Chapter 238 Taste the taste of a human stick!!

The terrifying fact made Toushan Man’s heart sink to eighteen layers of hell at once.

He didn’t understand why it had fallen to such a point, and most of the elites of the Black Dragon Society would die.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t understand why a core disciple of Maoshan who was only in his twenties had such a terrifying strength.

It simply turned all his perceptions upside down.

It is obviously the Hongmen banquet of the Black Dragon Society!

Why did it become the Black Dragon Society’s annihilation banquet?


In the field of vision, Gu Zhou’s figure suddenly disappeared, Toushan was full of body stiff, the piercing chill spread from his neck to his whole body, he slowly lowered his head, and saw a blood-stained knife on his neck, and blood dripped on his body, making his scalp numb and creepy.

His head was like a rusty machine, little by little, little by little ~ passed.

Behind him, Gu Zhou’s tall body looked down at him condescendingly, with an indifferent expression, and asked, “The dog of the Black Dragon Society, do you want me to talk about cooperation?” ”

At this time, Matsumoto Run, who was slashed by Gu Zhou, woke up from the coma, subconsciously turned over, but the pungent smell of blood permeated between his mouth and nose, his eyes swept and saw a familiar corpse and head, like a great enemy looking at Gu Zhou who put the knife on Toushan’s neck, the cold sweat on his forehead mixed with blood dripping, his throat seemed to be very choked by a big hand, and he couldn’t say a word.

Matsumoto Jun did not dare to move, his body trembled slightly, fear overshadowed the pain, how heavy was the knife just now?

He slashed down with all his strength, but it seemed to have slashed into a giant beast, and the giant beast raised its finger, and the countershock almost exceeded his ability to bear.

“This is God! This must be God’s power! Only God has this kind of strength! How could I be God’s opponent! I’m blaspheming the gods! ”

The fear in Matsumoto Run’s eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by reverence, admiration, and this emotion became more and more intense, he suddenly knelt down and made a five-body salute to Gu Zhou.

Gu Zhou didn’t know that because the gap in strength was too large, Matsumoto Jun brainwashed himself and regarded him as a god and became his disciple.

“Your Excellency’s strength is strong, but my Black Dragon Society is not worthy.”

Toushan Man’s voice was extremely difficult, and he did not dare to move a little, Gu Zhou’s murderous nature he had already seen, only a few minutes before and after, most of the elite of the Black Dragon Society died in his hands, and all of them were in different places.

“Would you like to taste a human stick?”

Although Gu Zhou asked in a tone of question, he did not ask Tou Shanman’s consent.


As soon as Toushan Man’s word was spoken, severe pain came from the broken limbs.

The arms and legs were separated from the body, and sticky blood sprayed out like rain.

After the severe pain, Toushan couldn’t believe it, and he turned into a human stick!

His favorite way of torture is to turn people into human sticks, and he turned into this picture.

Who is he!

He is the founder of the Black Dragon Society, the king of ronin, almost all the ronin forces across the country can mobilize and is the uncrowned king of Dongying, although he is not in politics, but he can have an impact on the political situation of Dongying, even the prime minister has to treat the entire Dongying with courtesy in the face of him, and he has 60,000 dead soldiers who are willing to go to the soup for him.

From a man from a shabby samurai family to a shogun of the Black Dragon Society, he has experienced so much in his life, and countless white bones have accumulated under his feet.

His reputation can make children cry.

But now, he has become a shameful human stick!


He roared, Gu Zhou kicked him away like a kicking ball, and the huge explosion sound and bone burst sounded at the same time, and the power of destroying and decaying made him fly out like a cannon.

Still in the air, he turned into a tattered doll, streaked a distance of more than twenty meters, accompanied by a blood line, and landed heavily on the ground.

As soon as he landed, Gu Zhou’s foot stepped on his head, possessed, and said with a sinister smile: “You cut off Liang Kuan’s limbs, and I cut off your limbs, it’s very reasonable, right?” ”

“Miscellaneous! Brute! Dog thief! ”

Being trampled very fiercely under his feet, falling into the humble dust, Toushan Man gave up all illusions, slept like a crack, his eyes were red and almost dripping blood, and his face was twisted like a demon crawling out of hell, and he roared with tears: “Mean species! Chi Na people! Kind of kill me! Kill me! ”

Gu Zhou’s head was crushed at his feet, and he smiled playfully: “Yo yo, is courage enough at this moment?” ”

Against the enemy, Gu Zhou was never polite.

He likes to threaten people, but he never likes to be threatened…

From the moment the Black Dragon Society kidnapped Cai Chun and Xiao Meifei, the Black Dragon Society became his mortal enemy.

“Huh? The fighting outside stopped? ”

Gu Zhou looked outside the cabin, and almost at the moment he started, another group of people broke into the Black Dragon.

It should not be called a gang.

Rather, a person.

Sure enough, a tall and majestic middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, deep and righteous, holding a copper stick more than two meters long and bloodstained pushed open the door and walked in, and the two looked at each other, both stunned.

Pulling away the corpse at his feet, Huang Feihong frowned: “What about the masters of the Black Dragon Society?” Are they all minions? Are the masters waiting inside for me to enter? ”

Behind him, hundreds of corpses lay in place.

However, his brows furrowed into ravines, and his heart became more and more solemn.

Without him.

It went smoothly beyond his expectations.

Buddhas are angry, and he is not a Buddha.

Hearing that Liang Kuan was captured by the Black Dragon Society, through the unspeakable things that the Black Dragon Society had done by his apprentice, he rarely moved his killing intent.

After infiltrating the Black Dragon Society, he went on a killing spree.

But when he killed all the people outside, none of the experts of the Black Dragon Society appeared.

Head mountain full.

Jun Matsumoto.

And so on masters.

None of them appeared.

He was ready to fight for his life.

But the truth made him feel very wrong.

Approaching the cabin door, Huang Feihong tightened the cooked copper stick in his hand and listened intently, only hearing heavy breathing.

Slowly pushing open the door, Huang Feihong’s eyes suddenly widened, and the samurai dojo was full of corpses just like outside.

The difference is that the scenes inside are more bloody and brutal.

Heads, corpses, broken knives, pools of blood…


There was also a big war.

The masters of the Black Dragon Society are all dead.

No wonder no one showed up.

Huang Feihong suddenly realized, his eyes moved, looked at Gu Zhou, stunned, the master of the Black Dragon Society was actually killed by such a young man?

Did he hallucinate Chuan?

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