Chapter 16

    It turns out that Qin Yufei has no conscience. She didn't give Gu Yingjie a call or news all night. The later it was, the more worried Gu Yingjie became. In the end, he couldn't help but called her cell phone, hoping that her friend had returned the bag to her. . It turned out that the person who answered the phone was Yin Ting.

    Gu Yingjie was speechless for a while, so he had to use an excuse to inquire about the outcome of today's affairs. Yin Ting said that in the end, Zhao Honghui's friends sent him to the hospital, and their group of friends didn't know what happened, so they separated. She heard that it was Zhao Honghui who spoke ill of Qin Yufei behind his back and was taught a lesson by Qin Yufei, and she asked Gu Yingjie if Qin Yufei had anything wrong.

    Gu Yingjie told her a simple situation, ignored his entanglement with Qin Yufei, and said that he pulled Qin Yufei away, and then Qin Yufei ran away. There was nothing to say after that, so I hung up.

    Gu Yingjie couldn't sleep at all that night, although he felt that with Qin Yufei's intelligence and strength, it would be no problem to take a taxi home to pay for it, but he did not see or hear her He really couldn't rest assured when he said he got home safely. And can't call Qin Wenyi.

    Afterwards, Gu Yingjie harassed Xu Yanchang by calling him in the middle of the night and complained to him. He was just angry with Qin Yufei, but he couldn't say anything specific. Xu Yanchang yawned and asked him, "So what are you complaining about?"

    Gu Yingjie choked and said, "Can you complain about my bad luck?"

    "Okay." Xu Yanchang was speechless.

    Without a good night's sleep, Gu Yingjie called Qin Yufei's office early in the morning, but her secretary said that she usually arrives after ten o'clock. Gu Yingjie's anger grew even stronger. He stayed up until 10:30 to fight again, and this time he finally found someone.

    "Qin Yufei."


    He has a bad attitude and she is even more arrogant.

    He choked again, and said bitterly for a long time: "Don't do it, just know that you are not dead." Then he hung up.

      As if it could break the connection between her and him.

     Qin Yufei had no intention of working that day, and he didn't know what to do when he looked at the computer. Fortunately, the holiday had just ended, and there was no urgent work waiting for her. She was in a daze all morning, and then found that it was past lunchtime. Qin Yufei took the cup and went to the tea room to shake it, and happened to meet Qiu Zhengqing who was having a bubble noodle.

    "Mr. Qiu." She greeted, blinked her eyes, and suddenly said, "Do you want to eat this at noon? I didn't eat it either, why don't we go to the restaurant downstairs for lunch together, I'll treat you."

    Qiu Zhengqing frowned and stared at her, wondering what she was doing.

    "Don't want to?" Qin Yufei also frowned and looked back at him, how dare he not?

    "I just soaked the noodles." Qiu Zhengqing raised the noodle bowl in his hand.

     "Eat less of this kind of nutritious food, and it's not that you are in a hurry to eat."

    Qiu Zhengqing looked down at the instant noodles, a little reluctant, "What a waste."

    Qin Yufei simply took over his noodle bowl, and threw the paper bowl and noodles into the trash can. "It's done, let's go!" She took the lead and walked out. Qiu Zhengqing hesitated for a moment and followed.

    In the elevator, Qin Yufei looked at Qiu Zhengqing's serious frowning face: "Why is Mr. Qiu dissatisfied?"

    "I don't like others making decisions for me." Qiu Zhengqing said coolly.

    "Oh." Qin Yufei disagreed. If you don't like it, you don't like it, who cares about you.

    At the restaurant, Qiu Zhengqing glanced at the menu and quickly ordered his meal, then stared at Qin Yufei with a serious face, silently urging her to hurry up. Qin Yufei studied the menu slowly and spent two minutes deciding what she wanted to eat. After clicking it, he looked up and saw Qiu Zhengqing tap the table with his fingers impatiently. Qin Yufei rolled his eyes in his heart.

    While waiting for the meal, the two of them were silent at first, then Qiu Zhengqing seemed to feel that time was wasted, so he began to ask Qin Yufei about his work and talked to her about the market. Qin Yufei held her chin, and it was her turn to tap the table with her fingers.

    "So why do you want to eat with me?" Qiu Zhengqing wanted to discuss work but hit a soft nail, so he simply asked.

    "I just want to try and see if I pursue Mr. Qiu, if I can make Mr. Qiu no longer a working machine." Qin Yufei sighed, "But I will stay with Mr. Qiu for less than ten minutes. I already knew that I was too naive and stupid. So let's forget it, there is no happiness at all."

    Qiu Zhengqing said with no expression: "If you are no longer so lazy and are willing to work hard and take life seriously, then you will probably have a chance to catch up with me."

    "This is also the reason why Mr. Qiu didn't express his interest even though he was a little interested in me?" Qin Yufei didn't feel that he was being selfish at all.

    "Yes." Qiu Zhengqing simply and generously admitted that he also found that Qin Yufei spoke frankly, so he really didn't need to beat around the bush with her. "You are in good condition and you are a good marriage partner. There is no denying that. But I am really uncomfortable seeing the way you live by and do things. If you really become a boyfriend and girlfriend, you will make people very irritable."

    "It's a pitiful person who is your girlfriend, and she has to be inspected every day." Qin Yufei knew that the little fantasies she had just raised in the tea room and the hope of trying to catch it had been dashed. She sighed, why the men she met were either cheating guys or workaholics, or they were super scumbags or amorous.

    Alas, why is there no suitable one? In fact, she is really not very demanding!

     "But I admit that you were right before, I looked at you with prejudice, and always felt that you were so lazy and arrogant because of your family background. Later, after you exposed me, I seriously thought about it, You have this nature, in fact, you can't say good or bad, it's just that kind of personality. In fact, the work for you has been completed, and you have done a good job. You are very enthusiastic, reasonable, and business-like, so I was really right before. You are biased, I apologize."

    "Oh." Qin Yufei was playing with his fork and suddenly said: "Mr. Qiu, in fact, I was wrong last time, your prejudice is right, the so-called environment creates character, I rely on family background I dare to do this. Otherwise, if I can't eat, I'll have to flatter you every day, pretend to be busy and work hard to please you, and beg you to give me a raise. Your hatred for the rich is also because you have worked too hard before and think we rich people don't need to work hard You can get what you have worked so hard to get, in fact, this is normal, you are right to hate."

    Qiu Zhengqing's face darkened, "So are you kidding me?"

    "I'm examining myself."

    "Did you change it after the review?"

    "No change."

    Qiu Zhengqing was not angry, "Then you can continue to review." The meal was delivered, and he began to eat.

    "Actually, Mr. Qiu, you should also review it."

    "I reviewed it, thank you for your concern."

    "You must let me see Mr. Qiu after you have a girlfriend. I want to give her a bunch of flowers."

    "My girlfriend's flowers are my own."

    "Then I will give her something else, she is very heroic, I want to express my admiration for her."

    "I won't give anything to your boyfriend, I'm stingy with less money."

    "Well, I can understand." Thinking of her boyfriend, Qin Yufei sighed, "Okay, you can officially put a cross on Qiu Zhengqing's name. One.

    The two of them finished the meal smoothly, and they could even talk about things other than work in the second half. Qin Yufei was in a slightly better mood when he returned to the company. Although there was no possibility of development with Qiu Zhengqing, the meal brought the two closer together, and it was not for nothing.

    In the afternoon, Qin Wenyi came back from outside and called Qin Yufei to his office. He went to Octavia today and negotiated with Zhao Honghui's father and uncle. He has only one daughter, although he will dislike her for lack of career and progress, and will be anxious about the inheritance of the family business, but he truly loves her daughter.

    Last night when my daughter went out to play, she came home with nothing on her hands, and was wearing a pair of men's home slippers. The taxi fare was called out to pay for him, which really surprised him. Hearing the whole story, he was instantly furious. So today, he went to Ming Rui for a showdown without doing any business. If the Zhao family couldn't discipline their son well and let him slander and humiliate his daughter Qin Wenyi outside, then he wouldn't mind disciplining him and teach the Zhao family son more lessons.

    The Zhao family was at a loss. Although his son was sent to the hospital, he had to be polite. He also said that the young man was ignorant, drank too much, and was provoked by his friends. Now he has learned a lesson. Will take good care of it. The two have been in friendship for many years, so there shouldn't be a deadlock over this matter. In a word, while submissive and swaying the interests, this matter can't be counted, and it will pass like this.

    But Qin Wenyi still loves her daughter. When he came back, he called Qin Yufei over. Rebuke her as soon as you speak, girls shouldn't be so impulsive in doing things. Zhao Honghui was tall and strong, and he drank a lot. He also had a group of friends, all of whom were usually domineering. She rushed over to fight without saying a word. If those people were eager to fight back, she would definitely suffer as a girl.

    This time I was lucky, I beat him down as soon as he made a shot, and didn't let him jump up and fight back. But next time may not have such luck. Qin Wenyi warned her daughter that she must not be so reckless in the future. After being wronged and suffering a loss, he came back and told his father that he would not allow outsiders to bully his daughter when Qin Wenyi was still one day.

    Qin Yufei bit her lip and was unconvinced, she heard those disgusting words last night, how could she bear to go home and complain. Besides, when Gu Yingjie was by her side at that time, he would not ignore her.

    Qin Yufei was shocked, did she think so? Relying on Gu Yingjie's presence?

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