"Yes, these are all made by your uncle. Have a taste of them." Tang Xiaorui said, quickly put a piece of fish into the bowl of Chi Yuxin.

Chi Yuxin took a mouthful and couldn't help sighing: "the taste is good! It's as good as Mom's and Grandma Li's

Hearing Xiaoxin's praise of her good cooking, Fang is naturally very happy. She puts up a good-looking smile: "Xiaoxin thinks it's good to eat, so I'll tell my uncle what I want to eat in the future, and my uncle will cook it for you."

"Thank you, uncle!" Chi Yuxin smiles sweetly and starts to eat with a good appetite.

Compared with Chi Yuxin's good appetite, Fang Zhiyao, sitting next to Chi Yuxin, seems to have no appetite.

Why does he feel that Chi Yuxin seems to be the child of Tang Xiaorui and fangye, and he is the one who came to live temporarily?

After dinner, Chi Yuxin went back to her room and began to do her homework.

Tomorrow is Monday, and she still has some homework to hand in.

When doing math homework, Chi Yuxin really didn't know how to solve the last and most difficult problem. She just stood up to ask Fang Zhiyao what to do, but her ear suddenly flashed what Fang Zhiyao had said to herself.

"I'm fed up with you all the time in school. When you get home, please go back to your own room. Don't disturb me. If you have any questions, don't ask me. That's it."

Thinking of looking for Fang Zhiyao now, he must be angry, and Chi Yuxin also gave up this idea.

It's just how to do it? After thinking for a long time, Chi Yuxin couldn't think of a reason to come, so she simply did not do it.

When she got up the next morning, Chi Yuxin came out of the room and went to the bathroom to wash. She was a little sober. She had just opened the bathroom door and met Fang Zhiyao, who was also preparing to come to the bathroom.

"Good morning Good morning... " Although it was early in the morning, Fang Zhiyao seemed so energetic.

Fang Zhiyao just answered and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

When eating breakfast, Tang Xiaorui said: "Zhiyao, you and Xiaoxin will rent to school later. My mother has no time to send you today."

Hearing Tang Xiaorui's words, Fang Zhiyao can't help frowning: "why should I be with her?"

"Xiaoxin is not familiar with the road when she comes to our school for the first day today."

"Anyway, it's a taxi, not a bus. Why should he be familiar with the road? Just tell the driver where to go Fang Zhiyao answers slowly while eating breakfast.

“……” Fang Zhiyao's words made Tang Xiaorui speechless. After all Fang Zhiyao is right!

"Auntie, it doesn't matter. I can go to school by myself." At this time, Chi Yuxin opened her mouth to get rid of the encirclement.

After breakfast, it's time to go out. Chi Yuxin and Fang Zhiyao leave home together.

"Can you stop following me all the time?" Fang Zhiyao suddenly stopped and turned to Chi Yuxin.

"But I also take this road..." Chi Yuxin hung her head and said weakly.

Fang Zhiyao shrunk and his mouth shriveled. Chi Yuxin also continued to follow Fang Zhiyao.

After stopping a taxi, Fang Zhiyao opened the door and waved to Chi Yuxin: "you go first."

Chi Yuxin didn't expect Fang Zhiyao to be such a gentleman. He nodded happily and got into the taxi.

"Driver, I'm going to XX middle school."

After Chi Yuxin came to the school, she was waiting for Fang Zhiyao at the school gate. A few minutes later, Zhiyao also stepped down from the taxi. As soon as she got off the bus, Fang Zhiyao saw Chi Yuxin standing at the door of the school. Fang Zhiyao could not help frowning. What is she doing standing at the school gate when she arrived at the school?

At the sight of Fang Zhiyao, Yuxin rushed over.

"Why don't you go in?" Fang Zhiyao glances at Chi Yuxin, expressing his understanding and incompetence. Chi Yuxin has arrived at the school gate. Why is she waiting for herself at the school gate? He let Chi Yuxin get on the bus first, just to keep a little distance from Chi Yuxin, so that the students don't think they are coming to school together.

"I..." Chi Yuxin's hands around her chest. I'm sorry to say that she just wants to wait for Fang Zhiyao to come to school again.

Fang Zhiyao took a look at Chi Yuxin. He didn't want to listen to her and walked into the school gate.

"Ah! Wait for me When Chi Yuxin saw Fang Zhiyao go, she trotted to keep up.

Because living in Tang Xiaorui's home is still a habit, Chi Yuxin has been living in Tang Xiaorui's home, time flies and more than two years, now Chi Yuxin and Fang Zhiyao have been 15 years old, began to read the third year of junior high school, in more than two months will be the entrance examination.

When having dinner, Fang Zhiyao told Tang Xiaorui and fangye that he planned to test the idea of Q City No.1 middle school. One is a national school, in which the students' scores are very excellent. Compared with the noble schools which can be promoted even if they do poorly in the examination, Fang Zhiyao still hopes to go to a school that can prove that he is good at learning.

After hearing Fang Zhiyao say that he plans to take the No.1 middle school entrance examination, Chi Yuxin stays for a long time and doesn't feel relieved."Zhiyao, are you really going to take No.1 middle school? Are you not used to suddenly changing schools? " After all, Tang Xiaorui thought that Fang Zhiyao high school would still attend the current school. After all, this noble school was one of the top schools in Q City, but it was only private, and most of the students had prominent families.

"Well." Fang Zhiyao just answered, but his position was firm.

"Since Zhiyao wants to take a middle school entrance examination, let him take it. Now that he is 15 years old, he should have his own ideas. Let's not worry about this." One side of fangye KaiKou road.

"But..." Tang Xiaorui has a look at the pond Yuxin who has a drooping head and chopsticks but is not eating.

It is certainly not difficult for Fang Zhiyao to get into the No. 1 Middle School of all top students, but for Chi Yuxin, whose grades are very general, it is not a simple matter.

Tang Xiaorui knows that Chi Yuxin likes Fang Zhiyao, and certainly hopes to study in the same high school with him.

It has to be said that Chi Yuxin's heart was suddenly cooled when she heard Fang Zhiyao say that she would go to No.1 middle school.

However, she knows that those who get into No.1 middle school are all top students from Q city and other grades. Her grades belong to the middle and lower grades in the class, so don't try to get close to those schools which are all Xueba.

Thinking that she might not be able to study with Fang Zhiyao in a high school, Chi Yuxin felt inexplicably that her nose was sour, and she seemed to be about to shed tears, but she didn't want to cry in front of them. She felt that it was too shameless.

If Fang Zhiyao said earlier that he would like to take a high school entrance examination, then he could study hard in advance and strive to enter a high school with Fang Zhiyao. But now there is only two months to go before the high school entrance examination. Chi Yuxin thinks that he is out of the game.

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