In the golden elixir period, it was a very insignificant strength in the virtual spirit state.

The middle-aged man was the first to praise the Phoenix to a voice, "little girl is good talent, young age has been practicing to the early days of the golden elixir, the future will certainly be promising."

Feng Zhi looks like a shy little girl and lowers her head gently.

Then, she looked at the middle-aged man curiously, "uncle, you just said you want to tell me something interesting. What's the interesting thing? It's said that donglaizong is the most powerful sect in our eastern continent. Isn't uncle going to tell me the story of donglaizong

When the middle-aged man heard the speech, he burst out laughing again.

Not only he, but also his companions, could not help laughing, and they all laughed in a low voice.

"Little girl, uncle really wants to tell you a story about donglaizong, but not how strong they are, but how weak they are!" Middle aged man.

The Phoenix moved to the heart.

I've been busy moving the original Fengyun clan people to the cave on Lingxiu peak, but I haven't taken time to inquire about the situation between donglaizong and those evil cults. It should be very interesting to listen to the meaning of the middle-aged man.

She then blinked her eyes and put on a pure look. "Uncle, I read less books. Don't you cheat me. Don't you say that there are many strong people coming from the east? How can they be weak?"

The middle-aged man couldn't help laughing again.

"Little girl, you are talking about the old Chinese calendar. Now donglaizong has become the laughing stock of our virtual spirit state. Being played by a group of evil spirits like cats and mice, how can we be strong or not?"

He then explained what had happened since then.

Here's the thing.

Since that day, Jiang Zhen led people to leave Fengyun Zong in a hurry, and all the effective forces of donglaizong went to Dongyang City at the fastest speed.

At that time, Jiang Zhen felt that no matter what, Mo Di must not really be insulted like that, otherwise, the whole Donglai sect would be humiliated.

It's really a shame.

As the first sect gate in the East China, not only can't let everyone be awed, but also they are teased by those evil friars who are no different from the rats in the sewer in the eyes of the orthodox monks. Isn't it shameful to play with the big elders of the sect?

Under Jiang Zhen's fury, it took him half the time to get to Dongyang City.

He thought that he could arrive in time, and then stop the conspiracy of those evil monks, and then rescue Mobi.


It is said that those people are evil monks. If they play cards according to reason, can they still deserve a word of "evil"?

By the time Jiang Zhen arrived at Dongyang City, those evil monks had already finished their performances, leaving only those who were still in the city still in the process of reflecting on the great drama they had seen before.

The elder of donglaizong!

You have been famous for many years!

In this way, after they paid the entrance fee of one hundred spirit stones, they were picked up and mended in front of them by one evil female nun after another?

Such a powerful scene, these practitioners have seen it once, and that designation will never be forgotten.

In their aftertaste, Jiang Zhen arrived.

When they saw the play, they were shocked by the sudden laughter of the monks.

The whole city burst into laughter, something that no one had ever seen before.

At this time, where did Jiang Zhen not know that he was a step late?

As a matter of fact, the bald people didn't intend to let Jiang Zhen grab them at all.

The number of skinheads can't compare with donglaizong. I wonder if they can't eat any good fruits when Jiang Zhen and his people arrive. So although the news is that they started performing in the morning, they didn't wait for dawn. In the middle of the night, the skinheads and others had already opened the big drama.

When Jiang Zhen and others arrive

Bald people have long been missing.

Knowing that he was fooled, Jiang Zhen was so angry that he almost tore down the gate of Dongyang City, which had been standing for tens of thousands of years.

This, of course, is another hornet's nest.

Just as Donglai city belongs to donglaizong, Dongyang City also has its own owners. Of course, it does not belong to donglaizong. Now that Jiang Zhen is so wanton in the territory of Dongyang City, how can the people of that clan not be angry?

The two clansmen almost got into a fight.

Fortunately, at that time, Jiang Zhen still knew what he was most important to do now. He finally suppressed his anger and turned him into a man of war with the zongmen. Then he began to inquire about the whereabouts of the bald men and others.

In fact, we didn't have to wait for Jiang Zhen to inquire, and the bald head and others had already released news on their own initiative.After the next stop

Oh, no, the next stop for bald people is dongyaocheng.

Even the time and place have been set. When the sun rises the next morning, it's still the annual drama. Let's see how the elder modi of donglaizong succumbed to the cultivation of evil women

Jiang Zhen was furious after hearing the news.

No matter how angry he was, he had to take people to Dongyao city immediately.

Of course, the results are still brutal.

Just like this time in Dongyang City, bareheaded and other people don't know the spirit of contract at all. Although the news is that the sun rises in the morning, the second performance has already started at sunset on the first night.

In this way, Jiang Zhen, like the mouse that was teased by the cat, could only follow the bareheaded and other people behind, but because of the time difference, he could not catch up with the bareheaded people.

And Mo Di

In this way, he was like a public cauldron. He had been mended by many evil women, and even less by how many orthodox monks paid the entrance fee of 100 spirit stones for sightseeing.

Tut Tut, Mo Di, if he had his own consciousness, he would have been shameless.

Those monks of the orthodox path are also hard to say. At this time, there is a good show. One by one, it seems that they have completely forgotten what is the difference between good and evil. Not only did they not want to help Dong laizong find out the bald head and others, but they also swarmed in to watch the fun.

Such a lively, probably only once in a lifetime, not too bad to miss some?

That's what everyone thinks.

So ah, if there is a selection of the most famous person in the East China, there is no doubt that Mobi will definitely be elected the first by far ahead!

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