Therefore, Fengzhi can have the opportunity of Epiphany, which is also a rare opportunity.

Fengzhi has such a penetrating heart. Every day in Dongxiang City, there are at least tens of thousands of practitioners in and out of Dongxiang city. But before, no one can have an epiphany after seeing the scene of Dongxiang city.

Feng Zhi's mind at this time has been completely immersed in those reincarnation experience, and reincarnation, her face will be more calm and resolute.

For Yu Fengzhi, this is undoubtedly very beneficial.

Feng Zhi's talent can be described as a monster. Since her cultivation, her strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds. It seems that she has never encountered any bottleneck, but this is not a good thing for her.

It may not be obvious now, but when she comes to the later stage of her practice and breaks through the period of transforming spirit, the fatal defect of insufficient mood will make Feng look good.

Fortunately, because of this trip to Dongxiang City, Fengzhi's Epiphany has greatly increased her mood.

It is to clear the obstacles for her future breakthrough ahead of time.

Immersed in epiphany, Feng to also do not know how much time has passed.

If there is enough time, Fengzhi will probably continue like this, but the external conditions obviously do not allow her to do so.

Just as Feng Zhi was happy with the feeling in her heart and was ready to enter the next enlightenment, she was suddenly patted on her shoulder.

"Hey, little girl, what do you do here? Do you block people?"

A rough voice came.

Feng Zhi's epiphany was interrupted completely.

She opened her eyes and looked at the sound.

It was a middle-aged man who looked thin and thin. The middle-aged man had a sharp face. His two eyes were just looking at people, and they were always spinning. People could see that this person was not a good man.

And this middle-aged man, at the moment when Feng Zhi saw it, he couldn't help shivering.

Feng to just wake up from the Epiphany, that pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes is not with any feelings and emotions, although looking at the middle-aged man, but the middle-aged people feel that in Feng Zhi's eyes, like a piece of fast wind pork that can be cut by her at will on the chopping board.

Even the middle-aged couldn't help but step back.

The middle-aged people have companions. They are men who don't look like good people. Seeing the middle-aged people step back, they yell: "skinny monkey, you have the courage to go back more and more. You are just a little girl, and they have not said a word. You can already scare you back a few steps. Can't it be that you were drained by a woman last night?"

Skinny monkey is the name of middle-aged people.

The name matched his appearance.

Being teased by his companion, the skinny monkey also forgot his previous fear and glared at several of his companions, "you guys, I think you are the ones who have been squeezed dry by women!"

And there was another burst of laughter.

Feng Zhi frowned.

But for the interruption of this thin monkey, her epiphany would have lasted for some time.


As a practitioner, chance is very important. Maybe she has only these opportunities this time.

Thinking like this, Feng to pour also didn't want to look for thin monkey trouble meaning.

She looked left and right, and then she knew why the skinny monkey suddenly patted her.

Fengzhi was just queuing up to enter Dongxiang city. At this time, those people in front of her had already entered the city. She had been standing still for a long time. The thin monkey and others were just behind Fengzhi. The skinny monkey who was eager to enter the city would urge Fengzhi.

Just as Fengzhi was looking around, one of the skinny monkey's companions looked at Fengzhi, but she gave a strange smile, "this girl looks like water. If she wants to stay in Dongxiang city all the time, I will not be able to fascinate many people in the future..."

As he spoke, the man squeezed his eyes, which were obviously meaningful.

When the others heard this, they all laughed.

Always stay in Dongxiang city

Only those women who do the same thing as brothel women in Dongxiang city will stay in Dongxiang city all the time.

Therefore, the meaning of this man is self-evident.

Feng Zhi's eyes flashed.

She looked back at the man.

With such a glance, the speaker's heart trembled, and then he hung down his head and did not dare to see feng, let alone continue to say something.

In a place like dongxiangcheng, if you want to survive, the most important thing is to have the ability to see people.


A person who doesn't stand on his or her own heart will lose his life.

The skinny monkey and others are very familiar with Dongxiang City, which is also unknown how many times they have come to Dongxiang city. Naturally, they are familiar with this point, so they also feel danger from Feng to the body by instinct.Only in such a moment, no one dared to see the Phoenix.

The Phoenix snorted coldly.

She raised her hand and was about to do something when she heard the impatient voice of the two guards of Dongxiang City, "you people are still dallying about something. If you don't want to go in, go away quickly!"

Feng to so a meal, and then take back the hand.

Lucky for them.

She took out ten spirit stones, quickly came forward, paid the city entrance fee, and then entered Dongxiang city.

Yes, the entrance fee of Dongxiang city is ten spirit stones.

The entrance fee of other cities is a spiritual stone, but Dongxiang city is ten times as much as that of other cities. In addition to the terrible flow of people in and out of Dongxiang city every day, I don't know how much I'm going to earn if I just enter the city.

Therefore, it is understandable that Dongxiang city will have such prosperity.

Feng to the city's first time, is to put out their own divine sense, to the corner of Dongxiang city to sweep.

She wanted to know if the bald man had arrived.


God consciousness just spread to the surrounding area of a few miles, Feng to suddenly aware of the danger.

Before she could make a response, another consciousness ran into her consciousness.


Feng to the sea of knowledge sounded such a huge sound.

The consequences of this collision are very serious. Fengzhi's Zhihai lake is like a hurricane on the sea, and Fengzhi's Zhihai is also shaken.

She also suffered a lot from Fengzhi's divine consciousness, which was much stronger than her own strength. Although there was a slight shock in the sea of knowledge, Fengzhi herself was not hurt.

Although not injured, but Feng to still can't help but heart a Lin.

She did not know who was the man who had previously collided with her divinity, but there was no doubt that the man was stronger than her!

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