Tang Yunchen's words shocked MEIHUIZI and her ex boyfriend for a moment.

However, MEIHUIZI reacted quickly.

Tang Yunchen said this just to help himself out. After all, if he did not say so, he might not be able to suppress him. Well Tang Yunchen only said so simply to help himself out of the encirclement. There is absolutely no other meaning.

The man's astonished Tang Yunchen looked like he couldn't believe it: "how can it be? How long has MEIHUIZI just come to China and have a new boyfriend? I don't believe she is such a person! " After all, the man and MEIHUIZI grew up together, and they confessed many times, and then MEIHUIZI carefully considered before they were together.

MEIHUIZI is not the kind of person who can easily associate with others! She has only been in China for a few days. How could she make a boyfriend so soon?

"Why can't she have a new boyfriend quickly? I fell in love with her as soon as we met, so we can't be together? What kind of person does she have to do with you? "

"You..." The man was angry with Tang Yunchen and couldn't speak. He had to say that the man in front of him was really tall and handsome. He didn't look ordinary from his clothes and temperament. He looked above himself in every aspect. But men still think that MEIHUIZI can't find her boyfriend so soon. After all, she knows what kind of character MEIHUIZI is when they were growing up. She doesn't decide to associate with someone easily.

She is the kind of person who has to understand clearly before deciding. However, they have only known each other for a few days. How can they understand clearly that MEIHUIZI is the kind of person who takes a fancy to her heart, so she won't be with this man because of his appearance or money.

Tang Yunchen raised his eyebrows: "me? How about it? "

The man seemed too lazy to talk to Tang Yunchen and looked at MEIHUIZI: "MEIHUIZI, you tell me this is not true, right? We've been together for so many years, and of course I know what kind of person you are. How could you decide to associate with a man so soon? You just want me to die, so let this man play your boyfriend, right? " Men can't or don't want to trust each other at all. Miiko is already with other men.

MEIHUIZI was separated from herself only for more than three months, and came to China only a few days. How could she find a new boyfriend so quickly.

MEIHUIZI really didn't want to continue to be involved with this man. She walked out of Tang Yunchen's back and went to his side: "OK, then I'll tell you that he and I have started to associate. Although I have been with you for so many years, how can you say that you have completely understood what kind of person I am? I've known you for so long, I didn't think you were that kind of person! I got in touch with him because he was tall, handsome and rich. He was the president of down group. So I went out with him. What happened! Chen, let's go. " MEIHUIZI said, holding Tang Yunchen's arm, she quickly walked toward the direction of his car.

Left the man standing in situ, watching them go away.

Tang Yunchen opened the door and let MEIHUIZI sit in the co driver's seat, then he got into the driver's seat and drove away.

The atmosphere of the two people in the car was so embarrassed that MEIHUIZI felt very embarrassed when she thought of what she said just now because she was angry for a moment.

"Are you going back now? I'll see you off. " Tang Yunchen took the lead in breaking the silence.

MEIHUIZI shook her head gently: "I don't want to go back now Is there a good bar around here? I'd like to have a drink Although MEIHUIZI doesn't know how to drink very much, after all, when she is a secretary, sometimes she drinks a little when she accompanies social intercourse. But apart from her work, she hardly drinks herself. But now She really wants to drink Maybe it's the so-called drinking to relieve worries.

Tang Yunchen takes a deep look at MEIHUIZI and doesn't say anything. Instead, he drives to a bar he usually goes to.

What Tang Yunchen brings MEIHUIZI to is a quiet and quiet Blues bar. Tang Yunchen doesn't like to go to such noisy places.

In fact, this kind of bar seldom comes. Unless someone calls him, he seldom comes back alone.

MEIHUIZI went straight to a table at the bar and sat down.

Tang Yunchen also sat down with MEIHUIZI, although he usually sat in a private room.

"A beer, please." She said to the bar at the bar.

"I'll have one too." Tang Yunchen also said.

The bartender quickly served two bottles of beer.

MEIHUIZI held up a big beer cup with both hands and began to drink.

All of a sudden, a glass of beer was MEIHUIZI drink to the bottom.

MEIHUIZI put the quilt on the table and said to the bartender, "have another drink, no Three more drinks

Seeing MEIHUIZI like this, Tang Yunchen can't help but frown: "you can drink so much?"

In fact, MEIHUIZI is not very good at drinking. She can only say that if she drinks a little bit, she will get drunk if she drinks too much. But now MEIHUIZI would rather be drunk.

"Don't worry, I can still drink it."I feel that MEIHUIZI is in a bad mood. Tang Yunchen doesn't stop MEIHUIZI from doing anything. Maybe now let MEIHUIZI drink more. If MEIHUIZI is drunk, he will send her back.

MEIHUIZI gulps down a glass of wine again, and finds that Tang Yunchen's glass in front of him is still full. He doesn't have the appearance of drinking at all. MEIHUIZI can't help pointing to Tang Yunchen's glass and saying angrily, "why don't you drink it? Come on, I'll drink, I'll drink together

MEIHUIZI said, holding Tang Yunchen's hand and letting him hold it on the handle of the cup to indicate Tang Yunchen to drink.

Tang Yunchen is also very face saving, with MEIHUIZI drink one cup after another.

Both of them are not good drinkers, so MEIHUIZI is needless to say. Tang Yunchen doesn't drink much wine at ordinary times. Even if he comes with his brother, he just drinks a few glasses of red wine and chats casually.

Now after several cups of wine, MEIHUIZI is completely confused, and Tang Yunchen is in a state of half confusion and half soberness.

"MEIHUIZI..." Tang Yunchen suddenly called MEIHUIZI.

MEIHUIZI was lying on the table of the bar, and her eyes were hazy: "what's the matter?"

"Was that man your ex boyfriend?"

Although already heard from that man's mouth, Tang Yunchen can't help but ask again.

"Yes, he's my childhood sweetheart. We're only one year old apart. We played together since childhood, and then we've been dating..." MEIHUIZI replied vaguely.

"So Then why did you break up? "

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