Phoenix to where can not see.

She then raised her hand and knocked on the head of Yunchuan which was nearest to her, "it's time to pour a bowl of cold water for you to drink, and you should be grateful. How dare you dislike it?"

Yunchuan touched his head.

He was a little angry, "Fengzhi, how do you like to hit me? Are there three of them? Why is it me that gets hurt every time?"

Yunxia three people then all laugh.

Speaking of, Feng to usually like to play, is really Yunchuan.

Every time something happens, Yunchuan must be the first to be beaten.

Feng to quite innocent way: "who calls your head to hit up feel the best?"

Yunchuan is speechless.

Four people laugh for a while, pour also really put that share of dislike to put away.

Think about the past days, and then think about now, if not for Fengzhi, where could they taste better than this kind of spirit tea?

The four of them really settled down.

Fengzhenren and lingxu daoren were afraid that the four Yunxia people would offend Fengzhi, but when they saw the way Fengzhi got along with the four of them, they knew that Fengzhi was always so close to them, so they were relieved.

"Feng Zhenren is a little embarrassed," Feng Zhi, don't be surprised. The resources produced by Lingxiu peak are not much. This is the best spirit tea we can bring out. "

Fengzhi certainly won't be surprised.

"Lord Feng can call my name directly. Even Yunxia, they all call me by my name." She said.

After thinking about it, since immortal Feng has such sincerity, Fengzhi will not be stingy. With a gentle wave to the front table, he will take out a whole set of tea sets and pick up some Lingcha.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the teapot filled with Lingcha would take the initiative to pour it into the teacup, and then fly to the public one by one.

Feng Zhenren and others immediately brightened their eyes.

It's really good. You don't have to taste it. You can see the clue by just sniffing it. They haven't even seen it before, let alone drink it.

Fengyun Zong's people are not those who will put on airs, just like Zhang Yue. They are good for themselves, and don't need to do anything harmful to nature. They are absolutely willing to come. They will not be embarrassed. They immediately take up the spirit tea in front of them and drink them all at once.

"Good tea, good tea!"

The sound goes on and on.

Fengzhi had not been with so many people for a long time, but she was also a little happy. When she heard the praise of the people, she waved again and filled the cup in front of them.

This time, they did not drink as much as before, but tasted it carefully.

When the tea is over, Feng Zhen talks about business.

"Fengzhi..." Feng Zhenren is not used to calling Fengzhi's name directly, "those people in donglaizong say..."

Before he finished his words, Feng Zhi said with a smile: "the people of donglaizong said I killed He Fei? And capture Mody? "

Feng Zhenren nods.

Feng Zhi then nodded simply, "it's really me who did it. Maybe they found four Yunxia disciples of Fengyun sect, but they couldn't find me. This forced Fengyun Zong to come and lead me out."

The people of Fengyun Zong were shocked.

Although they had psychological preparation in advance, they were really shocked when they heard Feng Zhi admit.

In her twenties

This is not "genius" two words can describe, this is simply evil!

Some people are born to fight against confidence.

If there are more people like this, the practitioners in this world will probably not need to practice. The feeling that they have worked hard to cultivate, but can't compare with the short-term cultivation results of others, is probably unacceptable to ordinary people.

Fengyun Zong's people are open-minded, even though they are in a more open-minded mood, they can't bear the damage of tons.

After a long time, Fengzhen talent gently breathed out.

He looked at lingxu Taoist and others, and suddenly there was more light in his eyes.

With a slight cough, immortal Feng said, "Fengzhi ah, it's like this. Our Fengyun sect actually had a legend a long time ago..."


Phoenix to pour is rare, some curious.

"What legend?" She asked.

Immortal Feng took a look at the Taoist priest lingxu.

Lingxu Taoist then said: "just when we went up the mountain, you probably heard nine bells. It was the treasure of Fengyun sect that struck the sky bell..."

Ring the clock.

Feng to hear this somewhat arrogant name, it is a little curious.

This is the same as the name of killing immortal sword.

I just don't know if the name of the clock can match its power.Lingxu Taoist continued, "the bell was originally left by a master of Fengyun sect who had the strength of going out of the body period. The master was usually the best at divination. He had left words before he died. One day, when Fengyun Zong had visitors, the bell would ring nine times. That noble guest is the chance of Fengyun sect."

After saying that, Fengyun Zong's people all look forward to the Phoenix, which means self-evident.

Feng to smell speech a little laugh.


Fengyun Zong people, this is to rely on her?

Fengzhi originally wanted to refuse.

After all, although Fengyun sect is only a small sect, there are thousands of disciples in Fengyun sect. If she takes over all of them, she will not be exhausted?

But before she refused, Feng Zhi suddenly gave a meal.

She remembered that she still had the cave left by the five element sect.

The five element sect does not exist. Since Fengzhi has inherited the five element sect by chance, it is natural for Fengzhi to find ways to carry forward the sect. It is because of this that Fengzhi has received several disciples, including Mo Li, Zhi Zhi, Feng Lin and Dou Dou.

But now

There are so many people in Fengyun sect, and they are all native practitioners. All of them have spiritual roots. If they can be combined into the five element sect, will she not be able to complete the task of carrying forward the school immediately?

Such a thought, Feng to pour some heart.


She had seen from the water curtain that although the Fengyun sect was small, the people of the Fengyun sect were all tough bones from top to bottom. Facing the powerful sect like donglaizong, they didn't mean to step back. Would they accept the condition of merging their own clan into the five element sect?

Feng to think about it for a while, but also decided to say things first.

If the people of Fengyun Zong don't want to, that's not enough.

She then said, "I don't know if I am your chance, but I can offer you a way. As for whether you accept it or not, it depends on you."

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