Chapter 17

    Qin Yufei's heart was sour and bitter, she sighed, hugged her father's arm, put her head on his shoulder and acted like a spoiled child. She was really, really disappointed.

    Qin Wenyi poked her in the head: "When can you let your parents save snacks?"

    Qin Yufei pouted, she also wanted to save some snacks, but she really had no confidence in herself and men.

    On Gu Yingjie's side, he was sulking with Qin Yufei for several days, but after he was busy with work, he gradually calmed down. It's just that sometimes when I answer the phone and read text messages, I find myself expecting her call, but she has never called. Not even a greeting text message.

    Gu Yingjie felt that he was also a cheap, cheap and scumbag.

    One day a week later, Gu Yingjie's mother invited a well-known old Chinese medicine doctor to visit her home, saying that she was very skilled in gynecological care. Gu Yingjie's elder sister and elder sister-in-law both went home early, wanting the doctor to take the pulse and regulate her body. When Gu Yingjie was free that day, he took up the important task of picking up his nephew and niece from school. When he picked up the child and went back to the family's mansion, the doctor was in the living room telling Gu Yingjie's mother and others some maintenance knowledge. Gu Yingjie listened to it from a distance and was dragged away by the children. When he came back, the old Chinese doctor had finished talking, and the women were very happy when they talked about the topic of conditioning and beauty.

    Gu Yingjie actually wanted to ask some questions, but in front of so many women, it was very inconvenient, and he didn't have the face. After that, he had an idea and found an opportunity, saying that he helped deliver the doctor, but everyone didn't care and let him deliver it.

    That night, Qin Yufei received a text message from Gu Yingjie. He said that for dysmenorrhea, he should soak his feet at night, do palace warming exercises, and insist on conditioning. He also wrote a lot of methods and drug names. Finally, when it hurts, put two alcohol cotton **** in the ear to relieve the pain.

    Qin Yufei saw a black line on his face. Where did he go for the little remedies, or to manage dysmenorrhea? He's a big man, why bother with her dysmenorrhea! He could really exaggerate a little more.

    Qin Yufei threw the phone aside, but after a while she couldn't help but take it over and read it again. There was a lot of content, and there were several text messages. She didn't bother to read them, she just stared at Gu Yingjie's name on the screen.

    Gu Yingjie didn't expect Qin Yufei to reply to his text messages, although he really wanted to know if she followed those methods. The doctor said that such things as dysmenorrhea can actually be big or small. If the pain is severe, go to the hospital to see it. After finding the cause of the disease, it can be solved according to the symptoms. If it's just a deficiency of the constitution, in fact, he didn't understand it very well. According to his understanding, if there is no serious illness and only need to be recuperated and nursed, he can use the methods he taught, insist on doing it, and gradually improve his constitution.

    Although Gu Yingjie felt that Qin Yufei would definitely not reply to his text messages, he still hoped that she would take this physical problem seriously. The woman looked lazy and carefree, which was really uneasy.

    Two days later, Gu Yingjie suddenly thought that he did not explain the source of these methods in the text message. Would Qin Yufei think that he copied it randomly, and he couldn't believe it, so he didn't follow it? The worried Gu Yingjie sent another text message to Qin Yufei, telling her that the method he told her was obtained from a famous doctor, so she must pay attention to it.

    There has been no reply since this text message was sent. Although Gu Yingjie felt uncomfortable, it was fine. You can't bother with that woman Qin Yufei, or you'll die of anger.

    Qin Yufei was almost mad at himself. She always wanted to use her mobile phone to read the messages sent by Gu Yingjie, and even wanted to reply to him. The mobile phone is so convenient, his name is lying in it, and she can find him with just one click.

    I can't help myself.

    It's the weekend. Gu Yingjie promised to take his nephew and niece to the amusement park, but before he could go out, the phone rang. Gu Yingjie took out his phone and saw that it was Qin Yufei.

    Gu Yingjie's heart beat for two, and she felt a little guilty under the gaze of the two children. He walked out of the living room and turned to a corner to answer the call. After clearing his throat and clearing it again, he pressed the answer button and said "hello".

    "Gu Yingjie." Qin Yufei's voice was still clear and sweet, and his greeting was still so refreshing, "Are you free today?"

    Available. These two words immediately popped into Gu Yingjie's mind. He caught it in time and asked her, "What do you do?"

    "I want to invite you to dinner."

    Eat? Gu Yingjie was too surprised. "What's the matter with you?" He was a little nervous. She was in trouble and needed help? Could it be that Zhao Honghui provoked her again?

    "I|Why did something happen!" Qin Yufei was annoyed, "Can I invite you to dinner if there is nothing wrong?"

    "Oh." It's fine. But is it really okay?

    "Aren't you free?" Qin Yufei was already very nervous, but he retreated when he couldn't hear his answer. "Never mind. Goodbye." Then she hung up quickly.

    "..." Gu Yingjie was stunned with his phone, his mouth still open to speak. Just as he was about to answer, he heard the "beep" sound of being hung up. No one can stand this! ! Gu Yingjie is so angry, what kind of person is this? Female bandit? Do you understand politeness? Did he say he was free? Did he say it? Actually hang up the phone like this! She is so good!

    Gu Yingjie called back and connected, Qin Yufei picked it up quickly before the beep sounded.

    Connect as fast as hang.

    "Qin Yufei!" No matter how fast he received it, Gu Yingjie couldn't calm down, he roared as soon as he opened his mouth.

    "Why?" It's a pity that Miss Qin is not afraid at all.

    "Do you know how to write polite?"

    "Are you going to criticize me?" She wanted to hang up again.

    "Where? What time?" She reminded so well that she had to meet to criticize her, so be sure to meet! Must meet!

    "12 o'clock, Jade Western Restaurant." Qin Yufei's heart began to beat fast, he actually agreed? !

    "Okay, see you soon." He knew the restaurant, and there was plenty of time at 12 o'clock. Gu Yingjie hung up the phone and looked at himself. He was dressed casually as a child's escort, which was really not suitable for a date. It's time for him to go back and change his clothes, um, the new clothes he bought last week.

    Walking back to the living room, seeing the two children looking at him carefully, Gu Yingjie was very embarrassed, although he felt sorry for the children, but he still announced firmly that he had urgent urgent matters. Deal with it, can't accompany the children to the amusement park.

    Gu Wenci's daughter didn't say a word, her mouth twitched, her eyes were red, and she immediately cried to him. Gu Yingjie had a headache.

    It took nearly an hour to coax the child, and with the help of his grandfather Gu Wenguang, the child finally agreed to go shopping with his grandparents, ignore his parents who are only busy by themselves, and don’t care about the words that don’t count uncle.

    Gu Yingjie looked at his watch, it's too bad, it's too late. He rushed back to his own house to change into a set of clothes, and then rushed to the western restaurant without stopping. Unexpectedly, there was a traffic jam on the road.

    How can there be a traffic jam on the big weekend!

    Gu Yingjie was a little anxious, it was rare to meet Qin Yufei once, he wouldn't be rudely late, right? And that woman's stinky temper wouldn't see him being late and leave without waiting for him, right?

    In the end, Gu Yingjie ran a red light once, wiped the yellow light, and the time passed. Checking his watch, he was five minutes late. I hope that woman will not turn around and leave, otherwise he will definitely find She is in trouble.

    Gu Yingjie hurriedly parked the car and took a few steps towards the restaurant door. My heart was beating fast and I felt a little excited. Then, across the floor-to-ceiling glass wall, he saw Qin Yufei.

    She was sitting against the wall, wearing a white dress with a ponytail, revealing a small, white face. She propped her chin, staring at the vacant seat opposite her in a daze.

    Gu Yingjie stopped and just stood there, watching her quietly.

    The sun shines on her body, as if plated with a layer of golden warm light, so dazzling and so beautiful. And the expression on her face was lonely and pitiful, and the whole person looked weak and slender.

    Contradictory woman. Fascinating.

    Gu Yingjie couldn't move his eyes, felt his heart beat faster, and an indescribable feeling filled his chest.

    He thought it must have been a long time, he must have received her invitation too unexpectedly. Therefore, he will have such a feeling that he can't say it. He suppressed the strange feeling. Taking another step, he entered the restaurant and walked up to her.

    Qin Yufei was in a daze and was so absorbed that she didn't wake up until Gu Yingjie sat in the seat opposite her. She was completely unaware of Gu Yingjie's late arrival, and was even a little stunned.

    The silly look is cute.

    Gu Yingjie smiled at her, Qin Yufei woke up and smiled back in a panic.

    She was nervous. Gu Yingjie noticed it. He started to worry. She really needs his help with something in trouble. He kept his head down, because he knew that this woman was proud, and if she came to ask him for help, she must have summoned up her courage. He can't say the wrong thing, otherwise she will swallow the thoughts in her heart, which is not good. He wants to help her. He is willing to help her.

    In just a few seconds, Qin Yufei was already armed. She casually flipped through the menu handed over by the waiter, glanced at it, and quickly ordered the meal. Gu Yingjie secretly observed her while looking at the menu, and found that she would also peek at him, and if her eyes met him, she would quickly move away and pretend to act.


    Gu Yingjie was suddenly in a good mood and a little self-satisfied. The corners of his mouth curled up, unable to control the joy at all.

    She is so close to him, sitting across from him, they will have dinner together, they can talk for a long time, don't have to always think about whether she will reply to text messages, don't always think that this woman has no conscience Come on the phone, don't have to guess what she's doing now.

    Gu Yingjie found herself smiling and content.

    He raised his eyes and ordered the meal he wanted from the waiter beside him, which also included a fried fish fillet. "A little more ketchup." He whispered, turning his head to look at Qin Yufei. Her favorite ketchup, she didn't order it just now.

    Looking like this, she saw her looking at him in a daze. Still kind of silly. Gu Yingjie smiled and asked the waiter to quickly place the order.

    Then he sat upright and stared at her seriously, and she was looking at him, still stupid. Gu Yingjie kept looking at her, looking at her, her heart fluttered, and the feeling filled her chest again, but this time, he knew what it was like.


    He is satisfied.

    Looking at her, sitting with her, thinking about being able to eat together, chatting together, thinking that she needs him.

    He is happy and satisfied.

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