Chapter 143: The Stage of History!!

Gu Zhou was suddenly speechless, and the words that were serious before his feelings were all said in vain, and Gu Dahai still had the idea of Feng Hou Baixiang.

“Third Master, you just need to know that our surname is Gu, take care of yourself, or do your best to protect more people from war.”

“Think in another direction, if the military government of Shizhoufu doesn’t give it, can’t we take it ourselves? As long as I have a strong enough military strength and sit and watch the storm rise, is it better than being absorbed and commanded? ”

Gu Dahai seemed to understand and nodded, he understood that Gu Zhou did not want to take advantage of the troubled times to become a real dragon, nor did he want to be the prime minister, he just wanted to guard an acre and a third of land, sit and watch the storm rise, and live ~ his own life.

If Gu Zhou knew his thoughts, he would give him a thumbs up and praise him for summarizing—yes.

How tiring is it to be a real dragon, really think that running a country is so simple?

Not to mention Zhu Yuanzhang’s kind of zero-seven fierce man who exploded his liver and even grew a person on his liver, other founding kings, not to mention eighty-seven, at least ninety-seven.

Gu Zhou finally resigned from the state-owned enterprise, got away from the days of 965, and ran back to live the days of 997?

How stupid is that?

Moreover, with that first great man in the ages, Gu Zhou felt that he didn’t want to be a true dragon, and the only end was to be beaten violently.

His first goal is to ascend to the immortal realm and become a Buddha and an ancestor.

The second goal is to change Qingshan Town, or Daxiang County, or further change the lives of the people of Shizhou Prefecture within the scope of their own capabilities, so that the war does not affect this area.

If the timing is right, he doesn’t mind taking all of Guangdong into his territory.

Those who can work harder.

The next day, Gu Zhou did not go to see Commissioner Guo, but Gu Dahai took his gift, 100,000 oceans, to see Commissioner Guo.

Commissioner Guo left happily, and although he did not collect Gu Zhou’s 1,500 troops from his name, he returned to Guangzhou with 100,000 oceans.

This is a gift from Gu Zhou to the junta, which can be regarded as a celebration of the establishment of the junta.

Commissioner Xiangguo has a better understanding of the internal situation of the military government, and the lack of money, food, and personnel can really solve the urgent need for this 100,000 oceans.

He himself is not without gains, in addition to the 100,000 oceans, Gu Zhou also sent him 5,000 oceans, and while doing things for the military government, he himself was not hungry.

Although Gu Zhou did not want to get mixed up with the military government, he also did not want to offend the military government, and the best state was the state of Baote and left.

Although the strength of the military government is not good, after all, it masters the great righteousness, offends to death, and really wants to engage Gu Zhou, even if it cannot cause actual losses, the national righteousness can be suppressed, and it can be engaged.

“Pass on my order, from today onwards, the regiment will be reorganized into an independent regiment, with three infantry battalions and one artillery battalion under its jurisdiction!”

“I am the commander of the independent regiment, the deputy regiment commander is Gu Tian, and the commander of the first battalion is Gu Di! The commander of the second battalion is Gu Ergou! The commander of the third battalion is Zhang Muzhi! The commander of the artillery battalion is Gu Daniu! ”

It’s not just a coincidence or how, Gu Zhou came to Qingshan Town and the first two people he met with the two dogs, the former has outstanding talent in marksmanship, the latter has a talent for cannon against the sky, almost without a teacher, it seems to have a natural talent for cannon sighting.

But the most important thing is that they met Gu Zhou, and had the opportunity to show their talent: Liu Bang’s Peixian team, Liu Xiu’s Nanyang Yingchuan team, Li Shimin’s Longyou team, Zhu Yuanzhang’s Huaixi Army, and many founding heroes are all from one place.

History eloquently proves that a county, or even a county area, can produce a group of earth-shaking people, but there is no chance to come forward!

Compared with the buried talents, those who have left their names in history are just a drop in the ocean, and those who are buried are the ones that history does not give them a chance.

Why there are talents in troubled times, in the final analysis, is not that there are many talents in troubled times, but that troubled times give these talents who may have been buried in the countryside the opportunity to become famous in the world.

Xiao He, Cao Shen, Zhou Bo, Yihui, Wang Ling, Xiahou Ying… The founding heroes of the early Han Dynasty, these thunderous celebrities, who can be regarded as the top talents in any era, were born in Peixian at the same time.

Is there such a coincidence?

That’s impossible.

There is also Zhu Yuanzhang’s Huaixi Group, Li Shanchang, Chang Yuchun, Xu Da, Li Wenzhong, and Lan Yu, all from Junxi.

There is no such coincidence.

It’s just that they are all from the Dragon Minister, Liu Bang, Zhu Yuanzhang took them to the big stage of history, in this big stage, they showed their talent, and after thousands of honings, they became top talents…

Perhaps a certain beggar, a certain merchant, or a certain peasant in history has the talent to become a top civil servant warrior, but history has not given them a chance, and their talent cannot be used.

If the two dogs and the big bull did not meet Gu Zhou, it is very likely that they will be in this Qingshan True Printing Car to turn to a dull life.

“Gu Di, you lead a battalion of soldiers and horses, immediately rush to Daxiang County, take over the county seat, you decide on your own matters, if there is resistance, there is no amnesty for killing!” I only look at the results! ”


Gu Di solemnly promised.

Gu Zhou pondered for a moment: “Zhang Muzhi! ”

Zhang Muzhi is listed.

“Lead a battalion of soldiers and horses, rush to Goose City, take over Goose City, do you have confidence!”

“I am willing to make a military order, if I can’t take over Goose City, I’ll see you!”

Zhang Muzhi was full of confidence.

After the recruitment of 1,000 people was completed, Gu Zhou mixed the first batch of 500 people into four battalions, and while training, he used the old and new mode to let the recruits grow rapidly.

“Gu Jun, you led two hundred people from the artillery battalion to Goose City with one of Zhang Mu.”


Hearing that there was support from the artillery battalion, Zhang Muzhi was more confident to take Goose City.

Gu Zhou didn’t give another order, Gu Tian spoke: “Regiment commander, we have enough troops, why don’t we take more territory in one go?” Anyway, now the situation is chaotic, our Shizhou Prefecture Tiangao Emperor is far away, and the military government can’t control it, and it is their own that eats in their mouths. ”

Gu Zhou shook his head: “The meal must be eaten step by step, and you can’t eat it into a big fat person in one bite.” The chaos will not end anytime soon. I have plenty of time in my door. ”

“Now eat more territory, but it takes more time to digest, and one bite, slow digestion, wait until the digestion is almost finished, will consume less time.”


Gu Zhou’s fingers gently pulled the handrail, and said lightly: “I’m not a careerist, I don’t take Daxiang County and Echeng County by unscrupulous warlords in order to seize territory, just to maintain the stability of the two places, these two counties are not stable, and then go and take more territory, how can we talk about stability eight?” ”

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