After dinner, Chi Yuxin went back to her room and fell on her desk.

At the thought that she might not be able to attend the same high school with Fang Zhiyao, Chi Yuxin felt very sad.

But try to get into the same high school as Fang Zhiyao

Chi Yuxin has no confidence in herself.

It's not so much that there is no confidence, it's better to say that it's self-knowledge. It's all schools of learning bully. How can she get into the exam with such a learning slag. And it's only over two months.

In addition to being good at English, Chi Yuxin grew up in the United States when she was a child. Naturally, she spoke better than the children who had only learned after school. Her Chinese was fairly good. Other subjects Especially in mathematics, Chi Yuxin feels headache when she thinks about it.

Chi Yuxin's small head turns around on the desk. How can she feel upset? The thought of separating high school from Fang Zhiyao, Chi Yuxin doesn't know how to spend the next two months.

At this time, Tang Xiaorui came to Chi Yuxin's room. Seeing Chi Yuxin's lonely appearance, she knew that Chi Yuxin would be like this at night. Tang Xiaorui could not help calling Chi Yuxin softly: "Xiaoxin."

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Chi Yuxin quickly sat up and looked at the door. Seeing Tang Xiaorui, Chi Yuxin slightly lowered her eyes: "aunt Xiaorui..."

Tang Xiaorui goes to Chi Yuxin's bed and sits down. "Xiaoxin, are you worried about the things in Kao 1 middle school?"

Chi Yuxin's thoughts are all written on her face. Tang Xiaorui can see it at a glance. Chi Yuxin also doesn't cover up and nods gently.

Chi Yuxin has lived in her own home for so many years. Tang Xiaorui knows Chi Yuxin very well. She feels that Chi Yuxin must like Fang Zhiyao very much.

"Xiaoxin, do you like Zhiyao?" Tang Xiaorui suddenly asked. Although she knew it in her heart, it was the first time that she directly asked Chi Yuxin. She wanted to hear her answer from Chi Yuxin.

Unexpectedly, Tang Xiaorui suddenly asked herself this, and Chi Yuxin's face turned red. In fact, she liked Fang Zhiyao's things. Although she didn't say so, maybe it was her performance that was too obvious. It seemed that her classmates and family could see it.

But let her speak out directly, which makes Chi Yuxin feel very shy.

Small hand in front of the body shyly twisted, tangled for a few seconds, pool Yuxin small should a: "um..."

Hearing Chi Yuxin's response, although she had already guessed it before, Tang Xiaorui was surprised to get her own confirmation.

"Does Xiaoxin want to go to the same high school as Zhiyao?" Tang Xiaorui continued to ask.

Chi Yuxin nodded slightly, but thinking that she would not be able to pass the No.1 middle school, she could not help but drop her eyes. Her beautiful eyes immediately converged: "but I should not be able to follow him to the same high school. He intends to take No.1 middle school, and No.1 middle school is so difficult. With my grades, I can't get in..."

Chi Yuxin doesn't dare to ask Fang Zhiyao not to take the No.1 middle school exam. She knows that even if she says what Fang Zhiyao has decided, he will certainly not change it with his character. Moreover, Chi Yuxin also feels that Fang Zhiyao has no reason to agree to her request. It is his decision to take the No.1 middle school exam and she should respect it. It is her own stupid reason that she fails to pass the exam, and it is not his fault If she is smart enough, no matter what school Fang Zhiyao goes to, she can go with her.

Seeing Chi Yuxin so lost, Tang Xiaorui can't help feeling a burst of heartache, but she likes Chi Yuxin very much, and hopes that Chi Yuxin can marry into their family as a daughter-in-law.

"Xiaoxin, don't be so depressed! Everything is possible. As long as you work hard, I believe you can be admitted to the same school as Zhiyao. You should believe in the power of love. The power of love can change everything Tang Xiaorui cheered for Chi Yuxin.

In fact Even if Chi Yuxin doesn't work hard, just talk to Chi yeche, even if she doesn't tell Chi yeche, she will "communicate" with the principal of No.1 middle school by herself. It's not a matter of minutes for Chi Yuxin to enter No.1 middle school!

Of course, telling Chi Yuxin directly like this is a blow to her.

So Tang Xiaorui wants Chi Yuxin to work hard first. If she really can't pass the exam, they will be the only one.

After listening to Tang Xiaorui's words, Chi Yuxin seems to be full of power for a moment. Can the power of love change everything? If it's true, Chi Yuxin believes that she can study hard during this period of time, and she will be able to get into No.1 middle school!

It's just Maybe two or three hundred points short

"Mm-hmm, Xiao Xin, come on, you should review your lessons quickly, and I won't disturb you. If you are tired and want to have a snack, you can tell aunt Xiaorui that aunt Xiaorui will do it for you. Come on!" Tang Xiaorui said to the pool Yuxin did a refueling action, and then left the pool Yuxin's room.

After Tang Xiaorui left the room, because of what she said just now, Chi Yuxin is full of fighting spirit.

She believes that Kung Fu pays off. As long as she starts to work hard now, there will be miracles. Now she is full of the power of love!She should start to review and make up for all the lessons she left behind!

Thinking of Chi Yuxin, she cheered herself up in her heart and opened her textbook.

But In an instant, the rain in the pond withered.

Even if she wants to review, but she does not understand, even if the book to see through, also do not understand ah!

But Chi Yuxin did not dare to ask Fang Zhiyao for advice.

Because when she first came in, Chi Yuxin didn't have the courage to ask Fang Zhiyao if she had something she couldn't do. If she didn't, she would be empty, and there would be more and more empty places

Chi Yuxin suddenly fell on the desk.

According to her like this, do not club for two months, even if efforts for two years will not have results!

No, she can't. She has to find a way, find a way

By the way!

Chi Yuxin's head seems to suddenly have a small light bulb flash, she heard yesterday that she invited a tutor, otherwise Have you got a tutor yourself?

If you have a tutor, you can ask her what you can't do!

Think of this Chi Yuxin some purple excited, plan to go to Tang Xiaorui to discuss this matter.

"Aunt Xiaorui." Tang Xiaorui is watching TV in the living room.

"What's wrong with Xiaoxin?" Originally, I thought Chi Yuxin would light up the night fighting in the room, but I didn't expect Chi Yuxin would suddenly come to find herself. Can't it be Chi Yuxin wants to have a snack now?

But it's just dinner now?

"That Aunt Xiaorui, I think I have too many things will not, so I think I should find a tutor. "

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