Chapter 122 The cannon opened fire and bombarded his mother!!

Luo Xuan and his subordinates climbed down in groups of three, grabbing ropes, while the rest stared at the others.

Everyone looked at this group of monsters who were suspected of being inhuman, and their faces were full of fear.

Chen Wengui’s face was livid, and the back road he left behind was to let outsiders go first, which made his face hang.

But Luo Xuan’s group of people are too terrifying, everyone is invulnerable… It’s not that the knife is invulnerable, and the bullet can also enter it, but it can’t have any effect on them, as if they are monsters without pain.

Just now, a group of people fought fiercely, Luo Xuan’s subordinates were hit by nearly ten shots at most, and after the fire fight, they pulled out all the bullets without blinking their eyes, and the blood did not change color like flowing water.

Only then did Chen Wengui really understand why Luo Xuan’s group only had more than a dozen people, and the bandits within a radius of hundreds of miles knew the most taboo.

MD, a group of monsters who are not afraid of bullets, who Nima is not afraid.

When Luo Xuan’s people grabbed the rope and went down, it was Luofu Mountain’s turn to go down the three leaders of Luofu Mountain and five or six henchmen.

And the Luofu cottage, at this moment, was almost razed to the ground by artillery fire, and nine out of ten buildings seen in the field of vision were bombarded, and under the tandem of people with intentions, the remaining bandits reached an agreement and lowered the drawbridge to surrender.

In the Luofu cottage, there are two places where the artillery fire was deliberately fired.

One is a suspension bridge, which exploded the Luofu cottage and became an island.

The second is the house with the white flag, which was raised by bandits bought by Zhang Muzhi.

After more than a dozen rounds of bombardment, the artillery fire stopped, several bandits immediately went in tandem everywhere, persuaded to surrender, there was a threat of artillery fire outside, the persuasion of several bandits was successful, and soon an agreement was reached with more than a hundred bandits and the door was opened… Well, in fact, there is no way.

Lowering the drawbridge, several bandits waved white flags to signal their surrender.

“General of the regiment, they surrendered.”

Zhang Muzhiyu reports.

Gu Zhou picked up the binoculars and looked at it, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “It seems that our cannon offensive is still very effective, the cannon is bombarding his mother, and the bomb doesn’t even know the hahahaha…”


“Good poem, good poem, this verse of the regimental president, Li Taibai will bow down when he comes!”

The second dog immediately slapped over with a.

Gu Zhou glanced at him: “Yo, actually know that Li Taibai?” But I can’t help but compare myself to Li Taibai. You don’t shoot well enough with this. ”

MD, Zhang Zongchang’s poem is a good fart.

The cannon opened fire on his mother, and Wigahainai returned to his hometown.

Several heroes Xi Zhang Zongchang, Ande giant whale swallowing Fuso.

If you read out all these four poems, I don’t know if the second dog can still cheekily pat the horse.

The poems of the warlord of the Republic of China Zhang Zongchang are more famous than his warlords, and the people Yongxue are full of poetry, his Yongxue is something flying in the sky, a bunch of east and a bunch of people in the west “Write a tour of Mount Tai is” from a distance to see Mount Tai black and pasty, stop with fine to write You Penglai Pavilion is ‘a good Penglai Pavilion, really good.

I can laugh dead people when I see it.

Although the poems written by the old man are not enough to read, they are good enough to meet the standard of oil poetry.

Zhang Zongchang’s poems are not even enough for oil poems, but the funny is top.

The horse’s butt slapped on the horse’s leg, and the second dog Shanshan touched the back of his head and smiled.

Entering the cottage through the drawbridge, there were no moths, and all those who surrendered laid down their weapons and honestly crouched on the ground.

The three internal traitors nodded and stood in front of Gu Zhou waiting for instructions.

Gu Zhou asked, “What about your village master?” Bombarded to death? ”

“My lord, I want to make meritorious contributions!”

Before the traitor bandit could speak, the last bandit who was squatting on the ground suddenly took his own path.

“Crouch! Don’t stop standing up, squat and say something, put your hands on the back of your head! ”

Zhang Muzhi shouted sharply, and several guns were immediately pointed over.

Several muzzles almost against the head, this bandit was almost frightened, quickly squatted down as fast as possible, and spoke: “Sir, I want to report one thing, today in our cottage not only us, but also eight other bandit leaders with henchmen are also in the cottage, but some of them were killed.” ”

“Very good! Give you a meritorious service, your life is created for you, stand up and say. ”

Gu Zhoudao.

As soon as this remark came out, all the bandits who surrendered repented, and everyone knew about this copycat, but it was preempted by this guy.

“Do you know what the Bandit Alliance is plotting?”

“The little ones don’t know.”

Gu Zhou looked at the more than a hundred bandits crouching down, with a gentle attitude and a good manner: “Does anyone know what your village master is plotting?” ”

“My lord, I know some!”

“Good! Say it, count you in! ”

“The village owner secretly greeted a woman, at first I thought it was the village owner’s wife, but I saw that he had a very respectful attitude towards that woman, and it was definitely not the village owner’s wife.”

Gu Zhou frowned slightly: “Okay, calculate the work for you and stand up.” ”

“Sir, I know where the village owner is going.”

Gu Zhou’s spirit was shocked: “Say!” Count you in! ”

“I saw them quietly run back up the hill, and the other bandit leaders followed.”

“Zhang Muzhi! Two dogs, you take a hundred people with me! Gu Tian, you take people to guard them here, and those who are not dead in the ruins are also dug up, and the loot is collected. ”

Gu Zhou decisively ordered, and then led a hundred people to the back mountain.

“General of the regiment, there is someone ahead.”

After running for about five minutes, I saw a dozen people looking at the bottom of the cliff on the edge of the back mountain, one by one, they were so anxious that no one noticed that someone was coming behind him with a gun.

“Lean! So slow! How not to eat! ”

The leader surnamed Pan looked at Chen Wengui and the others who were holding the rope on the cliff and sliding down, their speed was not much slower than the turtle, and they couldn’t help but curse angrily, eager to help Chen Wengui and others install a pair of wings, don’t delay their escape.

These people who are anxiously waiting on the cliff also want to climb down, but the rope is so thick that it can only bear a limited weight, and the people on the rope do not go down, and if they climb down rashly, they are gambling with their lives.

“Boss… Boss…”

There were only two subordinates left beside the leader surnamed Pan, both of them cursing angrily with him, and suddenly, one of his subordinates stiffened and reminded him softly.

“! Don’t poke me. ”

The leader surnamed Pan did not look back and said impatiently.

The hand swallowed his saliva, and said in a face: “It’s not me stabbing you, you look behind you…”

The leader surnamed Pan turned his head stiffly, and found that it was not a finger that stabbed him in the waist, but the muzzle, almost frightened, his legs instantly softened, his hands were raised above his head, and he squatted down with interest: “Brother, brother, don’t don’t, don’t go crazy…”

The two dogs seemed to smile: “Honestly hand over the gun, point the gun to yourself, and put it on the ground.” ”

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