Chapter 4 - Spirits and Materialize

"Hey, big brother! How long are you going to stay asleep!"

While I was engrossed in chatting with the demon Fulcas, my sister suddenly entered the room. Next to Nene, was a servant standing looking troubled. The servant was probably calling out from outside the door to wake me up. But I didn't come out of my room for any length of time. As a servant, she can't enter the room without permission. So, frustrated, Nene opened the door in a big way.

When Nene opened the door, the first thing I thought was, "Oh no!" Now, Mr.Fulcas is in the room. If I'm not careful, she might find out that I've summoned a demon. Even if she doesn't realize that he's a demon when she sees him, there's a strange old man in my room. I'm sure my sister will ask, "What's going on?!"

"Oh wait, you're awake! Then why don't you at least answer me when I call out from outside the room!" "I'm sorry. I didn't notice." "What do you mean you didn't notice? I was shouting pretty loud."

That's right. I was so absorbed in talking about demon summoning with Fulcas that I didn't notice any of that.

Well, other than that, my sister is not mentioning anything about Mr.Fulcas. Even though Mr.Fulcas and his horse are so prominently displayed in the middle of the room.

"Hey, do you have anything to say?"

Nene said as if she was trying to talk to me. She didn't pay any attention to Mr.Fulcas. Is it possible that she can't see Mr. Furkas?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm going to change my clothes now, so please get out for now."


When he said that, Nene sniffed and walked out of the room.


"Is it possible that she can't see you, Mr.Fulcas?" "Yes, that's right. I'm not visible to normal people unless I materialize." "Materialize?" "Well, yes. I haven't explained to you about materialization yet."

As I listened, I began to dress, because I knew I would be late for breakfast.

"Now I am a spirit without a body." "That's why my body slipped through you when I jumped into Mr. Fulcas’s arms." "Yes, that's right."

I remembered that I had jumped into Mr. Flucas that morning, thinking he was a suspicious person, but I couldn't touch his body as if I were grasping at a cloud.


"Well, Mr.Fulcas. I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but it seems I have to go quickly. ......" "Ho-ho-ho."

And then, with a peculiar laugh, Mr.Fulcas said

"It's all right, it's alright. Don't worry about me. "Thank you for that um......."

I started to say something but stopped myself.


But Fulcas urged me to continue.

"Well, Mr. Fulcas, for a demon, you're really kind."

I hesitated for a moment because I thought it might be rude to praise a demon in this way.

"Well. I like children who are curious."

I wondered if that was true, but I was about to leave the room. I was about to leave the room when Mr.Fulcas, woke up his horse, who had been lying in the room for a long time as if he wanted to follow me. Mr. Fulcas then climbed up on the pony. The moment Mr. Fulcas got on the pony, the pony's four legs trembled from the weight.

"Are you okay?"

I couldn't help but ask.

"Hmm, he used to be an excellent horse."

Slowly, the horse carrying Mr.Fulcas started to walk. It seemed that Mr.Fulcas in his spirit state was able to ignore the door because his body was transparent, so there was no need for me to hold the door open for him. Seeing this, I thought to myself, "What a convenient body."

What? But if he can't touch things in that state, can I? Suddenly, I saw that Mr.Fulcas had a rusty spear in his hand. I guess that spear is a part of Mr.Fulcas. I wonder if that's why I can touch it regardless.


Wait a minute. This morning. Didn't Mr.Fulcas poke me with his spear? You can't touch things when you're a spirit. If that's the case, wouldn't it be strange for a spear to poke my body?

"Hey, Mr. Fulcas. You poked me with a spear in the morning, didn't you? You can't touch me when you're in a spirit state, can you? How did you do that?" "Ho, ho, ho, I didn't know you noticed that. You're a man of great insight."

I was praised again. I don't think it's such a big deal.

"The reason is simple. I materialized for a moment." "What?"

The reason was fairly simple than I thought.

"If I materialize, I will be able to move like a normal human being, and other humans will be able to see me."

He explained.

"But I must not materialize without the summoner's permission. So I'm sorry for what I did, even if it was to wake you up." "I'm not angry with you." "Ho ho ho, but you're a big man. But I have a serious question for you."

Mr.Fulcas looked at me. I wondered what he was talking about, so I looked at him too.

"I'm glad it was me this time, but think about what would happen if a malicious demon did the same thing."

If a malicious demon were to materialize without my permission, it would be ....... If it materialized, it would be able to do any kind of evil.

"If the demon does not have your permission to materialize, it can do anything it wants. If the demon tries to do something against your will, you have to stop it with the power of the summoner."

I remembered that the grimoire had binding spells and evacuation spells. So you want me to use them to conjure up demons? "I understand."

I nodded sincerely at Fulcas's words.

"'And yes. If you don't mind, could you tell me what demons I shouldn't summon?" "It's good to see a boy with a thirst for knowledge. That's good. I'll tell you two names for now."

Mr. Fulcas laughed in amusement and said:

"Thirteenth in the order, Beleth. And the 32nd, Asmoday. You should pay special attention to these two demons. They are both very powerful, but also very rebellious."

Beleth and Asmoday. The names of the two demons are engraved in my heart.

Another question came to mind.

"Does that mean they're more powerful than the other demons?" "Yes, that's what I meant." "I thought Bael was the strongest of them all." "Well, yes, Bael is one of the strongest demons, but the order of the pecking order has nothing to do with the order of strength." "So, what is the meaning of this pecking order?" "Ho, ho, ho, I don't know."

Fulcas smiled as he said. What the heck, I thought, but maybe the order doesn't have much of a deeper meaning.

"Hey, big brother! Your father wants to see you, come quickly!"

I heard Nene's voice from afar. I couldn't help but be absorbed in standing and talking with Mr. Furkas. From the other side, it looks like I'm talking to myself all the time, doesn't it? I have to be careful.

"Well, Mr. Fulcas. I'm off."

With that, my conversation with Mr. Furucas was terminated for the time being.

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