Chapter 2 - Goetia


Sigh, I wonder how I can learn to use magic. I want to be able to use magic, and I'm sure I'm studying harder than anyone else.

And yet, I can't use magic at all. Why can't I use magic? That's what I want to know the most.

I decided to study magic again today, so I went to my study. It was a daily routine for me to go to the study and rifle through the books to gain knowledge about magic. Both of my parents are excellent magicians, so they have a lot of grimoires in their study. I had already read most of the books there. But since I couldn't use magic, there was no point.

"This may be the last time I'll be able to come here."

I'll probably be kicked out of my house soon, and then I won't be able to come here anymore. So, with deep emotion, I looked around at the books in my study.

"What? There's a book here....."

As I was rummaging around, I found a book hidden in the back of the bookcase. I was curious, so I picked up the book. It was a book whose cover and spine were completely black. I wondered if it was just an illusion that the book seemed to emanate an aura of evil.

The title of the book is "Goetia".

There was still a book like this left. I thought I had read most of the books in this study, but I had never seen anything like this before. I decided to give it a try, so I flipped through the contents.

"Demon summoning?"

I couldn't help but raise my voice at what was written in the book. Yes, this grimoire contains information on how to summon 72 demons.

Normally, magicians use spirits and angels. However, I had heard something about this a long time ago. That there was a horrific magic that could summon demons. However, summoning demons is forbidden and should never be used.

I guess I'll just have to give it a try. There's no way I can summon a demon if I can't do ordinary magic anyway. So I'm just going to give it a try. I flipped through the grimoire. I was wondering which demon I should summon. Some of the demons were terrifying, and I knew I would be in trouble if I summoned one of them.

"This one didn't look so scary."

I said to myself as I looked at a page. Okay, let's try it.

Then I went back to my room and started preparing. All I had to do was draw a magic circle on a piece of paper, just like the grimoire said. First of all, it had to be a large magic circle, so I had to join several pieces of paper together. Then, I had to write the magic circle in chicken blood, so we got some chickens from the cook to cook. It was not uncommon to use chicken blood in magic, so I was happy being able to borrow it.

Then, I drew the magic circle on the paper using the blood of the chicken. When it was done, I closed my eyes. The teacher told me to listen to the voice of the spirits, but in this case, I should listen to the voice of the demons.

And then, the next moment. The grimoire emitted a black light. In addition, I could hear an eerie sound like a groan coming from the grimoire.

Oh, so this is what it means to hear voices. I was moved by the feeling I had never known before. Then I chanted a spell.

"I command thee in the name of Norman, that thou appear as a gale and show thyself in the magic circle. Come here from any part of the world and give me a rational answer to all that I ask. I summon thee, and thou shalt appear in peaceable form without delay. I summon thee. Whom all things obey, in whose name all the four great spirits overturn, the winds tremble, the seas run away, the fires vanish, the earth is shaken, and all the spirits of heaven, earth, and hell tremble. Come--fiftieth, Furcas!"

It was a long incantation. As soon as I finished it, the magic circle shone brightly.

Did I succeed? The light was so bright that I covered my eyes with my arms. Then, as soon as the light disappeared, I opened my eyes.

"Is this the devil?"

There was a reason why I said it in a questioning tone. It was because what I saw in front of me was so far from the image of a terrifying demon.

First of all, it was an old man with a white beard and white hair. Well, that's okay, because the grimoire also said that he looked like an old man. In the first place, the reason why I wanted to summon this Furcas was because I thought that if he looked like an old man, he wouldn't be so scary. But the fact that it's an old man who looks as if he's about to die is indeed unexpected. Moreover, the old man was snoring in his sleep, "zzzzzzz."

Beside the old man, there was a little horse that looked like it was about to die. The horse, as expected, was asleep. There was also a rusty spear on the ground. I wondered if it was the old man's weapon. ......

Anyway, I should try to wake him up. So I shook his shoulder and said, "Please wake up." But the old man only made his nose lantern bigger and smaller and showed no signs of waking up.

I decided to wait until he woke up. I made up my mind to do so and waited for several hours, but I couldn't overcome the sleepiness that came over me and fell asleep before I realized it. This was the whole story of the first day I summoned a demon.

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