Chapter 1 - Disownment


"I have decided not to expect anything from you anymore."

One day, my dad said to me, Norman Eslund.

"Well, yes, ......."

I had an idea why he was saying this, so the only thing I could do was to nod.

"It's honestly unheard of that you're almost 15 years old and you still can't use magic at all.

That's right, I'm about to turn 15 and I still can't use magic. My house is in a prestigious magic family that has produced sorcerers for generations. Naturally, both of my parents are sorcerers, and my younger sister, although younger, has already developed a talent for magic. If both parents are sorcerers, then naturally their child should be able to use magic, but for some reason I couldn't do it.

"You're the only heir, and you've disappointed me more than enough."

In this country, only boys are allowed to inherit the family name. So, if I continue to be unable to use magic, it will be a bad thing. Because in this country, only sorcerers can become nobles. If I continue to be unable to use magic, this family will be stripped of its nobility. But even though I knew all that, I couldn't do anything about it since I couldn't use magic at all.

"That's why I've decided to expel you from the Barony of Esland." "What?" "I've decided to adopt a son instead, who will become the heir of the Eslands."

Expelled? Adopted? Heir? The words that came out of nowhere confused my mind. I had never heard of such a thing before up until now.

"Wait a minute! I haven't given up yet." "I told you. I've decided not to expect anything more from you."

I was shocked to find out what he really meant when he said he had no expectations.

"Are you going to kick me out now, ......?  "Yeah, as soon as I can. I don't even want to see your face anymore." "Have you adopted a child yet?" "Yes, unlike you, I have a commoner who is an excellent magician. I'll introduce you to him soon enough."

It seemed to be a certainty that I was going to be kicked out of this house.

The day after my father said something shocking to me, I went to the magic school as usual.

"So we'll start with a review of yesterday's lesson."

On the stage of the classroom. Mr. Roudon was standing there. He is a tall, thin, male teacher who is not very popular with the students because he always proceeds with his lessons without hesitation.

"Do your pyrokinesis while remembering what you learned yesterday."

As Mr. Rudon said this, the students in the classroom looked at the grimoire and drew a magic circle on a piece of paper, then chanted a spell. Then, a fireball appeared in the palm of their hand.

I imitated them and drew a magic circle and chanted the spell.

"Did you all do it?" "Sir~, obviously there's one person who hasn't done it yet~"

Someone responded to the teacher's call, its voice was clearly filled with mockery.

"Norman. again?"

The teacher said in disgust. Yes, I was trying very hard to cast the spell, but I couldn't get the fire magic to work at all.

"Look, Norman. There is no point in casting spells blindly."

Then the teacher came over to me.

"Close your eyes and listen to the voice of the fire spirit." "Yes."

I do as he says and close my eyes.

"Well? Can you hear the voice of the fire spirit?" "......Yes."

I replied. But the truth is, I couldn't hear the fire spirit's voice at all.

"If you can hear it, try to cast a spell to command the fire spirit." ".... Start a fire, Enscendido."

I chanted. Gently, I opened my eyes. As a result, nothing had happened.

The teacher sighs, "Huh," and the whole classroom erupts in mocking laughter, "hahahahahaha!" "You can't even do basic magic, you really don't seem to have any talent." "I'm sorry, ......."

I apologized in a whisper.

Then the class went on, ignoring me. All the while, I could do nothing but keep my head down.

"Norman, come here."

After school, Mr. Redon called me, and my legs felt heavy as I could imagine why he was calling me.

"What can I do for you, sir?" "Shouldn't you just give up on learning magic?"

I was fourteen years old, but the only kids in the classroom were ten or eleven years old. There are three courses at this school: basic, advanced, and developmental. Of course, I was in the basic course. Incidentally, I've been going to school since I was ten years old, which means I've been attending the basic course for the past four years. "No matter how hard you try, there are always people who can't use magic. I'm sure you're one of them." "That may be so. ......"

I could not help but nod my head in silence at Mr. Redon's words.

I'm really not sure what to do at this point, how would I be able to use magic?

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