Feng Zhenren's eyes are bright.

He even busy way: "Phoenix to, what way?"

Feng Zhi pondered for a moment and said, "in fact I'm not a person in an empty spirit state. "

This word a, no different has the effect of breaking the sky.

Yunxia four and Zhang Yue are actually the most shocked.

Where could they have imagined that Feng Zhi should have said such a thing.


The four of Yunxia thought of the scene when they first met Fengzhi, and that Fengzhi was not clear about the virtual spirit state. They told Fengzhi a lot of common sense things, but they began to believe it.

Then, Yunxia gently breathed out a breath, "no wonder..."

Feng Zhi smiles.

Feng Zhenren and others were also very surprised, but after all, they experienced more things, so they did not show their surprise, just quietly waiting for Fengzhi to continue talking.

Feng Zhibian then said: "I come from a place called Xuanwu land. The people in that place don't focus on cultivating the truth, but they majored in martial arts. However, after practicing martial arts to the extreme, they can also compete with our practitioners."

For example, Feng Zhi herself, in the early Yuan Dynasty, she also had rivals on the Xuanwu continent.

Feng Zhenren nodded repeatedly.

Whether it's the practice of truth or martial arts, it's the same at the end of the day, which is the so-called common goal by different paths.

"The Xuanwu continent is extremely rich in products. There are many things that are similar to the virtual spirit state, such as some miraculous drugs and other animals. The aura there is not as rich as the virtual spirit state, but it is absolutely not bad. At least it is much more abundant than Lingxiu peak..."

Feng Zhenren was eager to hear it.

He vaguely knew what Fengzhi wanted to say, so he looked at Fengzhi eagerly and waited for Fengzhi to continue to speak.

When such an old grandfather made such a appearance, Feng Zhi was almost amused, "and I unintentionally got the inheritance of the five element sect, and I still have the cave of the five element sect in my hand. But when I got the cave, the five element sect had already moved for some reason. Therefore, in addition to me, the five element sect now has only a few that I have collected on the Xuanwu continent It's just a little apprentice. "

"I mean, if you want, I can join you to the five elements sect. When you leave the Xuling realm and return to the Xuanwu continent, I can also take you with me. At that time, there will be only one gate for the five elements sect in the whole Xuanwu continent..."

All of them were moved by the beautiful picture of Fengzhi.

What's more, the most important thing is that Fengyun Zong has already offended donglaizong. It can be imagined that when donglaizong has dealt with the matter, he will never let go of his efforts to clean up Fengyun Zong.

At that time, Fengyun Zong is afraid to face the disaster of annihilation.


Many people feel hesitant to combine Fengyun Zong with Wuxing Zong.

So, they all looked at the wind immortal.

Feng Zhenren was also a little embarrassed at this time.

Although Fengyun sect is small, it is actually their sect. They always remember that they are their disciples. But now, if Fengyun Zong wants to seize this opportunity, it will lose Fengyun sect

This sentence sounds a little tongue twister, but that's what it means.

Even if fengzhenren is the leader of Fengyun sect, how can such a big event be resolved in a moment?

Seeing and knowing this, she didn't rush to ask for the answer. She just said with a smile, "this is just a proposal. It doesn't matter if Lord Feng doesn't want to."

They were relieved first.

In any case, they can continue to discuss.

Skipping this topic, Feng Zhenren was curious about the fact that the people of donglaizong would suddenly be gone. He couldn't help asking: "Fengzhi, the leader of donglaizong, Jiang Zhen put down his words yesterday. Today he is going to take my disciples of Fengyun sect into operation. It was clear that Jiang Zhen was ready to do it. Why did he lead people away in a hurry? But what happened? "

Hearing that immortal Feng mentioned it, Yunchuan, who talked most, raised his hand before Feng Zhi could speak. He said excitedly, "Lord, I know this matter, I know it!"

Then he captured the evil monks in Dongyang City, and prepared to let people watch how Mo Di was picked up by evil women.

Feng Zhenren and others couldn't help but take a breath.

They now know why Jiang Zhen was so angry before. If they were changed, they would probably be the same.

That's a long-standing out of the body mid-term master Mo Di ah!


The crowd looked at each other.

Then, Feng Zhenren looks at Xiang Feng again.

He didn't think it was just a coincidence.

What's more, Mo Di's disappearance is after the defeat in the fight with Fengzhi. If it is said that this matter has nothing to do with Fengzhi, he would not believe it even if he killed the immortal Feng.

Thinking that Fengzhi could even think of handing over Mo Di to Xie Xiu, immortal Feng had some understanding of Fengzhi's means of doing things.Dare you, the present master is not only too powerful to make people feel ashamed, but also a man who does things in a free way.


Such people always go further in the way of cultivation.

So, should we agree to her proposal?

Feng Zhenren began to tangle again.

Feng Zhi asked Yunchuan to finish his speech, and then bent his lips slightly, "this is really a matter for me to cooperate with those evil cults. We must first solve the encirclement of Fengyun Zong, and donglaizong has no scruples about his face. If he can't find me as the culprit, he just knows to take Fengyun Zong out of his anger."

For the follow-up plan of this matter, Feng Zhi did not say.

Yunxia four people saw the Phoenix to one eye, also knew the machine did not say much.

After all, this matter is of great importance. If any information is leaked, it will be extremely unfavorable to Fengzhi.

After talking with Feng Zhenren and others for a while, Yunxia four people led Feng Zhi and Zhang Yue to leave.

The people of Fengyun Zong have heard so much news today, and there is something important to discuss about the long-term development of zongmen. Of course, it will take some time.

Of course, they did not ask Feng to wait at most and gave the answer.

Three days later, Feng Zhenren found Fengzhi alone.

"Fengzhi," Feng Zhenren said cautiously to Fengzhi, "as you suggested earlier, we Yes

Speaking the word "promise", Feng Zhenren is also a little difficult.

As the leader of a clan, we can imagine how difficult it is to make such a decision.

Seeing Feng Zhi's surprise, immortal Feng gave a wry smile, "trees move to death, people move to live. Fengyun Zong is now at the time of life and death. Since I am the leader of the clan, I can't watch so many disciples die. As long as these people can keep the sect, whether we are the five element sect or the Fengyun sect, it doesn't matter."

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