Fengzhi then had some enlightenment.

It seems that she wants to go wrong. The reason why these treasures are covered by the border is not to guard against theft. She thinks that laidong laizong is very confident that her treasure house will not be touched in.

The purpose of the boundary is to test whether the disciples of Donglai sect are qualified to possess these treasures.

I think that donglaizong will lead his disciples to choose treasures. What kind of treasures can be selected depends on the strength of the disciple.

If the strength is high, you can conquer the high-quality treasures. If the strength is low, you have to choose the poor treasure or return empty handed.

In this case, it's easy to say.

Feng to no hesitation, stretched out his hand to float in the air of each small ball all waved.

Then, those little balls seemed to be pulled by something, they all gathered towards Feng here.

Like a balloon, Fengzhi got the approval of one small border after another, and those small boundaries disappeared one after another. In the end, only the quasi immortal sword was left.

By this time the treasure house was empty.

Compared with Fengzhi when he came in, it was like having been swept up by ghosts. Let alone Sanguang, it was just ten lights!

In addition to this quasi immortal sword, all the other things were collected by Fengzhi.

Although Feng Zhi can't say that she is determined to get this sword, she will not give up at will since she has come and saw it again.

The wuxingzong only has such a fairy sword as killing immortal sword. If this quasi fairy sword is taken back, it can also be used as the object of zhenpai.

In this case, where can she give up?

Once again, he waved to the ball dressed with the sword of quasi immortals.

This little ball is much more tenacious than those in front of it. The quasi immortal sword inside seems to have its own consciousness. It is extremely resistant to the traction of Fengzhi. It is not only not pulled by Fengzhi, but also has the intention of escaping.

Obviously, this quasi immortal sword is not so easy to accept.

Feng Zhi had some interest.

It would be boring if such a sword could be accepted by her just like other treasures.

However, Fengzhi can even accept the real immortal sword. How can he feel guilty in front of this quasi immortal sword?

Since the little ball refused to come over, Feng Zhi simply went by himself.

With a flick of the fire plume behind her, Feng Zhi has already grasped the ball, and the ball is probably aware of the crisis, and it is extremely spiritual to draw a track in the air to hide.

It's incredibly fast.

If you want to compare speed, Fengzhi will not be weaker than anyone else.

Her body spirit is surging, the speed of the whole person suddenly soars. If there are outsiders here, you can't see the figure of Chu Fengzhi, but you can only see the light brought by the fire plume behind her.

In this pursuit, not long after, Feng to the small ball in the hand.

She looked at the quasi fairy sword inside.

This quasi immortal sword should be reduced now, but even if it is in this shape, it can make people see clearly every grain on the sword. Even if it is separated by this boundary, people can feel the strong breath from the sword.

This breath is a little weaker than the killing immortal sword, but it is not much weaker.

"It's a good sword." Feng Zhi exclaimed.

She then held the border in her hand and squeezed it down.

But only pinched so, Feng Zhi stopped.

Because she could feel that after she pinched it down, the breath of the quasi immortal sword in the boundary became confused, and there was also a wave of determination, as if to tell Fengzhi that if she tried to destroy the boundary with brute force again, the quasi immortal sword would explode and both sides would be hurt.

It's just a sword to be immortal. It's very strong.

It can be seen from this that this quasi immortal sword has really begun to have its own spirituality. If this spirit is kept on, it can not be said that it will be able to cultivate a real tool spirit in the future, so as to be promoted to a real immortal tool.

Of course, this time is tens of thousands of years.

Under the circumstances that the quasi immortal sword would explode if it didn't agree, Fengzhi would not continue.

Let's not say what kind of power the quasi immortal sword will have if it explodes itself. Fengzhi's purpose is to get the quasi immortal sword, but not to let it explode in front of her.


It's not that she can't think of a way.

Feng then drew out the sword of killing immortal.


The light in the treasure house was suddenly weakened when the sword was scabbard.

Then, the flowers floated out of the sword.

Before she had time to say hello to Fengzhi, she rushed directly towards the quasi fairy sword. She didn't know what the blossoms had done. However, in a moment, the quasi fairy sword, which had resisted Fengzhi for minutes and wanted to blow itself up, was so quiet, and the layer of knot outside disappeared.Obviously, this quasi fairy sword was succumbed to the power of the blossoms.

The flower then held the sword in his hand, and then happily handed it to the Phoenix, "Ma Ma, here you are!"

He looked like a "praise seeking" look.

Feng to reach out to caress the flower dish of each flower, boast a way: "the flower is really fierce."

Each flower hears speech some bashfully to cover the face, good sprout good sprout.

The quasi immortal sword got to Fengzhi's hand, but it became bigger and bigger to the size of a normal sword in an instant. Fengzhi didn't take a close look at it, so he directly received it into the space.

She got too much this time, and I don't know how long it will take her to sort out the harvest.

What a worry!

Feng Zhixiang.

If you let other people know what she is thinking, I'm afraid they will want to strangle her directly.

Looking at the empty treasure house, Feng Zhi confirmed that there was no other thing to collect. She was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly stopped.

How to say, she has been here for a while. It would be a pity if she could not leave her own mark.


What do you want to leave?

Of course

Here's a tour!

Since the great sage of Qi Tian left the word "here to visit" on the finger of the Buddha, the vast number of Chinese compatriots have quickly learned this way to prove that they have come.

When she was on the earth before, Fengzhi also saw the words "come here for a visit" when they were traveling abroad. This is to carry forward the Chinese culture abroad.

Of course, such behavior is uncivilized and undesirable.

As for now

She has already passed through the different world, where can we manage what civilization is uncivilized?

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