It's time for Huizi to leave the house. Just got up to see Tang Yunchen's office door was opened, he also came out.

Their eyes met in the air for a second and then moved away.

After all, I'm sorry to pretend I didn't see it.

Tang Yunchen also felt that he didn't see MEIHUIZI at noon today. It seemed that it was not good to go straight to the elevator and leave. Although Jiang Ziyu let himself show a little coldness towards MEIHUIZI recently, he didn't let MEIHUIZI know that he liked her, and then he slowly inquired about MEIHUIZI's mind.

But what I should have done at noon today is a little too much? Will MEIHUIZI mistakenly think she hates her?

"Are you off work?" Tang Yunchen said.

MEIHUIZI nodded gently: "well, it's time to get off work."

"Let's go down together."

Tang Yunchen said to the elevator door, MEIHUIZI also followed.

Tang Yunchen pressed the button on the ground floor and helped MEIHUIZI press the first floor.

When they got off the elevator, they didn't speak all the time, and they were far away from each other. There was an indescribable embarrassment in the atmosphere.

"Ding --" the elevator arrived on the first floor and opened. MEIHUIZI walked out of the elevator in a hurry, as if afraid of staying with Tang Yunchen for another second.

MEIHUIZI had just stepped out of the door of the Tang group when she heard a familiar voice.


Hearing this voice, MEIHUIZI can't help but stop, her face is stunned, how can she be here Hear that man's voice?

MEIHUIZI slowly side head, saw a familiar figure toward her.

MEIHUIZI looked at him in amazement and subconsciously stepped back: "how can you be here?"

The man frowned and looked at MEIHUIZI. He saw her face shocked, but he didn't look at his expression. The man knew that MEIHUIZI must still be angry with himself and had not forgiven himself.

The man stepped forward to MEIHUIZI and held her hand: "MEIHUIZI, I know it's my fault. I think the person I love is you, so please forgive me. Shall we go back to the past?"

MEIHUIZI didn't think that this man would come to find himself, nor did she think that he wanted to come to make up with her. MEIHUIZI only felt funny: "are you kidding me? Didn't you get married a few days ago? Now that you are married, what else do you come to me for? " MEIHUIZI turned her head and didn't want to look at the man in front of her.

She grew up with her childhood, and then gradually became lovers. Everyone said that they were made in heaven. They were destined to be together since they were born, but in the end, they separated because

"MEIHUIZI, listen to me. I found that the person I love is you, not that woman. I didn't marry her. Later, I went to your home to look for you. But your parents said that you had gone to China and were not willing to tell me your number. So I called Lisha, but Lisha didn't want to tell me. I entrusted my Chinese friends to find them You know you work here, so I came to see you immediately The man is excited to pull the hand that manages yarn, a face sincere expression.

"MEIHUIZI, I know that what happened before was my fault, but I am willing to correct it. Please believe me, I will never do such a thing again. The person I love is really important. You, I know you are angry with me, but if you think about our feelings for so many years, will you forgive me this time?" The man's pleading voice said to MEIHUIZI, as if to go on kneeling and begging for mercy.

However, no matter what the man said, MEIHUIZI still won't be soft hearted, because that is her bottom line. Since his mistakes have broken her bottom line, MEIHUIZI will not forgive her anyway! This is MEIHUIZI's principle!

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that you would not marry that woman for me, but I'm sorry, I won't forgive you. You are still young, and you will find a better woman. Please don't pester me again." MEIHUIZI said she wanted to get rid of the man's hand and leave, but the man tightly grasped her hand and didn't let her go.

"MEIHUIZI, please, please forgive me. I really won't make such a mistake again."

Of course, MEIHUIZI's strength won't be beaten by men. No matter how MEIHUIZI breaks free, she can't break free. "You let go of me, you let go of me! If you don't let go, I'll call the police! "

Just when MEIHUIZI didn't know what to do, Tang Yunchen drove out of the underground parking lot. Passing by the door of the company, he suddenly glanced out of the window. Because he saw a familiar voice, Tang Yunchen's eyes were fixed there and stopped the car.

Why MEIHUIZI and a man at the door of the company?

Although we were far away from each other, we couldn't hear what MEIHUIZI and the man were talking about, but seeing that the man was holding MEIHUIZI and MEIHUIZI wanted to break free, Tang Yunchen seemed to understand something. He quickly opened the door and got out of the car and walked towards them."What are you doing?" Tang Yunchen walked to the two of them, holding a man by the hand of MEIHUIZI and separating them.

MEIHUIZI raises her head in surprise and looks at Tang Yunchen who suddenly appears in front of her. She seems to see the Savior and hide behind Tang Yunchen.

The man frowned and looked at Tang Yunchen in front of him: "who are you? I have something to talk with her. Please leave. "

The man said and wanted to pull MEIHUIZI back, but Tang Yunchen grabbed the man's hand and pushed his hand away. Although Tang Yunchen has always been gentle and gentle, but his angry words are no less than Chi yeche's general terror: "but it seems that she doesn't want to talk to you. It should be you who should leave."

"You..." The man was choked by Tang Yunchen's words and didn't know how to respond.

"Who are you? I'm her ex boyfriend. Please don't interfere with me and her affairs! "

Hearing the man's words, Tang Yunchen can't help but be a little surprised, because he didn't think that this man turned out to be MEIHUIZI's ex boyfriend

Look at the two of them, it should be that this man is still pestering MEIHUIZI, right? After all, MEIHUIZI doesn't seem to want to take care of this man, otherwise she won't hide behind her now.

"I'm sorry. I'm her current boyfriend. Do you think I should intervene in your affairs and her affairs?"

Tang Yunchen said with a shallow smile on his face. Even though he was smiling, he was inexplicably giving people a terrible feeling.

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