Feng to left Donglai mountain, has been paying attention to whether there is any movement behind him.

However, until she disappeared and went back to the inn in the small town, she did not find any changes, and there was no other movement in donglaizong in the distance.

Obviously, at least up to now, the people of donglaizong have not found her.

In this way, when the donglaizong people will find the treasure house stolen is unknown.

Back in her room, Feng Zhi didn't rush into the space to see how much she had today. Instead, she took out a small box about the size of a palm and looked at the very simple box.

When you open the box, you can see at first glance that there is nothing in it. But if you look at it carefully, you can see that there is something in the box.

That's the first floor. I don't know how many filaments are thinner than hair.

The filament can not see the material, and it also emits a very weak light. Under the light of the Yingshi in the room, the light of the filament is almost invisible.

This is a wisp of divine consciousness with a bald head.

Feng to open the box, the ray of light on the divine sense from the original smooth to some intense.

She did not stop, but held the small box to her mouth and breathed gently into it.

The next moment, that wisp of divine consciousness flashed a wisp of light in the air, and then galloped away toward the distance.

When this wisp of divine consciousness finds a bald head and is admitted into the sea of knowledge again, the bald head will know that Feng Zhi has won.

This is the secret signal that Feng Zhi and bald head have already agreed on.


Fengzhi, who is light and has nothing to do, lays a border in the room and has a good sleep.

Meditation can replace sleep with meditation, which does not make people feel tired physically, but mental fatigue can not be recovered from meditation.

Therefore, even in Feng's current practice, she will relax herself completely every other period of time, and then have a good sleep to recover her spirit.

The next day Feng got up very late.

She opened her eyes and looked around. Then she heard the noises and bargains from the monks. Feng Zhi bent her lips slightly.

Suddenly there is a kind of earth office workers, on the weekend to sleep in the satisfaction.

First, I cleaned myself up. What Feng did first was to go to the space to see what Longyan was doing now.

The light of the golden cocoon that wrapped Longyan in it was a little bit more brilliant.

Feng Zhi has some expectations in her heart.

According to the situation, Long Yan is about to come out.

After adding some spirit stones, Feng Zhi looked up at the golden cocoon in the hollow and said softly, "Long Yan, I've been waiting for you for a long time. You should wake up quickly."

As the voice fell, the golden cocoon in the air shook gently.

Probably, this is what Long Yan took time to respond to her.

From Long Yan here got a response, Feng to the next day are in a good mood.

She and bald head and others agreed to share the stolen goods is Fengzhi has not been to Dongxiang city.

Dongxiang city is said to be the largest gold selling cave in the virtual spirit state.

There are many evil practices in the virtual spirit state. Among them, at least half of them like to supplement others to increase their own strength.

But a good cauldron is not easy to find.

Not only should the spirit root be in accordance with oneself, but also the best cultivation should be equal to or higher than yourself, so as to get the greatest benefits for the mender.

So, in fact, it is not so easy for those evil cults to find their own furnace cauldrons.

But in Dongxiang City, as long as there are Lingshi, there are many cauldrons for people to choose from.

In fact, the Dongxiang city is almost the same as the brothel.

However, the men and women in the worldly brothels only sold their colors, while the nuns and nuns in Dongxiang City betrayed their bodies and strength.

There are various reasons for this.

In a word, Dongxiang city is the biggest gold selling cave. As long as there are spirit stones, you can get everything here.

In such a chaotic place, even those evil monks with bald heads can't be regarded as drilling eyes.

Fengzhi is really interested in Dongxiang city.

She has never been to the brothels of the secular world. She went to the brothels of the Xiuzhen world first. It was really interesting to think about it.

Dongxiang city is tens of thousands of miles away from Donglai city. There is no delay on the way from Fengzhi to Donglai City, and it takes three days to arrive.

Standing outside Dongxiang City, looking at the people coming in and out, Fengzhi first understood how prosperous Dongxiang city was.

In and out of Dongxiang City, there are practitioners from the Qi refining stage to the Yuanying period. They are rare practitioners in the out of body period. Feng Zhi found two of them after only watching for a short time.People who enter the city are excited and expectant, while those who leave the city are satisfied and upset.

Why are you upset?

Probably because there are not enough spirit stones in my pocket.

Feng to see here, but suddenly have some feelings.

Whether it is a person who cultivates truth or ordinary people in the world, they are all human beings. The difference lies in whether they have strong power or not.

Since they are human beings, these practitioners with great power also have various desires, such as spiritual stones, treasures, pills, improving their own strength, and having the most beautiful nuns


It is no different from those ordinary people who can only live for a hundred years without spiritual roots.

It's Feng Zhi himself

In fact, it is the same.

Fengzhi only felt that she was completely integrated into the flashiness and impatience unique to Dongxiang City, and her mind seemed to have experienced many reincarnations in a moment. In this cycle of reincarnation and experience, Fengzhi's mood has been improved a little.

This is epiphany.

Epiphany, this is a good thing that every cultivator dreams of.

You should know that the cultivation of truth is not just about improving one's own strength. The accumulation of aura is enough for many practitioners, but they just can't break through to the next level.

There are more practitioners who are not unable to resist the destruction of the body caused by thunder robbery when they break through, but they all fail in the end. They not only regress but also damage the spirit root.

This is because they are not in a good mood.

What's more, after the strength reaches the out of body period, when we want to break through, we should not only experience the thunder robbery, but also cross the heart evil robbery.

If the state of mind experience is not enough, as long as the heart devil grasp any chance at the time of crossing the robbery, it will make the cultivator irreparable.

The reason why there are more than one percent of the number of practitioners in the out of body period is that the heart demons have robbed them.

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