Chapter 201 Dual Cultivation of Law and Martial Arts! Bull Batch!!

Weakness, exhaustion, hallucinations, instantaneous, various negative states appeared in him, defense, speed, strength, fighting spirit, reflexes, etc. plummeted.

Not only that, more than a dozen electric snakes fell from the sky.




The deafening sound of thunder and thunder shook people’s eardrums, and their souls were unstable, and the brightness in front of them almost frightened people’s eyes.

Thunder fell from the sky!

To the sun to the strong!

The strength is strong after all, Qiu Shentong broke free from the illusion in an instant, and was stunned to see the thunder coming, even if he was fast, he couldn’t dodge the thunder and lightning, and he was slashed on the spot, and his whole body became scorched black.

Body-fixing spell!

Soul Hook Curse!

Tranquilizing spells!

It worked.

Qiu Shentong roared wildly in his heart: “Impossible! No way! This is obviously a world where the power is not obvious, why is there a Taoist technique! ”

He wanted to make a move, but when he took a step, he stumbled, almost fell to the ground, and his eyes turned black.

At this time, Gu Zhou had already arrived in front of him.

The wildly dancing electric snake illuminated Qiu Shentong’s hideous and distorted face.

Big splash!

Hurry up, hurry up!

Bang bang!

The sword light carries thunder and lightning, like a thunderbolt, crisscrossing and crisscrossing, like a dragon and snake shuttling, and the air flow sweeps and stirs, with a knife momentum that cuts everything.

Every knife is majestic and domineering.


Qiu Shen weakly blocked the knife like a violent storm, and at the same time clearly felt a knife acting on him, and severe pain continued to come.

It was a long-lost, unforgettable, heart-wrenching, pain created by cold weapons.

While each knife carried the huge force of volcanic eruptions, it was also mixed with the power of thunder, sneaking into his internal organs, wantonly wreaking havoc and destruction.

Never before had he felt the word powerlessness so deeply.

Limbs are weak, the will to fight is weak, just want to retreat, the spirit is unstable, sometimes stagnant, every appearance in the fight is fatal.

But these appeared in him in unison.

He is a severely injured Tyrannosaurus rex, but he still has the combat power of an elephant, and the strongest person on this planet is just a tiger master, and he is vulnerable to him.

And this person who suddenly appeared is the Tiger King, the Lion King.

This tiger king restrained him with a large net, reduced his combat effectiveness, and suddenly burst with a submachine gun.

Who can stand it!!!

Ring the bell!

Gu Zhou’s heart was shocked, he couldn’t imagine how strong this person was in his heyday, and he fought with the seedling knife that strengthened twice with his bare hands, and each impactor emitted a sound like gold and iron.

He estimated that even Qiu Shentong, who was seriously injured, had the strength to change blood at least eight times.

So how strong was he in his heyday?

Nine exchange transfusions?

Ten exchange transfusions?

Or eleven blood exchanges?

There is no doubt that Gu Zhou will definitely be vulnerable to him in his heyday.

The means are like eggs hitting stones.

Now in the face of him who is seriously injured, all means can only suppress him, and cannot take him down in a short time.

The blade broke through the air at a speed beyond its limit, bringing up a roaring sound of wind and thunder.

Under the shroud of sword light, what can be seen is wave after wave of training, seemingly endless, one knife is more dazzling, one knife is more dominant, and one knife is faster than another.

Under this fierce attack, the air seemed to be cut into countless pieces by hundreds of sword light.

Despair gradually enveloped Qiu Shen and his heart.

This time, he really felt like he was walking into the end times.

However, he was really unwilling!

Even if you can’t go back, as long as you can recover from your injuries.

In this world, he can reign supreme.

But why?

Will there be someone who is out of place in this world?

It turned out to be a martial artist who knows how to do Daoism!

As far as he knows, there is obviously no Taoism in this world!

I’m not willing!

If there is no Daoist interference!

I’m going to kill him easily!

Qiu Shentong’s eyes were bloodshot, sleeping like this, opening his mouth to roar, a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, and the wind carried by the sword light poured into his mouth.

I couldn’t say a word.


The last palm was printed on Gu Zhou’s chest, shattering two layers of Vajra talismans.

At the same time, Qiu Shentong’s legs were weak, and he was unable to kneel to the ground.

Hundreds of flesh and skin on Zhou’s body turned over, and blood sprayed from the bone wound deeply.


Gu Zhou took a long breath and collected the knife and stood up.

This battle was the most thrilling battle he had ever experienced.

A presence sufficient to counter the modern army, no matter how cautious it is, is not excessive, so from the very beginning, he used all his means.

Even in this state, Qiu Shentong still shattered his seven-layer Vajra Rune, if there were no Vajra Rune, Gu Zhou would probably not die, and he would seriously injure the Fa Wu Dual Cultivator!

That’s it!

Kneeling weakly, Qiu Shentong no longer had the strength to support his upper body, crawling limply on the ground, his body convulsing and spraying blood.

It is said that before death, people have in their minds what they have experienced in their lives.

The past flashed through my mind.

Finally, the scene where he sneaks the sunbow shooting at the Sky Temple.

If the results had been known earlier.

Will he steal the sunbow?

“I will…”

Qiu Shentong’s mouth squirmed, the three words were indistinct, and then boundless darkness surged in, completely drowning his will.

A powerful presence that has resisted the modern army, now like rags that have been cut hundreds of times, lying silent in this muddy jungle.

“Where did that bow go?”

Gu Zhou scanned Qiu Shentong’s corpse, did not find the shadow of the bow at all, only found a bag that was incompatible with him on his waist, took it off and put it away, and then looked at Tu Wudao, thinking about how to deal with him.

The incredible shock in Tu Wudao’s eyes spread out, and he spoke, “Are you trying to kill me or not?” ”

In his heart, the shock Gu Zhou gave him was no less than that of the Qiu Divine Power.

A person who was obviously born and raised on the earth, only in his twenties, his martial arts strength was not inferior to his own.

He is more than twice his age!

Not to mention.

He also possesses powers other than martial arts.

Is it a spell?

Is it a magical power?

Is it Taoism?

In order to explore the way forward, Tu Wudao has traveled almost all over the world, and legend has it that he has been to places with magical spells, even deep in the Amazon jungle.

But it’s time to prove that there is no such thing as a supernatural power.

Whether it is a Taoist priest, a monk, an ascetic, or a Zhuangjiao, they are all mortals.

God, Sanqing, Jade Emperor, Brahma, Vishnu all do not exist, they are all virtual.

“Do you think I’m going to kill you?”

Gu Zhou said lightly…

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