Zong is completely destroyed, there will not be a few people who can still remember them.

Well, maybe those four Fengyun Zong disciples who refused to bite back will remember.

Just as Jiang Zhen was about to wave his hand, there was a sudden sound of breaking the sky in the distance. It was the voice that a cultivator could not do without flying his sword.

Although the sound was far away, Jiang Zhen had already noticed it, and then subconsciously looked over there.

Then, Jiang Zhen couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

If he's right

Come, is it a disciple of donglaizong?

Also because of this person who came suddenly, Jiang Zhen's hand didn't go down.

After a while, the sound of breaking the sky was getting closer and closer. Then a disciple dressed in Dong Lai Zong's clothes fell in front of Jiang Zhen and others with a flying sword from far to near.

The strength of this disciple of donglaizong is in the middle of the golden elixir. I don't know if it is because he has been flying for too long and consumed too much aura. He is not only dishevelled, but also his face is pale and pale. He can't even stand.

If it was not for someone to see that his situation was not right, he would be able to fall down like this.

Jiang Zhen's face changed slightly.

Is there something wrong with the family?

He didn't care about those Fengyun Zong people in the opposite. Anyhow, Fengyun Zong was in Jiang Zhen's heart, which was just some tough mice. He could clean up whenever he wanted.

"What happened?" Jiang Zhen snapped.

Because he didn't know what had happened, Jiang Zhen unconsciously used some aura when he spoke. The disciple of donglaizong who came here had consumed too much, but how could he bear it? He immediately opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Zhen found that he was a little out of breath.

He looked at all the people of Fengyun sect with a cruel look. If it wasn't for these people, as the master of a sect, how could he have been a bit impetuous?

With a wink, he asked his subordinates to give the disciple a healing medicine. After the disciple's color improved, Jiang Zhen slowed down his voice again, "what's the matter?"

"Master, take a deep breath of Dongyang

Big deal!

When everyone heard this, they were all in a sudden.

As the leader of donglaizong, Jiang Zhen was naturally more concerned about what was wrong with donglaizong. Subconsciously, he frowned, "what's the matter?"The disciple then went on to say, "back to the patriarch, just last night, the evil monks in Dongyang City suddenly did not know what had gone wrong. It was clearly at night, but they were illuminated as bright as day by using various techniques."

"Then, on the east gate of Dongyang City, a man was hanged, that man, that man was..."

Speaking of this, the disciple hesitated, as if there was something difficult to say.

Jiang Zhen had a meal in his heart.

He had a bad feeling.

It was because of this premonition that he wanted to know more about what was going on, so he said, "who is it?"

"It's the elder!"

After finishing these words, the disciple buried his head deeply.

Not only he, but also other people couldn't help but feel cold after hearing that this man was really invincible.

Jiang Zhen's face was like the frost, "you say it again!"

These words seem to be squeezed out of the teeth.

The disciple had already opened his head, but he was not afraid to continue to say, "back to the patriarch, the man who was hanged above the east gate of Dongyang City is indeed the great elder of our clan. Moreover, the elder is still cultivated by those evils I picked up my clothes and hung them up... "


Jiang Zhen couldn't help but clap on the open space in front of him, and directly shot a three Zhang round, deep hole coming out.

This shows how angry Jiang Zhen is.

After the first battle with Fengzhi, Mo Di did not know whether he was alive or dead. However, he fell into the hands of those evil cults. These people not only did not live in the dark as before, but also dared to fight against donglaizong so openly and let him fall into such a situation?

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