Feng Zhi smiles.

She likes people who are so straightforward.

"Lord Feng, don't worry. I will never let my own people suffer. Since Fengyun Zong is willing to come to the five element sect, I will never treat the disciples of the sect badly." Feng Zhi Dao.

In fact, one of the reasons why Fengzhi was able to move people from Fengyun sect to wuxingzong was that she really appreciated the ferocity of Fengyun Zong's people who would rather die than step back when they met a strong enemy.

The whole clan has such a spirit, and after coming over, why worry about the decline of the clan?

Of course, she is not totally good. She provides a place for Fengyun Zong to protect them and give them a bright future. They always have to pay something.

What they paid is that the name of Fengyun sect no longer exists.

This is equivalent to equivalent exchange, and no one will suffer.

Now, Fengyun Zong's people are willing to accept such an exchange, which is the best thing.

Feng Zhi then nodded, "in this case, I'd like to trouble Lord Feng to inform me. From tomorrow, we will move to the cave of wuxingzong as quickly as possible. I hope to finish the relocation in two days. Next, I have some important things to do."

Since Feng Zhenren has made up his mind, of course he will not go back on his word temporarily.

He also nodded, "Feng Zhi, don't call me the Lord again. From today on, you are the leader of all of us. I will inform you immediately about the relocation, and will never miss the Lord's business!"

Feng Zhenren is very quick to adapt to his new identity.

Feng Zhi was very satisfied.

Feng Zhenren is about to turn around and leave to inform him of the move, but he suddenly thinks of another thing, "Lord, the treasure of Fengyun Zong's town sect is ringing the sky bell. We can't move it. Such treasures can't be left here. I'm afraid we need the master's help."

Feng Zhi was really interested in that bell, so he said, "well, you can go and prepare for the relocation. Just show me the way and tell me where the bell is, and I'll pick it up myself."

Since she has become the patriarch, she should take the treasure of the town sect in her hands.

Feng Zhi didn't feel guilty at all.

Feng Zhenren then pointed the way to Feng Zhi.

After that, Feng Zhenren left, and Feng Zhi followed the path pointed by Feng Zhenren and went to the highest place of Lingxiu peak.

There is a huge stone at the top of Lingxiu peak. I don't know when an octagonal pavilion was built on it. The octagonal pavilion is not for people to rest, but a big bell is hung in the middle.

This big bell is the bell of Fengzhen people.

With the strength of Fengzhi, although the highest part of Lingxiu peak is precipitous, it is not difficult for her to stop her at all. After a short time, she has reached the huge stone and arrived at the pavilion where the bell is hung.

Ringing the clock looks very ordinary from the performance, so that people can't connect it with its name of crazy drag cool bully.

This big clock fills the pavilion with bronze color, probably because it hasn't been moved for a long time, and there are some green copper rust on the surface, which looks mottled.

Such a clock is the so-called treasure?

Feng Zhi was suspicious.

Then she came near and touched the surface of the bell.

With this stroke, we can see some problems.

There is a very soft force on the surface of the bell. It seems that he wants to open Feng Zhi's hand and not let Feng Zhi touch it.

Phoenix to a pick eyebrows.

Finally, I found something different.

Of course, she couldn't give up like this. The aura in her body flowed towards the outstretched right hand through Yuanying, and then stroked the bell again.

This time, to Feng Zhi's surprise, there was no response from the bell. Instead, he let Feng Zhi's hand fall on the clock face. The touch of his hand was the same as those he had seen before. If there was any difference, it would be that the bell would have to be broken again.

Feng Zhi put both hands on the bell and pushed it.

There is no doubt that the bell did not move, nor did it make any sound.

As for Feng, she gave up her intention to use brute force to push the bell.

According to Feng Zhenren's description, this chime was once a famous magic weapon. In the hands of the master who was out of the body, he was helpless and disadvantageous to him. According to the patriarch, due to his strength, he could not give full play to the power of ringing the clock.

But after the master, Fengyun Zong has never been a master in the out of body period, and no one can ring the bell.

As a result, over the years, the bell named "strike the sky" has never made a sound again.

Until the arrival of the Phoenix.

In fact, the reason why emperor fengzong wanted to make use of Fengyun Zong's idea was that many people wanted to use Fengyun Zong to beat Tianfeng's mind meaning.In this way

The clock can never be useless.

How can the clock strike in your hand?

Feng to think about it, the spirit of the body surging wildly, all to the clock clock to lose.

As soon as he came into contact with Fengzhi's aura, he had some strange performance when he struck the heavenly bell. However, those auras of Fengzhi were directly swallowed up by the bell.

Even, at the end of the day, it was probably because the speed of entering the aura from Feng to Feng was too slow. When the clock struck, he began to take the initiative to extract the aura from Feng to his body.

This let Feng to can't help but "Yi".

Ringing the clock is like a beggar who hasn't had a full meal for tens of thousands of years. It's not easy to have something to eat. Regardless of whether it will hold up or not, he will try his best to put things into his mouth.

Feng Zhi felt that the speed of absorbing aura by ringing the clock was within the scope of her ability, but she did not interrupt the transmission of aura, and even accelerated it.

She is a practitioner in the out of body period. She has more aura than in the primordial period. In fact, such consumption is not a problem.

However, this time of conveying aura to the bell struck lasted five or six hours.

Even if Feng Zhi's body could contain more Aura, it was inevitable that it would consume too much. Later, she took time to fill her mouth with a large amount of miraculous elixir, which replenished the aura.

At this time, Fengzhi also understood why no one could control the ringing of the sky bell from the Lord.

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