Chapter 140 is not enough! Inadequate!!

Gu Zhouhao opened his mouth for a while: “The Wu clan was rich more than seventy years ago, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the richest man in the world. ”

He looked at the group of people who were facing a great enemy: “What I said should be right, right?” ”

Wu Ji felt bad in his heart and was thinking about how to answer.

“Yes and no!”

Gu Zhou asked again, his voice did not pierce through the clouds and cracks, but it sounded in everyone’s ears like thunder.


Wu Zhai looked at Gu Zhou, and only felt that those eyes were deep and faint, and he had to reply.

“In that case, the sincerity of making reparation must be worthy of the richest man in the world of the Wu clan.”

Gu Zhou smiled and asked, “I’m right. ”

“That’s right.”

Wu Ji felt bitter in his heart, knowing that he couldn’t do it without bloodletting.

“How to make amends?”

“Five hundred thousand oceans.”

“Call me Hanako? Inadequate! ”

Wu Jianyuan wanted to say something, but Wu Ji grabbed him and said, “One million oceans!” ”

“Third Uncle!”

Wu Jianyuan’s eyes were childish, a million oceans is not a small amount for the Wu family, just one to make amends, but when it touched Gu Zhou’s cold eyes full of killing intent, 19 did not dare to say more.

Gu Zhou didn’t want to kill Wu Jianyuan at first, but after Wu Jianyuan instructed Chen Wengui’s bandit gang to rob Qingshan Town and force him, he started killing intent.

The Wu clan’s reparation today did not satisfy him, and he did not mind killing.

“Not enough!”

But what people didn’t expect was that Gu Zhou still only spit out two words.

Wu Ji’s face was ugly and scary, and he spit out an amount with difficulty: “One and a half million oceans!” ”

“Not enough?”

Gu Zhou looked at Wu Relay lightly: “Three million oceans!” A write-off! ”


“So many?”

This time, not only Wu Jianyuan, but also Wu Jianyuan and his gang were shocked.

Gu Tian, Gu Dahai and the others on Gu Zhou’s side were also taken aback.

If you sell the entire Qingshan Town, you can’t sell 300,000 oceans, but this is 3 million oceans!

The Qing court lost the war, and some reparations to the great powers were so much to him.

Gu Tian’s hand was raised, and the fingers of the soldier all fell on the trigger, waiting for the order.

Such a harsh condition for reparation is to force them to break the net.

“Impossible! Too much! ”

Wu Jianyuan couldn’t hold back any longer and roared angrily.


The second dog raised his hand and shot out, hitting Wu Jianyuan’s arm.

“No matter how presumptuous you are, the next shot will be aimed at your head.”

Gu Zhou’s eyes became colder.

“Don’t be impulsive!”

Wu Ji shook the bed again and again, and then pleaded slightly: “Three million oceans, too much, the Wu family does not have so many oceans, if you want to raise it, you need to sell the shop, it will definitely hurt your bones.” ”

“You did it yourself, and I never provoked you.”

Wu Ji Yang Tian let out a long breath: “Aren’t you afraid that the fish will die and the net will be broken?” ”

“If the fish dies, the net may not be broken!”

Gu Zhou smiled.

Wu Ji’s fists clenched, his chest tumbled, and he almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

How can there be someone who acts so domineeringly and does not leave room for people!

“I… Agree! ”

Forcibly suppressing the grief and humiliation in his heart, Wu Jiao’s body was like a lot of a building.

Three million oceans, at least one-eighth of the wealth of the Wu clan!

One reparation, the Shangwu clan is wounded.

It’s a loss to my grandmother’s house!

All this is the scourge of greed.

It kicked to the iron plate.

“Okay, let’s go, within half a month, three million oceans will be sent, otherwise I can’t guarantee that I will do something.”

Gu Zhou waved his hand.

Although more than half of the foundation of the Wu family is now overseas, in fact, there is nearly half of the foundation in China, even if Wu Ji turns back and regrets, he can run the monk and can’t run the temple.

Wu Ji and the others left in humiliation, Gu Zhou once again felt that it was good to have a background, if he did not have a Maoshan background, the Wu clan would take the initiative to submit?

This step is too right.

“Gu Zhou, aren’t you afraid that the net will be broken? Can’t get the money? ”

Gu Dahai came over with some feelings: “If it were me, I would be able to cope when I was a million spoons.” ”

Gu Zhou laughed loudly: “Really tear my face, I will sue when I turn back!” ”

At this time, the benefits of Master’s short protection are reflected.

“Third Uncle, three million oceans are really just given?”

“Third Master! It’s so humiliating! I’d rather try harder than do that! ”

“Third Master, you gave an order just now, even if you can’t break the net, you have to bite off a few pieces of meat from them!”

After leaving Qingshan Town, everyone could no longer bear it.

Wu Relay shook his head: “The matter has come to this, saying anything is an afterthought.” These three million, have to give. ”

“Why, Third Uncle! Yes, I offended him, he is backered, he has a strong background, you brought me to make amends, I confessed! But he gave three million oceans like this, I am unwilling! ”

Wu Jianyuan’s face was livid.

“Moreover, he has no loss at all, but it is me, as soon as I met dozens of guards, he cut off his right hand, and Cuiping died.”

Wu Ji said faintly: “But Gu Zhou is not wrong in saying something, isn’t it?” ”

“Which sentence?”

Wu Jianyuan asked subconsciously.

“We took the initiative to provoke him.”

“Ahhh… This…… This…… This…”

Wu Jianyuan was speechless for 120 words.

Wu Ji sighed: “Gu Zhou, this person, must be the one who sleeps and will be rewarded, we can repent, we don’t recognize these three million oceans, but he will definitely take revenge!” If Maoshan comes forward, we can’t bear it. ”

Wu Jianyuan was silent for a long time, looked at the bandaged arm, and suddenly said: “Dongying people are very kaijian penicillin. ”

“It’s not just Dongying people, the whole world is kai.”

“Third uncle, I am unwilling, we are afraid of Maoshan, and the easterners are not afraid to ask.”

“Oh? How do you want to do it? ”

“You can not cooperate with the Dongying people first, but you can first give the information from our investigation to the Dongying people, see their follow-up reaction, if they can withstand the Maoshan faction, they can cooperate with the Dongying people.”

“Go back and discuss.”

Three days later, more than 100 bandits were shot dead, and the remaining 400 bandits, more than 300 of whom were not to die, were used to dig mines and build roads.

Although Qingshan Town is a poor mountainous area, it will be rich after a hundred years, partly because there are many mines around, and the benefits of mining alone can make it rich.

If you want to be rich, build a road first, this sentence is deeply imprinted in the minds of hundreds of millions of modern people, Qingshan Town leads to the outside world almost all dirt roads, more than ten miles long, the widest can only accommodate three horses in parallel, and it is uneven, and it becomes muddy on a rainy day…

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