Chapter 144 Can’t help it!!

“Regiment Commander Mingjian!”

Gu Tian worshipped and thought that he was almost twice as old as Gu Zhou, and he had traveled south and north for many years, but he was not as comprehensive as Gu Zhou.

However, Gu Zhou has never felt that they can’t support the wall, after all, they are originally ordinary people, and their actions, thoughts, and other aspects have historical and era limitations, which is understandable.

Gu Zhou gave Gu Tian, Gu Di, Gu Jun, Er Gou, Da Niu, Zhang Muzhi and even more people a stage to grow, if after three months, half a year, one or two years, they still did not grow a little, Gu Zhou would not take care of their feelings and let them sit in their original positions.

An hour later, Gu Di led 500 people to Daxiang County, Zhang Muzhi led 500 people, Gu Jun as the deputy commander of the artillery battalion led 200 people, and ten guns rushed to Goose City.

Gu Di’s side does not need to worry, the big family of Daxiang County has been swept away because of the ravages of Gu Zhou’s uneven people, and there are few armed forces that can stop Gu Di from taking over the county.

And the Goose City side is a little more difficult.

The three major families including Huang Shilang have run Goose City as solid as a soup, and they also have their own armed forces, and it is much more difficult to eliminate them than to eliminate bandits.

Gu Zhou’s instruction to Zhang Muzhi was that the money of the three major families could be left, and people could be kept or not, let him watch and do it.

Let the bullets fly, and the forces of Goose City are intricate.

On one side are the county magistrate Zhang Mazi and Master Tang.

On one side is Huang Shilang, the agent of Liu Governor Tong who sells tobacco soil in Goose City.

The other side is the two major families in the south of the city that sell people for Governor Liu in Goose City.

Zhang Mazi is now an officer under Gu Zhou, and Master Tang is a county commander in Daxiang County.

As for Governor Liu, he has not yet disappeared.

Late at night, Gu Zhou walked out of Xiao Hongyi’s room, but saw that in the small courtyard, Xiao Meiyu climbed on the stone table and slept.

“Mei Fei, wake up, it’s cool, go back to the room and sleep.”

Xiao Meiyu frowned and changed her head to continue sleeping, Gu Zhou looked down, saw that her face was a little pale, reached out and touched, her forehead was a little hot, Gu Zhou untied her clothes, covered him, picked her up and walked to her room.

Pushing the door put her on the bed, covered her with a quilt and left, after a while, he took fever-reducing medicine, broke her lips and stuffed it in.

“It’s still late at night when you sleep outside and don’t have a fever.”

Gu Zhou shook his head helplessly, covered the quilt, and after taking the fever-reducing medicine, Xiao Meiyu’s lightly wrinkled pretty face stretched out, sweat beads appeared on her forehead, and blood appeared on her pale face.


Xiao Meiyu opened her troubled eyelids and spoke: “I want to drink water.” ”

She felt that she had entered a warm embrace, her body was warm, and the next moment, she seemed to realize something, suddenly opened her eyes, and saw Gu Zhou sitting at the end of the bed, holding her in her arms, holding a water cup in one hand.

“Awake? Naw, don’t you want to drink water? ”

Xiao Meiyu bit her red lip and asked, “Gu Zhou… You…… When did I go back to my room. ”

Gu Zhou said softly: “When I came out of the red-clothed room, I saw you climbing on the stone table to sleep, your forehead was hot, so I took you back, fed you medicine, and got better.” ”

She blinked, memories came flooding back, and suddenly sounded why she slept in Xiao Hongyi’s small courtyard, she could only blame Gu Zhou and Xiao Hongyi for making too much movement, so that she couldn’t help but run to listen, her cheeks were hot and refused to leave, and she was a little uncomfortable, and fell asleep listening to it.


Xiao Meiyu’s face turned red, and she took a sip, inexplicably enjoying this warm embrace, and did not want to leave.

Gu Zhou suddenly felt inexplicable.

Why scold me?


I don’t understand.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Meiyu raised her hand to close the hair on her face, revealing a face that she felt stunning no matter how many times she looked at it, her eyes were like autumn water, and her red lips were like vermilion lacquer, cold and moving.

“You put your head down.”

Gu Zhou lowered his head and made a gesture of deference.

Xiao Meiyu straightened up and leaned towards Gu Zhou’s cheek.

Gu Zhou was not ignorant of Xiaobai, naturally he understood the idea of beauty, and more wondered why Xiao Meifei became so active.

Maybe I can’t help it.

The beauty took the initiative, and Gu Zhou became more active.

Xiao Mei’s autumn-like eyes were stunned, how did he take the initiative to change Gu Zhou’s initiative?

“You! You! You! You are my Master. ”

Xiao Meiyu’s long eyelashes moved violently…

“I’m your master’s man?”

Gu Zhou teased.

Yes, he is Master’s man, how can I take the initiative like an adulteress and a slut.

She was shy and timid.

“You get out!”

Xiao Mei buried her head in the futon, and the urn sounded like a kitten.

It’s like a word: cover your ears and steal bells.

Gu Zhou smiled dumbly, knowing that the beauty must be extremely shy now, and she might be embarrassed and angry if she continued.

Before she stepped over the hurdle in her heart, she could only go so far, hearing the sound of the door crunching and being pushed open, Xiao Meiyu couldn’t help but raise her head, only to see the back of Gu Zhou going out, her expression was stunned, like a sculpture.

For the memory of her biological parents, she is already very ambiguous, the clearest memory is still adopted by Master Xiao Hongyi when she was ten years old, teaching martial arts, relying on each other, when she was a child, she was afraid of rainy days, it was Master who held her to sleep, and her feelings for Master were very deep.

As the memories of her biological parents became more and more blurred, she also regarded Master as the only relative in the world, and also thought that she might depend on Master for the rest of her life.

But the Boxers were annihilated and broke everything.

After growing up, she had her own ideas and became a revolutionary party, and Master was still the Boxer Boxer who assassinated corrupt officials, gathering less and separating more, but the relationship between the two did not change.

It’s just that she knows that she has grown up, and later Ruth will go by herself.

In Qingshan Town, she saw Master again, she was very happy, and then she saw the handsome man who was quite close to Master, she was very happy for Master, ran for many years, and met a good man.

With the hornworm with this man, she found herself falling in, but she had been restrained, she told herself that this was Master’s man, and she couldn’t go against it.

But sometimes, reason can’t restrain feelings, and the suppressed feelings surging through tonight have opened a small gap, making her can’t help but want to kiss Gu Zhou.


Xiao Meiyu buried her head back in the futon, her heart was in turmoil, she didn’t know how she should face the master…

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