Chapter 202 The road ahead continues!!

“It’s better for you to kill me, it’s obvious that you’re more inclined to kill me.”

Tu Wudao was calm, as if death was no different to him than eating and drinking.

“Now all the major countries in the world are tracking him, and they all want to take him down and grasp the secrets of his body. And now, you killed him and took the bag around his waist…”

“At this moment, thousands of wise men have studied the video of Qiu Shentong countless times, and although they don’t know what that bag is, they must be able to deduce that it is very important, and there may be something secret of Qiu Shentong.”

“As long as the news comes that you are holding the bag of Qiu Shentong, you will never have peace.”

“To sum up, killing me and destroying the corpse is the best choice.”

“But before you kill me, can you let me die?”

Tu Wudao’s calmness surprised Gu Zhou, he had never seen someone who looked so lightly on life and death.

“Say it.”

“Presumably you know me, in this world, I have practiced my boxing techniques to the extreme, and my physical strength has reached the peak, even if Dharma Zhang Sanfeng is reborn, I have to fight a dozen to know who is more powerful.”

“I am not willing to be trapped in this realm, I want to explore the way forward and set foot on the road ahead.”

“But what’s the road ahead?”

“Of all the martial artists in the past 490 years, few have achieved my achievement, and those who have crossed me may not have one, almost equivalent to immortals and gods.”

“Almost all the people who have come to my step believe that the road ahead has been exhausted, the road of martial arts has also been exhausted, and people always have to die!” Human strength also has limits. Whether it is martial arts or immortals, they can only live forever, not eternally. Eternal life is to live longer, and eternal life is immortal. ”

Tu Wudao said methodically.

“Qiu Shentong told me a way forward, but it can’t go through on earth, can you tell me that your road ahead is ten.”

Gu Zhou was silent for a while: “I can only tell you that my road ahead, on the earth, can go through.” ”

If the spiritual energy of the plane of the Republic of China is ten, then the spiritual energy of the earth is only 1., which is so thin, and there is a dead end in the earth.

However, the blood exchange martial arts are different, and whether the aura is thin or not will not affect.

That’s why Gu Zhoucai said that his road ahead is to be able to go through on the ground.

Theoretically, with the talent of Tu Wudao, a demon and taking the road of blood exchange martial arts, nine out of ten can achieve martial saints.

“It’s a pity, I didn’t find it.”

In Tu Wudao’s eyes, all of them were a joy of hope.

It turns out that there is really a way forward on Earth!

But after that, it dimmed down, his pupils contracted, his breathing slow, his body sat down, and no one could feel his breath.

Gu Zhou will definitely kill him, and he doesn’t want to die in the hands of others.

“If you don’t have this desire to seek the way, I’m afraid you don’t have such strength, perhaps, the earth is too small to accommodate your ambition.”

Gu Zhou sighed softly, and his figure shook out of this jungle.

As Tu Wudao said, let people know that Qiu Shentong died in his hands, and he would never have peace.

The focus is on the secrets of Qiu Shentong.

Which country doesn’t want it?

Tu Wudao, Sanfeng Daoist and other existences can be regarded as a country’s mobile nuclear bomb, what if it has the strength of Qiu Shentong?

Beyond the Wudang mountains.

Dozens of armored vehicles have arrived, more than a dozen gunships are hovering above the sky, and various weapons and equipment have been brought in.

A colonel solemnly gave the order: “The three major special operations squads must not approach the target until the order is given.” ”

“The sniper on the plane, after discovering the target, pulls the distance to the maximum and waits until all parties are in place before shooting.”

“Five, hard work again, entangle the target.”

One order after another was given, and all the hundred miles were under Luo Ye’s net.

Half an hour later, a voice came from the colonel’s earphone: “Found the target!” The target is motionless. Wait a minute! The target seems to be dead! ”

“What? The target is dead? Seriously injured and killed? ”

The colonel’s eyes widened in vain, and he suddenly turned his head: “Give me the tablet!” ”

Take the tablet, which shows a real-time picture.

The perspective of the video is on a helicopter, about five kilometers from the target, and after zooming in, you can see a corpse kneeling on the ground on the muddy ground, and its long face is stored in muddy water.

Although I can’t see the face clearly, but in all aspects, that is, the target colonel can hardly hide the shock in his heart, such a powerful existence, actually died?

“That’s not right! The target is not to die from serious injuries! ”

The colonel did not think that such a powerful being would die in such a humiliating position, and from the last intelligence, he deduced that his injuries were not so severe that he could not control his body, so that he knelt on the ground and died with his face buried in muddy water.

According to normal rules, even if you know that you are seriously injured and will die, you will most likely choose to sit and die.

Who the hell would choose to crawl down on his knees and die?

“Approach the target cautiously and see if the deceased is really the target!”

The colonel gave the order.

The video footage began to approach Qiu Shentong, five kilometers away, and as the distance narrowed, the target never moved.

A kilometer away, a soldier left the helicopter along the rope and ran towards the target, while the helicopter stopped a kilometer away.

In this way, even if the target is deceived, the helicopter will have enough time to react.

A few minutes later, the soldiers came to the target and turned the body over.

“Sure enough, it’s the goal.”

The colonel also saw the real-time picture, looking at the corpse, he gasped: “Not to mention that his body is disemboweled and broken, and the broken internal organs, let’s say that the hundreds of deep bone wounds on his body are shocking enough.” ”

“It’s a knife wound!”

Because of his injuries, the Sanfeng Daoist did not enter the mountains and jungles, observed the picture in the video, was shocked, and gave a conclusion.

The colonel said in a deep voice: “That is to say, before we came, a man cut him hundreds of knives and hacked him to death. ”

“More than… You see, there are scorched marks all over his body, like… Lightning slashes… Hacked by lightning? ”

The Sanfeng Daoist pointed to a large area of charred skin of Qiu Shentong.

The colonel pondered for a moment: “Commander Sanfeng, do you say that there is a possibility that the target was really struck by heavenly thunder, so that it was seriously injured, and then killed by Tu Wudao.” ”

The two looked at each other, and this inference seemed to really have some truth…

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