Chapter 141 The Military Government is coming!!

Gu Zhou did not seek to build the road from Qingshan Town to the outside world so that it could be used by cars, at least it should be smooth, it could accommodate two trucks in parallel, and then pave the gravel, so that it would not be muddy on rainy days.

At this time, those more than three hundred bandits came in handy, and most of them were used to build roads.

However, the amount of road construction and mining is too large, and there are not enough more than 300 bandits, and the people of Qingshan Town can also join in.

The difference is that the guilty bandits open mines, and the roads are built without pay.

But the people of Qingshan Town have a good salary, although not as high as the salary of being a soldier, but one person works hard and is more than enough to maintain a family of three or four to eat.

Gu Zhou is not a capitalist, there is no need to exploit the people, he bought veterinary penicillin from TB, to the plane of the Republic of China, changed hands and sold, the profit is high is scary.

One hundred kilograms of penicillin was worth three hundred times the gold, sold through the German trading house, and 25,500 kilograms of gold belonged to him.

If one gram of gold is 350 pieces, 25,500 kilograms of gold is equal to ×× grams, worth 4.4 billion.

It was so huge that after Desheng Commercial Bank paid the final payment of the first penicillin, those gold Gu Zhou had not yet been processed.

How much is a hundred kilograms of veterinary penicillin? Thousands, tens of thousands?

Is there any commodity in the world with such high profit margins?


Only the space-time plane can do it.

Such a high profit made Gu Zhou not need to exploit that little bit at all.

Speaking of bandits, the remaining seventy or so innocent bandits were selected, more than thirty people with physical fitness standards were selected, and the rest were dismissed.

And the recruitment of soldiers in Qingshan Town is also in full swing.

The bandits in a radius of a hundred miles were swept away by Qingshan Town, this area covered most of Daxiang County, and a few bandits in the remaining half of the area fled, and the bandits and horse thieves in the entire Daxiang County all disappeared.

Merchants who traveled south and north began to find that passing through Daxiang County became very safe, and they no longer needed to prepare money to buy roads.

And the Qingshan Town regiment’s practice to eliminate bandits in Daxiang County also spread outward with the merchants who went south and north, and almost all the surrounding counties heard about it.

Some merchants who need to pass through these counties began to detour Daxiang County, walking for an extra day or two, but they could leave a large amount of money to buy roads, which promoted the prosperity of Daxiang County to a certain extent.

In recent years, bandits and horse thieves have been too common, and the people and merchants have suffered greatly from it, and the people of several counties around Daxiang County have begun to look forward to Qingshan Zhentuan training to use the Linest bandits.

A very small number of people trekked one or two hundred miles to Qingshan Town, found Gu Zhou, knelt down and asked for orders, begging Gu Zhou to lead troops to bandits and horse thieves to suppress bandits.

Gu Zhou couldn’t laugh or cry, so he could only tell them not to be in a hurry, he would go.

The regiment under his command practiced suppressing bandits within a hundred miles radius of Qingshan Town, although the scope was a little larger and barely reasonable, and few people would gossip.

In the end, bandits are also a good thing.

But if you run to other counties to suppress the bandits, it will be too much, gossip will inevitably follow, and even people with intentions will use the comparison to attack him.

Now that someone has noticed Gu Zhou and Qingshan Town, these concerns, Gu Zhou ignored them for the time being.

He wanted to wait until the regiment’s training expanded to 1,500 people, and then go to other counties to suppress bandits after the training was completed, so no one dared to gossip.

The reason is very simple, an army of five hundred people and an army of fifteen hundred people are different concepts, the latter has a much larger fist, and Gu Zhou wants to form a semi-mechanized army.

Only then will he be able to ‘reasonably’ kill the bandits.

What the?

You’re going to gossip, you’re going to attack me?

How many regiments do you have?

How many divisions do you have?

Do you want to try whether the training guns under my regiment are powerful?

Gu Zhou actually wanted to form a semi-mechanized force at the beginning, and the last check found that there was no semi-mechanical force at all in this era, and it was already elite to be able to do one person and one horse.

Semi-mechanized troops are trucks that transport infantry.

Mechanized troops are fighting in armored vehicles, charging by tanks and armored vehicles and the Republic of China plane, trucks have only been invented for more than ten years, Gu Zhou looked at the picture, an ugly batch, the practicality is very low, basically four wheels under an iron box without a lid.

It looks like a truck, but it is actually converted from a horse-drawn carriage.

The real world’s first diesel-powered truck will not be born until more than a decade later, and the appearance of a mouth tractor is similar.

Gu Zhou came up with the idea of importing trucks from modern times, of course, he wanted to import not a contemporary truck, but a World War II truck.

His idea is that the closer to the Republican plane timeline, the better, so that it can be inconspicuous.

First set my sights on World War I military trucks, and finally found that all aspects were miserable, only military trucks for World War II.

A truck was chosen by him.

Tactical trucks, one of the best Allied military vehicles in World War II, are unknown but crucial, very durable, extremely adaptable, and can perform transportation operations for the army in a variety of complex terrain and weather, ensure the transportation of military materials, personnel, and improve mobility.

With a carrying capacity of more than 4 tons, it can tow 11.5 tons of cargo and reach a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Gu Zhou began to build the road, which was prepared for this thing.

This is the next story, the recruitment of troops in Qingshan Town was very smooth, and in just three days, the recruitment of 1,000 people was completed.

Since the news of the recruitment of troops in Qingshan Town spread, its high salary attracted young people from all over the world quickly flocked in, as far as three hundred miles away.

According to the final statistics, a total of more than 10,000 young and strong people participated in the assessment, and 1,000 people with the most outstanding physical fitness were selected.

In fact, there are nearly 2,000 people with qualified physical fitness, but this time only 1,000 people were recruited, and the rest could only be rejected with pain.

Gu Zhou did not let the losers return empty-handed, but all paid the travel expenses, not much, roughly equivalent to the salary of five days of work.

He was quite satisfied with this recruitment, and in terms of physical quality alone, the quality of this thousand people was stronger than the first batch of five hundred people overall.

After all, Qingshan Zheng has a total of less than 10,000 people, and less than a third of Qingzhuang, and it is already relatively reluctant to select five hundred people.

And the second group of 1,000 people is the most physically outstanding people selected from more than 12,000 young and strong.

After the training of this new soldier was completed, Gu Dahai hurriedly came to tell him.

Another batch of uninvited guests came.

“People from the military government of Guangdong Province?”

Gu Dahai nodded: “They themselves introduced it like this, they are the people sent by the deputy capital governor.” ”

“Take me to them.”

Since he has an army, this day will come sooner or later, it has long been expected, and it is not surprising…

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