Chapter 121 Gun!!

The bandit leader surnamed Pan laughed: “Then what is your purpose?” Take 200,000 oceans and let us attack a town with little oil and water, could it be that someone in the town has a feud with you? Just for revenge? ”

“Well said, it is true that someone in the town has a feud with my young master, as for the rest, you don’t need to know.”

Cuiping leaned over and pinched a piece of ocean, flicked his fingers, and said lightly: “I’m done, does anyone want to quit?” ”

After ten seconds, everyone looked at me, I looked at you, no one quit, but hoped that someone would quit.

Two hundred thousand oceans, one less person, they can get more money.

In their opinion, this money is taken for nothing.

For a group of bandits, Qingshan Town, where the people are fierce and united, is a difficult bone to gnaw, and there is no oil and water after gnawing.

But there are nine gangs of bandits here, and they can’t deal with Qingshan Town?

Nine gangs of bandits two thousand people, two or three hundred guns, and a few earthen cannons, how many guns are there in Qingshan Town?

No matter how fierce the folk style is, no matter how hard the bones are, 19 Is the bullet hard?


At this time, a loud sound came from the sky, and the lobby shook slightly.

“What’s going on?”

“My ears are going deaf!”

“It’s the sound of a cannon! Are the officers and soldiers attacking Luofu Mountain? ”

Chen Wengui hurriedly reassured everyone: “Don’t be afraid!” Officers and soldiers have repeatedly suppressed bandits, and it turns out that they cannot attack them! The cannons of officers and soldiers are not powerful enough, and the shells are not enough, and they will be seen in a few rounds! ”


Before the people arrived, the voice came first: “The lord of the big village, there is an enemy attacking, and they are shelling my cottage!” ”

Chen Wengui smiled and was happy: “Everyone, follow me to see how the officers and soldiers retreated despite the difficulties!” ”

Waiting for the cannon to aim, Gu Zhou waved his big hand: “Liver cannon!” ”

The next moment, the sound of the cannon coming out was like thunder, shocking the earth.

The huge recoil caused the gun to slide back, splashing earth and rock.


One shell after another streaked through the distance of several miles, crashing into the cottage, and the huge sound of artillery fire resounded in the mountains and forests.

At the beginning, five cannons, and later Gu Zhou bought fifteen, a total of twenty cannons fired shells continuously, and in vain exploded a roaring fire, the air in the cottage was suddenly torn apart, and the air flow swept in all directions, and the sky was trembling.

The earth is shaking.

Smoke and fire suddenly shrouded the entire Luofu Mountain cottage.


The shells exploded, the range of more than ten meters shook wildly, the buildings were all shattered, the violent air flow swept underneath, smoke and dust rushed into the sky, the watchtower was suddenly blown up, and a dozen bandits were suddenly blown apart, flesh and blood flesh.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! ”

“Run! This is definitely not an officer and soldier! ”

Some bandits who have experienced the encirclement and suppression of officers and soldiers are well aware of the urine nature of officers and soldiers, and they do not have the courage to suppress bandits, but they have the courage to accumulate wealth by suppressing bandits.

In recent years, I have been doing a good job and retreating.

Which is like this group of enemies, the cannon is far and powerful, and it is not aimed at.

One by one, the bandits did not have the consciousness of defending the fortress at all, and they ran wildly in fright, and some bandits with guns wanted to fight back first, but unfortunately they could not even hurt a hair of the enemy seven or eight miles away.


After the violent explosion, the entire lobby was directly shattered and collapsed, and those who did not come out of it were directly buried in it, and those who were not dead screamed.

“This is what you said about officers and soldiers who will retire in the face of difficulties?”

The leader surnamed Pan’s face twitched and stared at Chen Wengui deadly.

It’s like watching the killing of your father and your enemy.

“Chen Wengui of Yanima! Lao Tzu is burdened by you! ”

“Depend, who the hell have you offended! This intensity of artillery bombardment, you tell me that it is officers and soldiers? Who doesn’t understand the urine sex of that group of people? Firepower and ours half a pound and eight taels! ”

“Nima’s firepower is strong enough to raze your Luofu Mountain cottage to the ground!”

Chen Wengui also began to panic, took out his binoculars and looked in the direction where the cannon flew from, and was surprised to see that seven or eight miles away, there were hundreds of well-equipped, neatly dressed, and imposing as a rainbow, and at a glance, it was an elite army.

In front of the military formation, twenty cannons kept spraying huge artillery fire.

On the side, there are shell boxes placed, depending on the situation, there are hundreds of shells, which are really enough to raze the Luolu Mountain cottage to the ground.

The others were in a bad mood, and Chen Wengui was in an even worse mood, because Cuiping didn’t come out just now, and in the lobby, it seemed that he couldn’t die.

Behind him is the Wu family, Cuiping coming to Luofu Mountain is equivalent to Hu Cha, Hu Cha died on his realm, even if he can survive, can he fall well?

“Nima’s, you haven’t attacked Qingshan Town yet, you were attacked by others first?”

When Chen Wengui saw the situation of the cottage, such as falling into an ice cellar, people bombarded it first without saying a word, clearly not caring whether they surrendered or not.

The most important thing is that he doesn’t even know who the enemy is now, and why he attacked Luo Rushan.

Even if you die, you can’t die.

The deafening cannon fire was endless, there was smoke billowing everywhere, and bandits could not distinguish between the southeast, south, and north.

This gang of bandits who have been entrenched in Luofu Mountain for more than ten years is falling apart.


One shell after another fell like a meteor, except for those who were killed on the spot, most of the bandits were a sign of fart and urine.





Stump and broken arm.

Splashes of gravel.

Panicked, frightened bandits.

All the bandit leaders looked around for cover to avoid the shells.

The shell is not long-sighted, as long as it falls, you are the leader, the leader or an ordinary thief, all will be killed.

In just ten minutes, the entire Luofu cottage has burst into flames, most of the buildings have been blown into ruins, among the ruins, there are stumped limbs, broken arms and blood, countless bandits who did not have time to escape were blown up, or smashed to death by collapsed buildings, buried in it, and three bandit leaders were unfortunately killed.

In the back cliff, there are three ropes that have long been prepared and up to 100 meters long ago.

Only a few people knew about the entire Luofu cottage, and Chen Wengui knew that the general trend was gone, so he rushed towards the back mountain at the moment.

There were other bandit leaders, who were not fools, kept staring at him, and followed him when they saw this.

But there were only three ropes, and the bandit leaders of all parties plus his subordinates survived forty or fifty people, and everyone wanted to go first, so they fought first.

Leaving more than twenty corpses behind, the remaining nearly thirty people, more than a dozen of them were Luo Xuan and his subordinates, they seized the power to flee first…

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