Fang Zhiyao took a look at the trunk of Chi Yuxin at the door: "can't you and dad mention it by the way? We must call me out of the room." Fang Zhiyao is not unwilling to do this kind of thing, but there is no need for Tang Xiaorui to make use of himself.

Tang Xiaorui sat limply on the sofa. He didn't do anything, but he looked tired: "I'm tired with your father, OK! Why can't you give us a heartache? "

Feeling Fang Zhiyao and Tang Xiaorui seem to want to quarrel about their luggage, Chi Yuxin said quickly, "I can carry it myself."

"No, I'll do it." Then she went to the room with her luggage. After all, if Chi Yuxin mentions it by herself, Tang Xiaorui will talk incessantly. What Fang Zhiyao hates most is that someone is always talking around him. Can't you be quiet?

Fang Zhiyao brought Chi Yuxin's suitcase to the room she had prepared. After putting the suitcase down, Fang Zhiyao left the room.

Chi Yuxin looks around the room. The room is neither big nor small. There is a large single bed. The sheets and pillows are lovely pink. There are wardrobes and desks in the room. Tang Xiaorui is ready for Chi Yuxin in advance.

Chi Yuxin opened her suitcase and began to tidy up her luggage.

Tang Xiaorui enters Chi Yuxin's room.

"Xiaoxin, if you need anything, don't be shy and tell aunt Xiaorui directly. I'll buy it for you." Tang Xiaorui is very enthusiastic.

Chi Yuxin's face with a shallow smile: "thank you, aunt Xiaorui, my father has given me a bank card, what I will buy myself, do not need to trouble aunt Xiaorui."

"Do you need me to help you clean up now?"

Chi Yuxin shook her head gently: "I can clean it myself."

"Well, I'll go out with your uncle Fang to buy vegetables and prepare dinner for you. Do you have anything special for Xiaoxin?" Chi Yuxin lives here for the first time today. Tang Xiaorui is certainly ready to have a good meal with Fang Ye.

"I'm not very picky."

"That's a good girl. Aunt Xiaorui went out first." Tang Xiaorui said and left the room of pool Yuxin.

After Chi Yuxin takes out all the things and cleans them up, she only has her own toiletries to put in the bathroom.

There is no bathroom in the room. Chi Yuxin comes out of the room with her own toiletries. At this time, the door next to her opens and Fang Zhiyao comes out.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zhiyao lives in the room next to him. There is only a wall between them. Chi Yuxin's heart beats violently for a moment.

"Well, that That Which is the bathroom? " Chi Yuxin doesn't know why all of a sudden she starts to stammer.

Fang Zhiyao frowned slightly, glanced at Chi Yuxin, raised his finger to a door, and went to the kitchen next door to find water to drink.

Chi Yuxin went to the door of Fang Zhiyao's room. There was indeed a bathroom in it. Fang Zhiyao's toothpaste, toothbrush and cup were on the washstand, and his towel was hung on the wall.

Do you want to use the same bathroom with Fang Zhiyao?

Thinking of this Chi Yuxin's face is not only more and more blushing.

Tidying up her things, Chi Yuxin comes out of the bathroom and meets Fang Zhiyao, who is ready to return to her room with a drink.

Chi Yuxin did not know how to face Fang Zhiyao for a moment. She was preparing to go back to her room, but suddenly she heard Fang Zhiyao call herself.

"Wait a minute."

Did not expect Fang Zhiyao will take the initiative to talk to himself, Chi Yuxin turned back, a pair of eyes such as water flashed a glimmer of joy.

Fang Zhiyao saw Chi Yuxin's beautiful eyes. For a while, he almost forgot what he was going to say.

Now it's just that my parents are not here. Some words can't be said in front of Tang Xiaorui, otherwise Tang Xiaorui will certainly protect Chi Yuxin instead of his own son.

Fang Zhiyao went to Chi Yuxin and said, "you live in my house in the future. I must tell you something in advance."

"Why What's the matter? "

"First of all, I don't like noise, so please be quiet when you are at home. Second, don't talk to anyone about our living together. Third, you are tired of following me all the time in the school. When you get home, please go back to your own room. Don't disturb me. If you have any questions, don't ask me. That's all. " Fang Zhiyao said and then turned to open his door into the room.

"Bang" the sound of closing the door let Chi Yuxin pull back from her thoughts.

Although Chi Yuxin is not very smart, she is not a fool. Naturally, Fang Zhiyao doesn't want to live in her home, or is she very disgusted?

Thinking that she was disgusted by Fang Zhiyao, Chi Yuxin lowered her head and wiped her eyes with sadness.

After returning to her room, Chi Yuxin lies on the bed with her rabbit doll.

Chi Yuxin touched the rabbit doll in her arms, but her mouth moved but did not make a sound: "rabbit, how can I let Fang Zhiyao not hate me?" At present, Chi Yuxin doesn't expect Fang Zhiyao to like himself. It's good to let Fang Zhiyao not hate himself.It is Chi Yuxin's current plan to let Fang Zhiyao not hate himself as much as he does now, and then try to make Fang Zhiyao like himself.

Just how to implement, how to take the first step, Chi Yuxin's small head has not a feasible idea.

After a while Tang Xiaorui and Fang ye returned home and began to prepare dinner. After dinner, Tang Xiaorui went to the room of Chi Yuxin and knocked on the door: "Xiaoxin, Zhiyao, dinner is ready, come out to eat."

Hearing Tang Xiaorui's voice, Chi Yuxin gets up from the bed and opens the door.

At this time, Chi Yuxin has changed into a convenient household clothes, pink striped sweater, two lovely rabbit ears on the back of the hat, and pink pants under the hat. The whole person looks extremely pink.

"Ah Xiaoxin is so cute, let Auntie kiss her At the sight of Chi Yuxin like this, Tang Xiaorui is simply sprouted, and quickly hugs Chi Yuxin and "boos" on her face.

At this time, Fang Zhiyao came out of the room, "disgusted" at Tang Xiaorui and Chi Yuxin, and walked toward the restaurant.

"Is Xiaoxin hungry? Let's go to dinner. Today, your uncle fangye has prepared a good table of dishes. "

When Chi Yuxin and Tang Xiaorui go to the restaurant and see the rich dishes on the table, Chi Yuxin can't help but sigh: "how rich! Is this all done by Uncle Fang? It looks great From the appearance, it's almost as good as that made by the chefs in the Chinese restaurant outside. Judging from the smell, it must be delicious!

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