Goods are better than goods, people are more dead than people.

Feng Zhenren really understood this sentence now.

He felt that he had probably lived for thousands of years in vain, and he probably had built a fake.

However, on second thought, a monster like Fengzhi can't find a second one even though he has searched the whole empty spirit state. In this case, why should he be compared with Fengzhi?

Feng Zhenren felt comforted.

After that, he really arranged everything in his hand, and was sent to the empty green pool by Feng Zhi.

After arranging all this, Feng Zhi was relieved.

As long as you wait one more day, the immortal Feng comes out of the empty green pool. There is no need for her to deal with the affairs of the gate. Then she can continue her robbery plan.

With such an idea, Feng Zhi waited for another day in the cave.

Of course, she didn't waste the day of waiting. She left the cave directly and went outside. Then she took her sword and went to Donglai mountain where donglaizong lived.

Donglaizong, donglaishan, donglaicheng

Donglaizong's people seem to be very persistent about the word "Donglai". They don't know whether it means "Ziqi Donglai".

Donglai mountain is not far away from Lingxiu peak. Fengzhi has fallen to the foot of Donglai mountain without using an hour.

She didn't rush in.

Anyway, she is still waiting for Feng Zhenren to come out of the empty green pool. Now she is just coming here in advance.

Donglaizong is indeed the most important gate in xulingjing. The range of Donglai mountain is much wider than that of qilingxiufeng. It is said that donglaizong belongs to donglaizong.

Tut Tut, compared with Lingxiu peak, there is only such a lonely mountain, which is too shabby.

Feng zhidu had already thought about it. When she returned to Xuanwu, she would set up a school on the land of Xuanwu. First, she took out the map of Xuanwu continent as a large mountain top under the circle of five elements.

Well, I'm happy to think about it.

At this time, at the foot of Donglai mountain, two young men in white long clothes of the same style took a look at Fengzhi.

Such a long white shirt, Fengzhi had seen before.

Don't those elite disciples of donglaizong who come out with Mobi to look for trouble do not wear such clothes?


Are these two disciples of donglaizong?

The two young men were not good looking at first. Since then, donglaizong has done a lot of things, but also has encountered a lot of criticism because of Jiang Zhen's actions. In addition, the matter that the elder donglaizong elder has not been able to fight against has been spread all over the world. Of course, the donglaizong disciples who guard the clan are not in a good mood.

Before Feng arrived, I didn't know how many people had been driven away by them.


It has to be said that beauty is very important at any time. The two young donglaizong disciples' eyes fell on Feng Zhi's face, and their originally ugly faces became softer.

It seems that it is human nature to love beauty.

Although they looked better, the two disciples of donglaizong did not forget their duties. They stopped Fengzhi outside the gate of donglaizong. "This girl, this is the gate of donglaizong. You can't go any further."

When I saw him, she looked up at the two young disciples with her head raised and looked at the two young disciples with an extremely reverent look. "Wow, this is donglaizong, which is one of the most important doors in our virtual spirit realm. I always wanted to come here to see it. Can you two big brothers give me a good look?"

If they were flattered by Feng Zhi, the two young disciples might have gone from Fengzhi to Fengzhi.

After all, it's just a little girl. How about watching it?

The gate of donglaizong was not only guarded by the two of them, but also guarded by a large array of mountain guards in some deeper places. It was impossible for outsiders to enter.


This is an extraordinary period for donglaizong. They have been warned by the upper level of the clan for many times. During this period of time, we must guard the mountain gate and never let strangers in.

Therefore, the two young disciples of donglaizong had a gentle voice, but they were very firm and said: "this girl, during this period of time, we donglaizong closed our doors and refused to allow outsiders to visit. Would you like to come back later?"

Feng to blink big eyes.

"Why?" She said.

Two young disciples of donglaizong, Yisi.

When zongmen met such a disgrace, how could they talk to such a beautiful and lovely girl?

At this time, one of the several practitioners who stood far away from home laughed wildly for a while, then raised his voice and said, "little girl, you don't know what happened to donglaizong recently?"

Feng Zhi turns back when she hears the sound.Not far away from them, at this time, there were three or five groups of practitioners. They seemed to be discussing something in a low voice, and sometimes pointed to the direction of donglaizong Mountain Gate.

Obviously, what they are discussing is related to donglaizong.

The man who was speaking was a middle-aged man. He was very tall and strong, with a full face of whiskers, which almost covered most of his face.

On the contrary, they are not only afraid of you, but also afraid of all the young people? Don't say you can't. Even if you can, it's too late. How many people in the virtual spirit realm don't know about the things that happened in donglaizong? "

At this time, in line with the principle of asking questions if he didn't understand, Feng raised his white hand to the big man, "uncle, I don't know, I don't know!"

It's like she doesn't know what's going on.

When the middle-aged man saw Feng Zhi like this, he couldn't help laughing, and then he waved to Feng Zhi, "little girl, come here and let uncle tell you something interesting."

In the eyes of the two young disciples of donglaizong, there was no fire.

Such a situation, since a few days ago, the news of the great elder Mo Di came over, and it began.

If in the past, who could have the courage to be so bold in front of donglaizong's Mountain Gate?

But now

They just watch.

Feng to pour also really like that middle-aged man said that, came to the big man there.

There were also some companions, male and female, old and young. They all looked at Feng from top to bottom first. When the initial strength of the golden elixir was clearly explored, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

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