At the French restaurant, the waiter served directly, because Qin Qingying had already ordered the menu and said the time of their arrival, so the restaurant directly prepared breakfast according to the time of their arrival. Very punctual. They arrived at the restaurant at 6:45.

Xiang Ye is having fun. He helps Qin Qingying pull back his chair. They chose the middle position, because there was no one, so the waiter prepared the middle position.

There was only a flower on the table in the middle seat. Xiang Yexun directly picked up the flower. After Qin Qingying sat down, the gentleman bent down, put his left hand behind his back, and respectfully handed the flower to her with his right hand: "please accept it."

Qin Qingying took the flowers indifferently and put them directly in the vase. She gave him a very indifferent look: "do your part, or I won't eat with you."

"OK!" Xiang Yexun smiled and sat opposite Qin Qingying.

After all the dishes were served, Xiang Yexun glanced at her and started the topic: "Miss Ying, you are very good. I didn't expect to stay in the bar for two years. You can still be the second in the class after you came back. If I didn't hinder you, you would be the first in the class."

"I finally found myself in the way." Qin Qingying said coldly and continued, "then you can tell me how you got the first place in the class."

Xiang night looked at the thief with a smile and ate a dish quietly: "I stole the teacher's test paper, copied his answer in advance, and then memorized it by rote. Finally I got full marks."

Qin Qingying's fork suddenly stopped in the air. Xiang Yexun stole the teacher's test paper? How dare he do anything? Sure enough, he is a gangster. She believes in the answer.

Xiang Yexun looked at her half jokingly and saw that she seemed to believe. After listening to what he said, he was just a little stunned, and then continued to eat. Then she might believe it.

"How was your discussion with Hong Yi? Didn't you have a quarrel? I've been watching you there for fear that he would bully you, so I can directly hit him with my fist." Xiang Yexun vowed.

But Qin Qingying said very indifferently, even like a basin of cold water poured on his head: "does this have anything to do with you?"

Xiang Yexun was immediately embarrassed. He raised his head and looked at him. He had to find his own steps and said with a smile: "There is a classic passage in the TV series. The male number two is used to abuse him. The female Lord abused him thousands of times. He treats the female Lord like his first love. I think this first love is inappropriate. The first love is only what he likes at first, and it may not be particularly good to her. For example, a cold personality like you may not be good for the first love, right? It should be said that you abused me a trillion times, I treat you like life. "

Qin Qingying thought of Zhan Zhimo when she heard her first love. She was in a bad mood. Especially when Xiang Yexun said that her first love was not so good, she just wanted to tell people that she loved him very much and tried her best to love. So that she didn't have the strength to love anyone anymore.

Xiang Yexun took a look at Qin Qingying, who buried himself in dinner. He suddenly remembered that what he had just said might be inappropriate, so he looked at her wrongly: "I'm sorry, I came first in the exam today. My excited brain was a little faint. I didn't mean that just now. Don't think about you too much. I just want to express my attention to you. You are my life."

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