Chapter 239 Divine War Ghost!!

Huang Feihong was discolored, his heart was cold, like a mountain of corpses, only one person was intact, his clothes were not stained with a drop of blood, looking at it from a distance, he lightly spit out two words: “Who is coming?” Get named! ”


Above the sea, the wolf rolls, and thunder flashes in the clouds.

The thunder exploded in his ears, and Huang Feihong suddenly woke up, unable to suppress the frightening waves in his heart.

This is the Black Dragon.

It was the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society in Huaxia that was actually killed by one person!

“Down, Huang Feihong.”

Huang Feihong couldn’t help but swallow his saliva and said solemnly.

“Your Excellency?”

Before coming, he had calculated all kinds of possibilities.

But he didn’t expect that someone would slaughter the master of the Black Dragon Society.

Such strength is simply terrifying.

He thought that he was also a master in the world, but when he faced such an existence, his heart was like being suppressed by a boulder.

“It turned out to be Master Huang Feihong, Jiu Yang. Under Gu Zhou. ”

The coldness in Gu Zhou’s eyebrows slowly disappeared, and his voice was calm: “Master Huang dares to sneak into the Black Dragon, and his courage is commendable.” ”

He dared to go it alone and was full of confidence.

Huang Feihong’s strength will not be much stronger than Nalan Yuanshu, but he dares to come to save Liang Kuan, not to mention whether he can save it, this courage is admirable.

There are no ravines in front of the tigers.

There are all obstacles in front of people.

The corner of Huang Feihong’s mouth twitched, how this sounded like what the elders said to the juniors.

“Huang’s apprentice Liang Kuan is deeply in a cage, even if there are all kinds of dangers, Huang will not sit idly by.”

Huang Feihong fixed his mind and spoke.

Gu Zhou was silent for a while, and then the wolf crushed the mountain: “Liang Kuan’s hatred, I avenge him.” ”

“Liang Kuan, he…”

Huang Feihong’s face changed drastically, and sadness suddenly overflowed from his eyes.

“He’s not dead, it’s just. Small. ”

Gu Zhou lowered his head and looked at Liang Kuan, who was still unconscious beside him.

Huang Feihong followed Gu Zhou’s gaze and looked over, his pupils shrank sharply.


He clenched his fists hard.

He naturally saw the two human sticks next to Gu Zhou, but he didn’t expect that one of them was apprentice Liang Kuan.

“Black! Dragon! Yes! ”

Huang Feihong gritted his teeth, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

“Master Huang, you are Liang Kuan’s master, how to deal with this culprit, whether to kill or scrape is up to you.”

Gu Zhou kicked his head all over the air like playing football.


Huang Feihong blocked the ball, and then stepped heavily on the ball and arched his hand at Gu Zhou: “Thank you!” ”


Saying that, he stomped on the head full of heads.

The leader of this extreme invading organization against China was overwhelmed with bamboo and evil, and Toushan, who had done many evils, received a box lunch.

“Liang Kuan, Master takes you home.”

Huang Feihong gently hugged his beam.

“Division… Division…… Father…… I…… Isn’t it…… Dreaming…”

Liang Kuan slowly opened his eyes, his tone aching and intermittent.

“Don’t worry, you’re not dreaming, Master came to save you, and Gu Zhou helped you take revenge.”

Huang Feihong took out a needle and pierced several acupuncture points in Liang, making him fall asleep.


With a deafening, breathtaking roar, everyone turned their eyes to the violently shaking coffin.

“What? What did the Black Dragon Society keep? ”

Gu Zhou frowned slightly.


The lid of the coffin exploded, and a figure jumped out, covered in armor blue, and every piece of scale armor was red and dripping blood, as if it was stained with countless blood and unjust souls, and it was fierce.

Its body was shrouded in black qi, tumbling and surging, like countless fierce spirits roaring fiercely.

“My God… This is the Shishen War Ghost of Toushan Man, but Matsumoto Run, who has not fully controlled the distance and was almost ignored by Gu Zhou, spoke. ”

The black mist spread in all directions, and the cold was piercing, pervasive, burrowing into the flesh and blood from the skin, and then into the internal organs, making the blood coagulate and the flesh and blood stiffened.

Huang Feihong, Cai Chun, and Xiao Meiyu only felt that there were 100,000 thousands of troops from the netherworld rushing up, brandishing blades to kill them.

“What the hell! Show me my true body! ”

Suddenly, a thunderbolt on a sunny day shouted angrily.

Cracking sound!

The lightning chain swept across the sky, instantly emptying everyone black.

The black mist dispersed, and everyone saw clearly what kind of thing jumped out of the coffin, an ancient skull, with a ghostly mask, a katana in his left hand, a halberd in his right hand, and his body was wrapped in a blood-red armor…

The armor was tattered, the cracks were like spider webs, bloodstained, and a trace of black mist was entangled, exuding a thick aura of resentment.

What is even more peculiar is that this person’s body is very burly, the skull appears very small, the arms are thick and thin, one muscle is knotted, and the other is as thin as a hemp pole.

Look at the legs again, one long and one short.

The head, body, arms, and legs of this thing are all from different places.


Putting Liang Kuan down, Huang Feihong was about to start with a copper stick.

The next moment, a very spicy knife light had flashed, tearing the air flow.


The war ghost was instantly divided into chaos, and in the blink of an eye, it became a pile of fragments.

Huang Feihong blinked his eyes and looked down at the copper stick in his hand, a little embarrassed.

I originally thought that I would experience another life-and-death struggle, but I knew that people would solve this monster lightly.

“Not dead yet?”

Gu Zhou chuckled, slightly surprised.

I saw that the scattered armor seemed to have life, and the black mist squirmed and combined.

In just half a minute, the war ghosts who were beheaded by Gu Zhou recovered.

Gu Zhou once again unloaded it in eight pieces and squatted down to observe how it was restored.

“My God, every part of the war ghost is a general from the battlefield of the Warring States War Death, who dies without blindness, with a strong grudge 5.6 and unyielding. Touyama Man spent more than ten years and stole hundreds of tombs to make this war ghost, as long as the grudge does not disappear, the war ghost cannot die, no matter how many times the eight pieces are unloaded, Matsumoto Jun explained with a humble expression. ”

As soon as his words fell, the parts of the war ghost that had been unloaded by Gu Zhou began to squirm again, pieced together, and the broken parts, Jia Qing recovered in a few seconds.

“If I change blood six times, it’s a bit tricky to encounter this thing, but with my current strength, this thing is no different from a toy in my hands.”

Gu Zhou figured out this thing, the war ghost is essentially the grievance, anger, unyielding and other crippled spiritual combination diagram of the person who died on the battlefield, there is no consciousness, only the killing instinct.

Jia Qing, body, head, limbs are just appearances…

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