The teacher announced at the end of class that he would be grouped like this and would not change any more, which immediately surprised Xiang Yexun. Isn't it? He won't have a chance to be with Qin Qingying again. What a sad thing.

Hong Yi glanced at Qin Qingying. He didn't know why. Since he saw the simple picture of her before she entered the bar on the poster, he suddenly had a good impression of her. Moreover, because she was so different, he was curious about her. Later, in a group, he had time to get to know her slowly.

Although Xiang Yexun was not happy, considering that it was also a kind of progress that she could coexist peacefully with others now, she went directly to her after class: "Miss Ying, don't forget tonight's candlelight dinner, and I'll make you a cup of sweet cat shit coffee tonight, so that you can have the energy to listen to me all night."

Hong Yi takes a look at Xiang Yexun. Xiang Yexun looked at Hong Yi very gentlemanly. His eyes were bent with a smile and bent a little: "classmate Hong, it's time to finish class. Please go back to your previous seat. It was my position before. Would you please give way?"

Hong Yi stood up awkwardly. He glanced at Qin Qingying, didn't say much, directly took the book, smiled at her and left.

Xiang Yexun kept staring at Hong Yi and then turned to Qin Qingying: "what's wrong with him? Why did he laugh at you when he left? He was hostile before. Did you just say something nice to him?"

Qin Qingying's indifferent eyes met his curious eyes: "did you drink the medicine as coffee in the morning?"

"Hmm?" Xiang Yexun obviously didn't react at first. He just thought about it carefully. He thought that Qin Qingying said he had taken the wrong medicine!

"Dare to ask Miss Ying, do you mean I took the wrong medicine?" Xiang Yexun asked back. In fact, he almost knew the answer in his heart, which should be yes.

"It's rare to be smart." Qin Qingying was still very cold, but the corners of her mouth raised slightly. It seemed that she was in a good mood.

"Am I only smart this time? Miss Ying has a bad memory. I won the first place this time. You haven't tested me. If I'm only smart this time, haven't you always been smart." Xiang Yexun joked, but stabbed Qin Qingying's pain point. Why didn't he test him all the time? He's just a jerk!

"Shut up! Give you some sunshine and you'll be brilliant." Qin Qingying stared at Xiang Yexun again.

"Ha ha, I'm just kidding." Xiang Yexun said shyly.

"Continue to listen to the class and don't make any more complications, otherwise the evening dinner will be cancelled." Qin Qingying finally had something to control the night search.

"Yes!" Xiang Yexun looked at him respectfully and felt really good.

Qin Qingying ignored him and continued to read his book with his head down.

The day passed quickly. It was already 6:30 in the twinkling of an eye. It was already dark when they went out of school. Because it was still in March and April, it was dark early and a cold wind blew.

Xiang Yexun took off his coat and put it on Qin Qingying. They walked into the car and went directly to the French restaurant. She rented the French restaurant just to be quiet. Because Xiang Yexun was too noisy, she did not become the focus of attention.

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