In fact, even the elder Yuanying, who controls the mountain protection array, has such doubts.

Since the existence of dadonglaizong, no one or anything has ever broken through donglaizong's mountain protection array, so that donglaizong has absolute confidence in the mountain protection array.


Since he found out that it was wrong, the Yuanying elder was not careless. Even in his heart, he thought it was probably his own illusion. He still sent two ordinary disciples to check whether there was anything wrong with the mountain protection array.

After receiving the order, the two disciples did not slack off. They took a full circle around the mountain protection array with flying swords. They were sure that there was no problem, and there were no people or animals that should not appear. Then they came back to report their orders.

Several of the Yuan's elders are also relieved.

"See, it's an illusion."

They laughed.

At this time, Fengzhi has secretly touched the location of donglaizong treasure house recorded on the map.

The most powerful people left behind in Donglai Zongli are yuanyingqi. It is absolutely impossible for them to find out the whereabouts of Fengzhi. However, in order to be sure, Fengzhi didn't help her. Instead, she hid her body all the way and erased her breath.

Donglaizong's treasure house is located on the second peak of Donglai mountain.

Although bixiufeng is the second highest mountain in Donglai mountain range, there is no other important place except the entrance of such a treasure house because of its extremely steep mountain condition.

Therefore, Bi Xiufeng usually has very few people.

At present, the majority of donglaizong is empty, and there are fewer people on bixiufeng. Only two disciples in the middle of the golden elixir are on the way to the treasure house.

Such guards are actually extremely lax.

This is because donglaizong's people are too dependent on the mountain protection array. They believe that it is impossible for anyone to touch Donglai mountain without making any noise. Since there is such a barrier that is absolutely impossible to be broken, why should Donglai mountain be so guarded?

This is what Donglai Zong thinks.

This, of course, gives Fengzhi the opportunity to take advantage of it.

If there are many guards here, even if Fengzhi can feel it, it can't be as relaxed as it is now.

Fengzhi sprinkled some powder into the air. It happened that the wind was blowing on the mountain. Along the wind, the powder drifted to the two guards of the golden elixir. The two were sleepy. After inhaling the powder, they could not hold their eyelids and fell asleep.

Feng is a little proud.

This is the by-product of her alchemy, but these by-products are enough to deal with the two golden elixir monks.

Feng Zhi didn't stop here, so he decided that the two people would not wake up if they didn't sleep for a few hours, so she continued to hide and move on.

After walking along the only way, there is a huge cave built along the mountain. There is a layer of boundary at the entrance of the cave. Of course, this boundary is not comparable to donglaizong's mountain protection array, and there is only a light layer of color on the border.

Feng to did not want to use brute force to break the border.

It's not that she can't do that, but the momentum is enough to wake up the dead pig. Not to mention the golden elixir monks of the two clans outside, that is, the Yuanying friars left behind in Donglai Zongli, I'm afraid they will all be disturbed.

Feng has her own way.

At first, she intended to use this method to break through the mountain protection array, but after finding the loophole of the mountain protection array and easily entering Donglai mountain, she naturally used it on the border outside the treasure house.

See the Phoenix to stretch out their own pair of hands that are still shining white at night, and then gently touched on the border.

As soon as Fengzhi's hand touched it, the enchantment had a faint rebound force. However, after Fengzhi began to deliver his aura to the boundary, the rebound force was gradually removed.

The purpose of Fengzhi's transportation of aura to the boundary is not to destroy the boundary, but to assimilate.

This is a new skill Feng learned in that space channel when she came out of Qingque's cave last time.

Assimilation is actually deception.

As long as she contacts with her aura, she can make herself assimilate with jiejie a little bit. In this way, the boundary will only identify Fengzhi as a part of herself, and will not fight back or warn the people of donglaizong.

This kind of ability is probably the necessary means to kill people, set fire to steal treasures and explore secrets in Xuling territory?

After a long time of delivering aura, Feng Zhi's body had a strange change.

First of all, her body gradually became translucent like the border, even her body had the same color light, and then

Feng to only slightly forward a span, the whole person has appeared in the border.

Taking back her hand, Feng looked back at jiejie with a faint smile in her mouth.

If donglaizong's mountain protection array, even if she has such ability, she will have to pay some price to get in. However, this border is not sure how many times worse than donglaizong's mountain protection array, so it will be easy.After entering the border, Fengzhi did not delay.

Although the possibility of being found out is very small, there are no absolute things in the world. If something goes wrong in the middle, there may also be some. Of course, she has to seize the time to do what will be done quickly.

Within the boundary is the huge cave.

I don't know how many caves have been dug into the mountain. In short, Fengzhi walked into the mountain at a low speed for a long time, but still did not see any light. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the darkness finally began to shine.

There is a huge space in the mountains.

Speaking of it, the caves that Fengzhi saw in the dragon people are about the same size.

There are many night pearls inlaid on the wall of the cave. The cave is not empty, but there are many large wooden boxes. These wooden boxes are open. You can see that there are many things that the practitioners need, such as spirit stones, some magic weapons, such as pills, etc. It's not tempting to see the precious light soaring into the sky.

If ordinary practitioners came here and saw so many good things, they would be excited to rush up and take these treasures for themselves.


Phoenix to where can see these things.

She knew as well as she could that the cave was just a cover up.

Think about it, if someone else came here and thought it was donglaizong's treasure house after seeing these things, wouldn't it reduce the risk of being stolen.

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