Fengzhenren and lingxu Taoist were both confused at this time.

They thought about many possibilities, but they did not expect that after the people of donglaizong left, they would come to Yunxia.

Both of them were a little stupefied. Until the four Yunxia people rushed over, they came back to their senses and reached for Yunxia. Subconsciously, they complained: "look at you, you are not children anymore. How can you act so recklessly..."

The words didn't finish, suddenly stunned.

They remembered that according to the donglaizong people, Yunxia four people were with a little girl in her twenties who had the strength to go out of the body. They not only killed He Fei, but also directly let the elder of donglaizong go missing.

Originally, fengzhenren thought that this was a method that donglaizong thought casually. He wanted to find Fengyun Zong's trouble, but he didn't expect that, seeing the current situation, it was really true?

At this time, the excitement of the four Yunxia gradually subsided. They quickly stood up and turned to introduce to immortal Feng and Taoist lingxu, "master, this is Fengzhi, and that is Zhang Yue."

Feng Zhenren nodded stupidly.

He looked at Feng Zhi, but was very depressed to find that he was a man of his age, and could not see through the bottom of the little girl.


What donglaizong said is that the little girl has the strength to leave the body. Is it true?

Xu Lingjing doesn't talk about the elder and the younger. He talks with his strength. Then the real man Feng embraces his fist and says, "I've seen you."

For a young girl in her twenties, Feng Zhenren is not uncomfortable.

As the leader of Fengyun sect, fengzhenren is like this. The disciples of Fengyun sect naturally call themselves "elder" and salute Fengzhi to the younger generation.

Feng Zhi unexpectedly took a look at Feng Zhenren.

Since she came to the virtual spirit realm, she also met many people, most of them unconsciously despised her because of her age. Even if Fengzhi showed her strength, they would find other excuses, just refused to admit that this was the strength of Fengzhi.

It is impossible to achieve another kind of achievement by deceiving others.

Feng Zhenren was the first one to recognize himself as a junior.

Feng Zhi has a good opinion of Feng Zhenren.

Maybe, this is why Fengyun Zong would rather die than bow under the threat of donglaizong.

Feng Zhi didn't give such an old grandfather who could be her ancestor any more. She didn't receive the gift from immortal Feng. Instead, she avoided some of them. "Lord Feng, you don't have to be so polite. Yunxia and the four of them have helped me a lot along the way."

The four of Yunxia blushed at the speech.

They were all a little ashamed.

Because they don't think they have done anything to help Fengzhi. At most, they are leading the way for Fengzhi. Anyone can do such a thing.

On the contrary, it is they who have gained too much benefit from Feng.

If it is not Fengzhi, where can their strength be improved by leaps and bounds?

Therefore, after listening to Fengzhi's words, Yunxia even said, "Lord, master, don't listen to Fengzhi. We didn't help anything, but we got a lot of benefits from Fengzhi."

Hearing this, those young disciples in Fengyun clan are envious.

But it's just envy.

As a practitioner, fortune is of course extremely important. It is their luck that the four Yunxia people have such a good fortune, which is not envied by others at all.

Feng Zhenren sniffed the speech and then picked up his beard and laughed a few times. Then he invited Feng to join the sect.

When they stepped on the first step, they heard a faint bell ring from the top of Lingxiu peak. The bell was very melodious and stopped after nine rings.

This let the people of Fengyun Zong be surprised again.

There is a treasure of the Fengyun sect, that is, the big bell named "striking the sky". It is said that the bell is a very powerful magic weapon. The only master of the Fengyun sect who was out of the body in those years used this bell to beat many powerful people.

However, since the patriarch in the period of leaving the body, the whole Fengyun sect has no one to urge the bell to ring.

And the patriarch had left a message before he died. If one day, when a visitor came to the door, he would ring the bell and take the initiative to ring the bell nine times, it would be a great opportunity for Fengyun Zong.


All the people looked at Fengzhi in unison, as if Fengzhi was a walking baby.

Therefore, the chance of their Fengyun clan is Fengzhi?

In this way, Fengyun Zong was excited.

They believed in the Lord's words. He was not only very powerful, but also extremely accurate. Since he had left his words, he should not have made mistakes.Opportunity of Fengyun Zong

Here we are!

In the heart is excited, the wind immortal that originally appears on the face of fairytale and moral character has more flattery to the Phoenix.

This makes Feng Zhi very funny.

However, an old man of such an age still had to look like this in front of her, especially since this person was barely able to be regarded as one of his own, Feng Zhi certainly would not be so arrogant, on the contrary, he was more modest.

In such an atmosphere, the host and guest have been on the Lingxiu peak.

Lingxiu peak can become the gate of Fengyun sect. Its scenery is of course very beautiful, and its aura is obviously more rich than those at the foot of the mountain and Donglai city.

Of course, compared with those blessed places, aura is still a little thin.

Fengzhi didn't have any interest in seeing the scenery, so they went directly to the meeting hall of Fengyun Zong.

This conference hall is the most solemn place of Fengyun Zong. It would never have been opened unless something important happened. This meeting was opened because of the arrival of Fengzhi, which shows that immortal Feng attaches great importance to Fengzhi.

Of course, there were not many people left in the conference hall, that is, fengzhenren, lingxu Taoist, some practitioners in the later stage of the golden elixir, plus the four Yunxia people.

As a matter of fact, the four Yunxia people were not qualified to enter the Council hall before. This time, there was an exception because of their relationship with Fengzhi.

After they sat down, a little boy immediately brought the spirit tea.

Yunxia four people are not polite, directly took a sip of Lingcha.

And then

All four of them showed some disdain.

The four of them followed Feng to his side for a period of time. No matter what they ate or used, they were the best. In the past, they couldn't drink such spirit tea, but now they can't look up to it.

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