It has to be said that the people of donglaizong had a psychological battle in the design of the treasure house. Many people who do not know the situation of donglaizong are afraid that they will be fooled away.

It's just

These things look like a big box, although a lot of them, but the actual value is not very amazing.

If you take a closer look, you can find that the spirit stones are only inferior spirit stones, and the magic weapons are only low-grade magic weapons, that is, pills, and also some very ordinary pills.

Of course, if outsiders come here and are excited, they just want to put things in their pockets. How can we pay attention to the quality of these things?

Like donglaizong, who has stood in the virtual spirit realm for thousands of years, it would be a shame if there were only such things.

In fact, the entrance to donglaizong's real treasure house is in this cave.

Feng to the bottom did not look at these boxes.

With a large number of treasures in donglaizong's treasure house in front of her, how could she waste her precious time on these defective products.

Feng Zhi looks directly at the wall of the cave.

The cave was obviously opened by manpower. There are traces of flying sword on the wall. If you touch your hand on the wall, you can feel a trace of sword spirit on some traces.

Obviously, the strength of the practitioners who left this trace is obviously not weak.

Feng Zhi only knew that the entrance of donglaizong treasure house was in the cave, but she didn't know exactly where it was, so she had to rely on herself to find it.

The cave is so big that it is very difficult to find it with naked eyes. Feng just closed her eyes and then let out her divine consciousness to sweep every place in the cave.

Divinity is much more reliable than the naked eye. Many illusions can deceive the naked eye, but they can never deceive divine consciousness.

Feng Zhi's divine consciousness was strong, so she swept through the past directly, but in a moment she found the clue.

It turns out that

Here it is!

She looked up and saw the top of the cave.

The naked eye doesn't look any different, but in fact, under the induction of Feng Zhi's divine consciousness, there is a place about two or three square meters above her head, which is actually covered by a very brilliant illusion.

This illusion is extremely deceptive to the cultivator. If Feng Zhi's divine consciousness was not much stronger than her current strength, she would not be able to find out.

Now that we have found it, where will Feng stay.

Without using the flying sword, a pair of fire plumes appeared behind her. With a flick of the plume, the whole person gradually rose into the air, just like the flying sky on the mural, and flew towards the entrance of the treasure house.

In the end, fantasy is just an illusion, which can only confuse people's perception, but there is nothing that can prevent people from entering.

Therefore, Fengzhi did not encounter any obstacles, and went directly into the real treasure house of donglaizong.

Open eyes, Phoenix to look at this real treasure house, heart just gently sigh.

See, this is the real treasure house.

Fengzhi didn't see the treasure house. At least last time in donglaicheng, she robbed He Fei's treasure house directly. However, compared with the treasure house of donglaizong where she is now, He Fei's treasure house is too poor. It can only be one percent of the size of donglaizong's treasure house.

It can be seen that a large sector does not know how rich the accumulation has been for thousands of years.

Even if Feng is not the one who hasn't seen haodonglai, and even if she actually has a treasure house in her hand, Fengzhi can't help but gasp when she sees donglaizong's treasure house.

The treasure house adds up to at least the size of three football fields.

In the treasure house, everything is not piled together in pieces, but separated by categories. Feng Zhi only glances at it like this, and she can see a sword whose quality is only one notch weaker than the killing immortal sword in her hand.

Although this sword can't be called an immortal weapon, it can be regarded as a quasi immortal one at least.

This is the Xiuzhen realm, not the fairyland. This kind of quasi immortal weapon is the best weapon that the cultivators can have.

Therefore, the sword was put to the most striking place by the people of Donglai sect.

Feng Zhi has a sword of killing immortals in her hand. In fact, she doesn't attach great importance to the sword which is a little weaker than the sword of killing immortals. In fact, what she values most is the jade slips that donglaizong has preserved for so many years and records various skills.

If you take these skills into your hands, then there will be many other possibilities for so many disciples of the five element sect to choose the skills to practice in the future.

In addition, there are also some top-grade spirit stones piled up into many small hills, all kinds of high-quality magic weapons, materials, miraculous medicines and pills


Simplicity can make people look dazzled.

However, all the treasures of superior quality, such as the quasi immortal sword, and other high-level skills, were protected by the people of donglaizong.Obviously, this is still to guard against theft.

Feng to slightly frown, this is some trouble.

Feng to immediately spread out her eyebrows.

The things that can be put in the treasure house will not be bad. Feng Zhi doesn't need to be classified at all. She puts all the treasures that can be collected directly within her sight into her own space with her divine consciousness. Until only those treasures covered by the boundary are left, she stops.

Feng Zhi is not sure whether her newly acquired assimilation ability is of any use to these small enchantments.

After all, assimilation is mainly used for the defensive and blocking effects of the junctions, which are different from those that protect all kinds of treasures.

Feng to see floating in front of a small ball.

It's not right to say that it's a small ball. In fact, it's a small enchantment that covers the treasures inside. It looks like a ball.

In this little ball is a bell larger than the bell that is hanging on her sword of killing immortals. The bell is purple gold. If you just look at it, you don't know how far away it is.

Of course, magic weapon, just looking at the appearance is useless.

Ringing the bell is something that can barely compete with the sword of killing immortals. Of course, this bell can't match it.

Feng Zhi tries to reach out to the ball.

She thought the border would resist attacking her, but what she didn't expect was that as soon as her hand touched the small border, the surface of the border first flowed brilliantly for a while, and then sent a vague message to Feng Zhi.

Pass the test?

Then, the small border suddenly disappeared like a soap bubble, and the small bell fell directly into Feng Zhi's hand.

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